Closure in Groups: Definition & Examples

In summary, closure in a group means that for all elements a and b in the group G, the operation a*b is well defined and the result belongs to the group G. This is often implied by the definition of the binary operation *: GxG→G. However, in some cases, such as when working with equivalence classes, it is important to show that the operation is well defined.
  • #1
Let G be a group and my book defines closure as: For all a,bε G the element a*b is a well defined element of G. Then G is called a group. When they say well defined element does that mean I have to show a*b is well defined and it is a element of the group? Or do I just show a*b is closed under *(the operation)?
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  • #2
I've always found the closure axiom a bit silly. It's implied if you just write [itex]*: G\times G\to G[/itex]. All it means is that, given [itex]a,b\in G[/itex], there's a thing named [itex]a*b[/itex], and that whatever this thing is, it belongs to [itex]G[/itex].
  • #3
Thanks. I saw that other abstract algebra books have it defined as how you said it. My book apparently has it defined a little differently.
  • #4
This will often depend on the context. * is by definition a binary function *:GxG→G, and a function is well-defined by definition.. I think the problem is best illustrated by examples:

Let G = {[x]: x is an integer not a multiple of 3}, where [x] = {integers y s.t. x~y}, where we write x~y if x and y leave the same remainder upon division by 3 (alternatively, x-y is divisible by 3). The elements of G are sets called equivalence classes of Z modulo 3, and we can easily verify that G={[1],[2]}. Now define a binary operation on G by [a]*=[ab]. At first glance it might not be obvious that * is well-defined since [a] and have many different representations, and [ab] might depend on which of these representations we choose. For example [2]=[5] and [1]=[31], so we better make sure that we get [2]*[1]=[5]*[31] with how we defined *! We can verify that [2]*[1]=[2]=[155]=[5]*[31], since 155 leaves remainder 2 upon division by 3. Indeed, we can prove that [a]*=[ab] gives the same element of G no matter how we choose to write [a] and , i.e. * is well defined!

Edit: G={[0],[1],[2]} is not a group ([0] is not invertible), edited so that G={[1],[2]}
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  • #5
Yes its just like showing a function is well defined. I wasn't sure if it just suffices to show that (G,*) is closed under the operation *.

FAQ: Closure in Groups: Definition & Examples

1. What is closure in groups?

Closure in groups refers to the property of a group where the result of combining any two elements in the group is also an element in the group. In other words, the group is closed under the operation.

2. Why is closure important in groups?

Closure is important in groups because it ensures that the group is well-defined and that the group operation is consistent. This property allows for the group to be studied and manipulated in a meaningful way.

3. How can closure be demonstrated in a group?

Closure in a group can be demonstrated by performing the group operation on any two elements in the group and showing that the result is also an element in the group. For example, in the group of integers under addition, adding any two integers will always result in another integer, demonstrating closure.

4. Are there any groups that do not have closure?

Yes, there are some structures that may resemble groups but do not have closure. For example, the set of even integers under addition does not have closure since adding two even integers may result in an odd integer, which is not an element in the set.

5. Can closure be applied to any type of operation?

Yes, closure can be applied to any type of binary operation, which is an operation that takes two elements and produces a single element. Examples of binary operations include addition, multiplication, and composition. However, groups must also satisfy other properties in addition to closure, such as associativity and identity, in order to be considered a true group.

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