- #1
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Homework Statement
You got a plate hanging from a spring (hookes law: k) with a viscous force acting on it, -bv.
If we place a mass on the plate, gravity will cause it to oscillate.
Prove that if we want the plate to oscillate as little as possible (Crticial damping, no?), then $$b=2m \sqrt{(g/Δx)}$$
Homework Equations
$$F=ma $$
The Attempt at a Solution
I cannot for the life of me get the differential equation right. Given the conditions I assume they want me to find b for a critically damped system (also answer looks like so). This is my best try
$$ma=-bv +mg -kx$$
Since g is not accompanied by x, dx or d2x it will be part of the particular solution, not the homogenous. What am I missing here?