- #1
Leo Liu
- 353
- 156
Potential energy is generally a function of position vector ##\vec r## and it is defined as ##\int_i^f \vec F(\vec r)d\vec r=-U(\vec r) \bigg| _{i}^{f}=U(\vec r_i)-U(\vec r_f)##, where the force is conservative. Using the fact that the integral of force is also the definition of work, I obtain: $$K_f-K_i=U_i-U_f\implies K_i+U_i=K_f+U_f\equiv E_{mech}$$
What I would like to know are the reasons to introduce potential energy if work-energy theorem is sufficient for solving many problems. Any input will be appreciated!
What I would like to know are the reasons to introduce potential energy if work-energy theorem is sufficient for solving many problems. Any input will be appreciated!