Debunking Gem Therapy: Is Frequency Healing Real?

  • Thread starter Cyrus80772
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In summary: That is a meaningless way of talking about vibrations. I can't make sense of it. In summary, the conversation discusses the claims of using specific frequencies to heal DNA and cure diseases, particularly through the use of gems. The validity of these claims is questioned and it is pointed out that there is no scientific evidence to support them. The conversation also touches on the use of frequency in making watches, but it is not clear what the person means by "blasting" the quartz with frequency. Finally, the person asks if there is a general frequency range for different gems and if the information about their vibrations is fake. It is concluded that without a clear understanding of what is meant by "vibrations", it is impossible to answer the questions
  • #1
It’s a fact that doctors use 528 hz to stimulate DNA to heal itself so I guess this could somewhat amount to a scientific background to this...

I know when they make watches they blast the quartz with frequency till they get it set to 32768hz for a quartz watch.

I have seen claims different gems can help cure disease allegedly because they are naturally vibrating on a certain frequency that is beneficial in the treatment of the disease on the cellular level.

I think this natural “vibration / frequency “ of the Gems can be debunked if I can get an answer to these two questions...

1. Is it true that rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at?

Like for example is there a scientific chart that will show something like : rubies are usually around 10000hz and emerald is usually around 30000hz and amethyst is usually around 15000 hz or something like that for example?

2. Is this all fake info and these gems don't have a general range that’s common among all gems of that type and rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have random vibrations all over the place anywhere from 1000hz to 50000hz?
Physics news on
  • #2
Cyrus80772 said:
It’s a fact that doctors use 528 hz to stimulate DNA...

No, this is not a fact. This is garbage "science" with no basis in reality.

The rest of your post just goes downhill from there and most of it was already answered in your other thread:
  • #3
It is true that there are certain charicteristic frequencies that different solids will absorb light at because they are associated with certain transitions in the material. This is why different gems appear with different colors.

However, the connection between that and some illness seems extremely tenuous. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "It’s a fact that doctors use 528 hz to stimulate DNA to heal itself". What exactly is possesing a frequency of 528 Hz? Is it sound, or electromagnetic radiation, or current, or what? Those would all be completely different and have completely different effects. You can't just "blast something with frequency". There has to be a definite thing that is repeating at x cycles per second to talk about a frequency of x Hz (or at least something that has units of inverse seconds).

In addition to the characteristic frequencies at which a solid will absorb light, there are also characteristic mechanical frequencies at which the object will vibrate most strongly in response to a signal of force at that frequency. In addition to being dependent on the material, it will also depend on the size and shape of the object. So it is not really a charcteristic frequency of the material, but of the object.

But all of these things will have almost no effect if you just put a gem next to you.
  • #4
Cyrus80772 said:
I know when they make watches they blast the quartz with frequency till they get it set to 32768hz for a quartz watch.

That's just word salad - those words mixed together may technically form a complete sentence, but do not form a coherent thought.
  • #5
Thanks for pointing out that it is not a fact that 528 hz helps DNA, can you site a link to your proof that the doctors claiming this are a fraud? ( I don't know who originally makes this claim about the 528 hz but it would be nice to see that its been genuinely debunked... )

Never the less if the 528 hz study is a fraud... THATS ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT TO MY TWO QUESTIONS!

AND if you LEARN to read you can look a little closer at my other post and you will see that nether one of the questions asked has been directly answered at all so your statement that

"it was already answered in your other thread:"


Can someone please answer my questions without side-stepping them…. !

Insults deleted by Ivan
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  • #6
Sorry Russ, about the word salad I totally agree with you. I don't know exactly how the watch makers apply the frequency to the quartz to get it to 32768 hz, or what kind of frequency they use if its sound or electromagnetic or whatever, the person that told me used the word "blast". Maybe you can tell me exactly what they meant when they told me,

"when they make watches they blast the quartz with frequency till they get it set to 32768hz for a quartz watch"
  • #7
Cyrus80772 said:
Thanks for pointing out that it is not a fact that 528 hz helps DNA, can you site a link to your proof that the doctors claiming this are a fraud? ( I don't know who originally makes this claim about the 528 hz but it would be nice to see that its been genuinely debunked... )

That isn't how it works. The original claim is what requires definitive evidence. We would need a papers published in appropriate journals. Since that claim sounds not only obscure, but silly, and since it is allegedly a scientific claim, we assume it to be false unless someone can provide credible evidence otherwise.

"it was already answered in your other thread:"


Can someone please answer my questions without side-stepping them…. !

Your question was answered by LeonEuler but apparently you just don't understand the answer. The next problem is that since you don't understand the related science, your question really didn't make sense.

1. Is it true that rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at?

What do you mean by vibrate? The problem is that you don't know. You just don't understand that you don't know.

Is this all fake info and these gems don't have a general range that’s common among all gems of that type and rubies, emeralds, and amethysts

Yes [To the best of my ability to understand your questions]

all have random vibrations all over the place anywhere from 1000hz to 50000hz?

They are not random. If we are talking about mechanical vibrations, the resonant frequencies are determined by shape, size, type of material, etc. If we mean electromagnetic frequencies, then we are talking about the color we see when we look at the gem, which again is determined by the characteristics [properties] of the material.
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  • #8
Cyrus80772 said:
1. Is it true that rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at?
Not really. If you're talking about the natural frequency of a material, including gems, it depends on not only the material itself (or rather the dispersion/ velocity of phonon vibration, sort of like the speed of sound in the crystal) but also the SIZE and SHAPE of the material itself. A cube of some material and a rhomboid of the same material will have different natural frequencies. As will another cube of the material slightly larger/smaller.
Basics of natural frequencies:
Quartz :

Cyrus80772 said:
2. Is this all fake info and these gems don't have a general range that’s common among all gems of that type and rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have random vibrations all over the place anywhere from 1000hz to 50000hz?

Exactly. Its all fake. Theres nothing "common" about the speed of sound in a crystal other than its all calculated by the same physics. Not only the atoms/molecules involved, but the lattice seperation/spacing and the organization method (FCC/BCC/HCP/etc). If two different crystals of the same size happen to have frequencies in a range it is merely because atom spacing in crystals are in the same range. You can actually do all of the calculations by hand, in not too long of time, in any basic Solid State Physics course.
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  • #9
This helps to explain how quartz crystal oscillators work

Modern quartz watches now use a low-frequency bar or tuning-fork-shaped crystal. Often, these crystals are made from thin sheets of quartz plated like an integrated circuit and etched chemically to shape. The major difference between good and indifferent time keeping is the initial frequency accuracy and the precision of the angle of cut of the quartz sheet with respect to the crystalline axis. The amount of contamination that is allowed to get through the encapsulation to the crystal surface inside the watch can also affect the accuracy.

The electronics of the watch initially amplifies noise at the crystal frequency. This builds or regenerates into oscillation -- it starts the crystal ringing. The output of the watch crystal oscillator is then converted to pulses suitable for the digital circuits. These divide the crystal's frequency down and then translate it into the proper format for the display. (See How Digital Clocks Work for a detailed discussion of dividers and display drivers.) Or, in a quartz watch with hands, the dividers create one-second pulses that drive a tiny electric motor, and this motor is connected to standard gears to drive the hands.

For more information, check out the links on the next page...
  • #10
Thanks for the response LeonhardEuler,
You say

"In addition to being dependent on the material, it will also depend on the size and shape of the object."

So I will rephrase my two unanswered questions...

1.Assumming that all gems mentioned in this question are of the exact
same size and shape... Is it true that these same shape and sized rubies, emeralds, and amethysts would all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at?

Like for example is there a scientific chart that will show something like : rubies of the same shape and size are usually around 10000hz and emeralds of the same shape and size are usually around 30000hz and amethysts of the same shape and size are usually around 15000 hz or something like that for example?

2.Assumming that all gems mentioned in this question are of the exact
same size and shape... Is it true that these same sized, same shaped gems would not have a general range that’s common among all gems of their type and rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have random vibrations all over the place anywhere from 1000hz to 50000hz?
  • #11
Thanks Ivan

You say

“What do you mean by vibrate? The problem is that you don't know. You just don't understand that you don't know. “

In reference to my question #1.

( Is it true that rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at? )

Your right I don't know what I mean exactly by “ vibrate “ in this question, that’s all the pseudoscience websites say…

Let me ask you this…
What all can I mean by vibrate in this question? I assume that all vibrations can be expressed in frequency but I guess I don't know what kind of frequency I am talking about…

How many different kinds of frequencies can I be asking about here? I thought that basically when I ask what frequency is this ruby vibrating at I am ether asking what kind of “sound” frequency is coming off it , or what kind of frequency are its “atoms” vibrating at? Is there some other frequency I could be asking about like what kind of “electromagnetic frequency” is coming off it? Or what kind of frequency of “light” is bouncing off it?

Please go easy on me I don't take this in school and I never will I am just a construction worker but remember, Albert Einstein even said, “If you can't explain it to a bar maid you don't really know what your talking about.”
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  • #12
Cyrus80772 said:
Thanks for the response LeonhardEuler,
You say

"In addition to being dependent on the material, it will also depend on the size and shape of the object."

So I will rephrase my two unanswered questions...

1.Assumming that all gems mentioned in this question are of the exact
same size and shape... Is it true that these same shape and sized rubies, emeralds, and amethysts would all have a general frequency range that they vibrate at?

Like for example is there a scientific chart that will show something like : rubies of the same shape and size are usually around 10000hz and emeralds of the same shape and size are usually around 30000hz and amethysts of the same shape and size are usually around 15000 hz or something like that for example?

2.Assumming that all gems mentioned in this question are of the exact
same size and shape... Is it true that these same sized, same shaped gems would not have a general range that’s common among all gems of their type and rubies, emeralds, and amethysts all have random vibrations all over the place anywhere from 1000hz to 50000hz?

No, they will not really vibrate at their resonant frequencies unless driven. There may be extremely tiny mechanical vibrations normally present due to ambient sound, but the effect would be negligibly small. If you wanted to vibrate a person's skin at a certain frequency it would be much more efficient to just play a tone of that frequency on a speaker. I can't imagine any beneficial effect of this on most diseases. There are, of course, kidney stones which can be broken up by sound waves, but most diseases are not so simple. There is no reason to expect exposure to a certain sound to cure, say, cancer.
  • #13
A most naieve model would employ a simple fundamental frequency :
f=\frac{v}{4 L}

and a dispersion relation (Speed of sound):

Where Ey is youngs modulus of the material and rho is the density.
I get for some random things like ruby and zirconia, at say an inch cube sample:

Ruby : 102876. _Hz
Zirconia : 58066. _Hz

bascially find out the young's modulus and the average density of the material and with a "size", one side of a cube, can give you A vibrational mode. It is only ONE.

If you can get all of the data, you can calculate it by hand.
  • #14
And you should also understand that even given the above, a crystal won't just sit there and vibrate indefinitely at its mechanical resonance--it requires input to do so.
  • #15
So, what instrument would you connect to one of these magical crystals to test your hypothesis? And what result would you expect? And what equation do you propose to explain the results?
  • #17
Hi thanks for the link


FAQ: Debunking Gem Therapy: Is Frequency Healing Real?

1. What is gem therapy and frequency healing?

Gem therapy, also known as crystal healing, is a form of alternative medicine that uses gemstones or crystals to promote physical and emotional healing. Frequency healing, on the other hand, is based on the belief that everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency and by using certain frequencies, one can heal physical and emotional ailments.

2. Is there scientific evidence to support gem therapy and frequency healing?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of gem therapy and frequency healing. Many studies have been conducted on the use of gemstones and crystals for healing, but none have been able to provide definitive proof of their efficacy.

3. Can gem therapy and frequency healing have harmful side effects?

Since there is no scientific evidence to support gem therapy and frequency healing, it is difficult to determine any potential side effects. However, it is important to note that some gemstones and crystals can be toxic if ingested and may cause skin irritation if used for prolonged periods of time.

4. Why do some people believe in gem therapy and frequency healing?

Many people believe in gem therapy and frequency healing because of anecdotal evidence and personal experiences. They may have had positive results from using these methods and therefore believe in their effectiveness. Additionally, the belief in the power of natural remedies and alternative medicine is deeply ingrained in some cultures and belief systems.

5. What is the harm in believing in gem therapy and frequency healing?

While there may not be any direct harm in believing in gem therapy and frequency healing, it is important to remember that these methods have not been scientifically proven to be effective. Relying solely on these methods for treating serious medical conditions can be dangerous as it may delay or prevent individuals from seeking proper medical treatment. It is always important to consult with a qualified medical professional for any health concerns.

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