Integration Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. V

    A Particular Integrals of PDEs

    Can someone please explain the steps for the integrations in red circles on the attached page? This a page from Riley, Hobson, Bence - Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 2006 edition. Thank you.
  2. gleem

    I Another Integration Formula

    According to the author of this article, this integration formula is well-known but rarely taught. Do you know it? $$\int f(x)dx = xf(x)-\int_{x_{0}}^{f(x)}f^{-1}(t)dt $$ where x0 is a constant and f-1(x) is the inverse function of f(x).
  3. Manish_529

    Work done by gravity on a hanging chain?

    I tried taking an element of length dx and tried calculating the force of gravity acting on it so that I could just integrate over the whole chain, but I couldn't figure out what to do of that displacement part since the dx element is not moving as is just at rest (hanging). So, how should I...
  4. S

    Volume between a region (above x-axis and below parabola) and a surface

    Integration in the order of dy then dx: $$\int_{-1}^{1} \int_{0}^{1-x^2} x^2 \sqrt{1-y} ~dy~dx$$ $$=\int_{-1}^{1} -x^2 \left[\frac{2}{3} (1-y)^{\frac{3}{2}}\right]_{0}^{1-x^2}dx$$ $$=\int_{-1}^{1}\left(-\frac{2}{3}x^5 + \frac{2}{3} x^2\right)dx$$ $$=\left. -\frac{1}{9} x^6 + \frac{2}{9}...
  5. nomadreid

    Multivariable integration of a piecewise function

    The problem, neater: Attempt at a solution:
  6. L

    Multipole Expansion: Show that the quadrupole moment is symmetric and that the trace vanished

    Hi i have problems, to solve task a) Since I have to calculate the trace of the matrix ##Q##, I started as follows: $$\text{trace} (Q)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{3}\int_{}^{}d^3x'(3x_i^{'2}-r^{'2}) \rho(x')$$ I then calculated further until I got the following form: $$\text{trace}...
  7. L

    Thermodynamics: deriving expression for S = S(T, V, N) - constant problems

    I have an issue with (b). What I did was simply integrate ##dS##. It's a perfect gas, so, $$\left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial T}\right)_V=NC_V$$ and $$\left(\frac{\partial E}{\partial V}\right)_T=0$$ Next I used the relation that ##PV=NkT## to get ##\frac{P}{T}=\frac{Nk}{T}##, and after...
  8. chwala

    Solve the given problem involving integration

    This really cracked me up! Unless there is something i am not seeing! part (a) is straightforward, using quotient rule: ##\dfrac{dy}{dx} = \dfrac{x⋅\dfrac{1}{x}- \ln x}{x^2}=\dfrac{1-\ln x}{x^2}## From here i was able to see that, ##\int \dfrac{\ln x}{x^2} dx= \int \dfrac{1}{x^2}- \dfrac{\ln...
  9. N

    B Does U-Substitution Function as the Inverse of the Chain Rule?

    Can someone please give as simple an example as possible to show what U substitution is about? I know basic integration rules but don't understand the point of u-substitution. I've read that it's used to "undo the chain rule", but I don't see how, and don't see how we can spot when we'd need to...
  10. M

    I Question about this Integration by Substitution

    This is part of the working from f(3x^2-1)^2xdx; I don't understand from when 6x becomes 1/6
  11. S

    Finding limit using integration

    I want to ask why the answer is not zero. If n approaches infinity, it means each term will approach zero so why the answer is not zero? Thanks
  12. Andy Resnick

    B Optimizing Exposure Times: Balancing Efficiency and Image Quality

    I'm hoping there's a reasonable answer to this. To summarize, data I acquired when imaging a particular target shows that I can retain 75% of my images for stacking at 10s exposure times, but only 50% of the images taken with 15s exposures. The difference is entirely due to tracking error and...
  13. LightPhoton

    How to turn partition sum into an integral?

    In, *An Introduction to Thermal Physics, page 235*, Schroder wants to evaluate the partition function $$Z_{tot}=\sum_0^\infty (2j+1)e^{-j(j+1)\epsilon/kT}$$ in the limit that $kT\gg\epsilon$, thus he writes $$Z_{tot}\approx\int_0^\infty (2j+1)e^{-j(j+1)\epsilon/kT}\,dj$$ But how is this...
  14. R

    I Deriving e=mc^2, how is it possible?

    I was recently very surprised when I had a looked up relativistic kinetic energy. All sources gave the kinetic energy as the difference between total energy and rest energy, in some or other variant of the formula ##E_k=(\gamma−1)mc^2##. I didn't really understand at first. It seemed overly...
  15. T

    I Energy of moving Sine-Gordon breather

    Hello everyone, A few days ago I stumbled across the formula for the energy of a moving breather for the Sine-Gordon equation $$\Box^2 \phi = -Sin(\phi) $$ The energy in general is given by (c=1) $$ E = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac {1} {2} ((\frac {\partial \phi} {\partial x})^2+ (\frac...
  16. MatinSAR

    Can I Use Substitution to Prove the Residue Theorem Integral?

    Integral 7.2 is ok. I must employ the integration technique used in 7.2 to prove that integral equation 7.1 equals zero. For n<0 we have : $$\sum_{n=- \infty}^{-2} a_n \oint (z-z_0)^ndz$$For n>0 we have : $$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} a_n \oint (z-z_0)^ndz$$ According to Cauchy's Integral Theorem...
  17. L

    Double integration - switching limits

    I get that the bottom answer isn't a constant - but does this physically represent anything? When I set the two answers equal to each other, I get x = +- 1/sqrt(2) and I am wondering if this represents anything significant. I don't think (mathematically) there is anything wrong with the bottom...
  18. A

    Volume of Static Solid Using Cross-Sectional Area (Integration)

    Ok, so doing this one direction, with the range of x (0 to 2), I get the top minus the bottom equation of: ## y = 8 - x^3 ## Then, since it's squares, this would make it ##y^2##. So, integrating gives: ## \int_{0}^{2} (8-x^3)^2 = 82.3 ## That seems to be correct. However, I want to make...
  19. T

    Calculate the area of this pond with functions given for the perimeter

    So the solution is obviously given here, I'm just trying to understand it. I thought that integrating f(x) from -5 to 5 would give the area under the curve (including the areas below the "pond" at the edges of the image but above y=0. I don't really understand why we are subtracting the integral...
  20. K

    A Converting momentum sums to integrals in curved spacetime

    I am studying particle pair production using Parker and Toms book: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime. On page 48 they talk about converting the sum over momentum (k) into an integral. You assume boundary conditions so that k = 2*Pi*n/L, where n is an integer and L is the coordinate...
  21. MatinSAR

    Problem in integrating to find Rutherford's formula

    Could someone guide me on what change of variable was used to obtain equation 9.138 from equation 9.137? Book : Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems 5th Edition by Stephen T. Thornton (Author), Jerry B. Marion (Author) They told us to check equation 8.38 and in that page they had...
  22. chwala

    Integration problem using inscribed rectangles

    Just went through this...steps pretty clear. I refreshed on Riemann integrals { sum of rectangles approximate area under curves}. My question is on the highlighted part in Red. The approximation of area under curve may be smaller or larger than the actual value. Thus the inequality may be ##<##...
  23. Manish_529

    Change in the unit vectors

    i tried integrating the stuff but it didn't work what to do
  24. Z

    Partial fractions with complex linear terms

    I am interested specifically in solving this problem by factoring the quadratic term into complex linear factors. $$s^2+4=0$$ $$\implies s=\pm 2i$$ $$\frac{5s+6}{(s-2i)(s+2i)(s-2)}=\frac{A}{s-2i}+\frac{B}{s+2i}+\frac{C}{s-2}$$ We can solve for ##C## using the cover-up method with ##s=2## to...
  25. Z

    Determine limits of integration in double integral change of variables

    $$h(t)=f(t)*g(t)=\int_0^t f(\tau)g(t-\tau)d\tau=\int_0^t g(\tau)f(t-\tau)d\tau\tag{1}$$ The Laplace transform is $$H(s)=\int_0^\infty h(t)e^{-st}dt=\int_0^\infty\left ( \int_0^t g(\tau)f(t-\tau)d\tau\right )e^{-st}dt\tag{2}$$ The Laplace transforms of $f$ and $g$ are $$F(s)=\int_0^\infty...
  26. C

    B Question about the limits of integration in a change of variables

    Hello everyone, If I have an integral ##\int_0^r \sqrt{(r^2 - x^2)}dx## and I'm integrating across the first quadrant to get the area of the first quater of a circle. And I change variables with ##x = r\cos{\theta}## and ##dx = -{r}\sin{\theta}{d\theta}## And I form a new integral that's...
  27. F

    Is an API Always Necessary for Server-Client Communication?

    It is clear that a server and a client are programs communicative iwth each other using one or more protocols (HTTP, TCP, etc.) I conceptually understand what an API is: it is like an intermediary between two programs that makes integration easy. For example, we build app A and want to connect...
  28. Y

    Mathematica table integration error

    I am calculating the temperature distribution and utilizing the obtained results to calculate the current distribution. In order to do this , I employ a table in which I stock all the current distribution for each value of radius . Subsequently, I aim to identify the radius corresponding to a...
  29. M

    I Help please integrating this function over a rectangular area

    Hi I struggle with integration generally. Could you be able please to talk me through the stages of this one? thanks martyn
  30. A

    Integrate [cosec(30°+x)-cosec(60°+x)] dx in terms of tan x

    I proceeded as follows $$\int\frac{2(\sqrt3-1)(cosx-sinx)}{2(\sqrt3+2sin2x)}dx$$ $$\int\frac{(cos(\pi/6)-sin(\pi/6))(cosx-sinx)}{(sin(\pi/3)+sin2x)}dx$$ $$\frac{1}{2}\int\frac{cos(\pi/6-x)-sin(\pi/6+x)}{sin(\pi/6+x)cos(\pi/6-x)}dx$$ $$\frac{1}{2}\int cosec(\pi/6+x)-sec(\pi/6-x)dx$$ Which leads...
  31. J

    I Integration with different infinitesimal intervals

    Some sources state a similar format of the following $$\int_a^{a+da}f(x)dx=f(a)da$$ Which had me thinking whether the following integration can exist $$\int_a^{a+dx}f(x)dx=f(a)dx$$ I have difficulty grasping some aspects about these integrations 1. Regarding the 1st integration, shouldn't ##a##...
  32. chwala

    Integration of functions of form ##\dfrac{1}{ax+b}##

    This is a bit confusing...conflicting report from attached wolfram and symbolab. Which approach is correct?
  33. Delta2

    How Does Integration by Factors Relate to the Product Rule and FTC?

    I tried to prove this but I fall into a loop when I try to apply integration by factors, that is I prove that the integral is equal to itself. Any helpfull tips?
  34. tehsportsmaen

    I Two-Mass Oscillator: Plotting Amplitudes Over Frequency in Hertz

    Idea: Given a system of two coupled oscillators in which 2 masses are connected to a spring in the middle. Each of the two masses is coupled to another spring on the left and right, which have fixed ends but are not connected to each other. So we have 3 springs, two masses and the springs also...
  35. G

    Help me prove integral answer over infinitesimal interval

    In the book, I see the following: ##\int_{x_1}^{x_1 + \epsilon X_1} F(x, \hat y , \hat y') dx = \epsilon X_1 F(x, y, y')\Bigr|_{x_1} + O(\epsilon^2)##. My goal is to show why they are equal. Note that ##\hat y(x) = y(x) + \epsilon \eta(x)## and ##\hat y'(x) = y'(x) + \epsilon \eta'(x)## and...
  36. MatinSAR

    Force field in spherical polar coordinates

    Picture of question: Part (a) : ##\nabla \times \vec F = 0## so a Potensial exists. I don't have problem with this part. Part (b) : what I've done : First experssion is 0 because ##\theta = \dfrac {\pi} {2}##. I don't know how to integrate over ##\theta ## when it is a constant.
  37. G

    I Integrating 1/x with units (logarithm)

    Hi. What exactly is happening mathematically when you integrate ##\frac{1}{x}## $$\int_a ^b \frac{1}{x} dx=\ln{b}-\ln{a}=\ln{\frac{b}{a}}$$ if there's units? Sure, they cancel if you write the result as ##\ln{\frac{b}{a}}##, but the intermediate step is not well-defined, so why should log rules...
  38. S

    Limit and Integration of ##f_n (x)##

    My attempt: (a) I don't think I completely understand the question. By "evaluate ##\lim_{n\to \infty f_n (x)}##", does the question ask in numerical value or in terms of ##x##? As ##x## approaches 1 or -1, the value of ##f_n (x)## approaches zero. As ##x## approaches zero, the value of ##f_n...
  39. Hamiltonian

    Finding a conditional probability from joint p.d.f

    using the equation mentioned under Relevant Equations I can get, $$\mathbb{P}(2X > Y |1 < 4Z < 3) = \frac{\mathbb{P}(2X>Y, 1<4z<3)}{\mathbb{P}(1<4z<3)}$$ I can find the denominator by finding the marginal probability distribution, ##f_{Z}(z)## and then integrating that with bounds 0 to 1. But I...
  40. Z

    Solve ##\int\frac{e^{-x}}{x^2}dx## and ##\int \frac{e^{-x}}{x}dx##

    The characteristic equation has a zero discriminant and the sole root of ##-1##. The general solution to the associated homogeneous equation is thus $$y_h(x)=e^{-x}(c_1+c_2x)\tag{1}$$ Now we only need to find one particular solution of the non-homogeneous equation. The righthand side of the...
  41. I

    A Integration of trigonometric functions

    Was solving a problem in mathematics and came across the following integration. Unable to move further. Can somebody provide answer for the following ( a and b are constants ).
  42. Franyer

    I Integrate time dilation with derivative

    I need to integrate time dilation with derivative, how could I do that?
  43. P

    This integration appeared in the reconstruction of cross section

    I am reading the Horatiu Nastase's Introduction to quantum field theory ( ) ( Attached file ) or Peskin, Schroeder's quantum field theory book, p.105, (4.77). Through p.176 ~ p. 177 in the Nastase's Note, he...
  44. Valour549

    Two ways of integration giving different results

    I am trying to do the double integral. And I remembered there's this formula that says if the integrand can be split into products of F(x) and G(y) then we can do each one separately, then take the product of each result. Taken from Stewart's Calculus 9E. So I tried to do the integral two...
  45. E

    Work done for round trip when force is function of velocity

    I'd have no problem with this sort of problem if the force were a function of position. But here, I'm not sure where to go. Perhaps I'd start with an expression for the work done over an arbitrary distance if the force is given by ##g(v)##:$$W = \int_a^b g(v) \, dx$$ Not sure what to do next...
  46. azizlwl

    I'm getting the wrong answer for the Indefinite Integral of: (x^2+2x)/(x+1)^2

    ((x+1)^2 -1)/(x+1)^2 dx 1-1/(x+1)^2 dx Let u=x+1 1-1/u^2 du u+1/u +c (u^2+1)/u +c Not as answer given in the book.
  47. H

    Question re: Limits of Integration in Cylindrical Shell Equation

    I have managed to get the answer given by the textbook I'm referencing: 3π (∛4) (1 + 3∛3) However, this took multiple attempts, as I was initially trying to integrate within domain x = 0 - 2. This is the area for the bit that's above the x-axis (y=0 as specified). But the above answer is...
  48. chwala

    I Integration of ##e^{-x^2}## with respect to ##x##

    My first point of reference is: I have really taken time to understand how they arrived at ##dx dy=dA=r dθ dr## wow! I had earlier on gone round circles! ...i now get it that one is supposed to use partial...
  49. chwala

    Differentiate the given integral

    My take: $$\int_{x^2}^{2x} \sin t \, dt$$ using the fundamental theorem of calculus we shall have, $$\int_{x^2}^{2x} \sin t \, dt=-2x \sin x^2 +2 \sin 2x$$ I also wanted to check my answer, i did this by, $$\int [-2x \sin x^2 +2 \sin 2x] dx$$ for the integration of the first part i.e...