Confusion on a simple integration

In summary, the conversation discussed the integral of dx/(x^2 + a^2) ^{1/2}, where a is a constant. If a = 0, the integral simplifies to log(x + x) = log(2x) or log(x - x) = log(0), depending on the value of x. However, the integral is only valid for a > 0 according to Wikipedia's list of integrals. It was also mentioned that log(2x) and log(x) differ only by a constant of integration.
  • #1
rude man
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TL;DR Summary
Confused on integrating ## \int dx/(x^2 + a^2)^(1/2)##
The tables and Wolfram Alpha say
## \int dx/(x^2 + a^2) ^{1/2} = log~ [( x^2 + a^2)^{1/2} + x] ##.

So if a=0 we get as answer
## log (x + x) = log( 2x) ## if ## (x^2)^{1/2} = x, or
## log (x - x) = log( 0) ## if ## (x^2)^{1/2} = -x

but surely ## \int dx/(x^2)^0.5 = \int dx/x = log x ## ?

Only 2 roots of ##x^2 ## right?
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  • #2
My list of integrals (Wikipedia) allows this formula only for ##a>0##.
  • #3
log(2x) = log(2) + log(x), so log(2x) and log(x) differ only by a constant of integration.
  • #4
phyzguy said:
log(2x) = log(2) + log(x), so log(2x) and log(x) differ only by a constant of integration.
Thank you a lot phyzguy! Could have driven me batty who knows for how long!

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