Devil's Advocate: Proving the Unarguable

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In summary: Nature vs. Nurture.Nature vs. Nurture is a debate that has been going on for centuries. On one side is nature, which is seen as being the force that shapes people and determines their personalities. On the other side is nurture, which is seen as the force that shapes people and determines their personalities through their environment.There is no clear answer, as both sides have some valid points. For example, it is natural for children to be influenced by their environment - this is why parents have a significant impact on their children's development. On the other hand, parents do not have a significant impact on the development of adults, as adults are largely shaped by their own personalities.Ultimately,
  • #71
"Next Statement to Defend: If two persons perception of reality agree perfectly, at least one of the individuals does not exist."

by the definition of individuality as existing within the mind, this statement is true.

"We need to drain the oceans"

Yep. It's about time isn't it. Imagine the benefits to mankind. I propose drilling deep holes in the beds of each of the worlds oceans. The crust is thinner there and we can get down to the liquid magma more easily. When cold ocean water hits the magma - POW! Lots of free energy in the form of steam! It will take probably centuries for the oceans to drain completely, and by then, we'll have figured out some other way to make free power. Bech-Tel will of course contract to the government for the job. The excess steam will encourage plant growth, and pleasantly heat the Earth's climate like in a hot-tub or spa.



Christianity is the only valid religion, because no other religion can exist within the framework of Christianity.
Physics news on
  • #72
Originally posted by schwarzchildradius


Christianity is the only valid religion, because no other religion can exist within the framework of Christianity.

Well, it is obvious that no other religion can exist within the realm of Christianity, because the Bible itself says that there is "one way, one truth, and one baptism". Thus, Christianity doesn't allow for sects/factions/divisions/etc.

The reason this makes it the only valid religion is obvious whenever you speak to a true Christian: Creation (and prophecy) prove God's existence, God is described (and His will is made apparent) in the Bible, true Christians follow the Bible. If it is God's will that all people follow the Bible, then the only valid religion is Christianity.

Next Topic To Defend:

Humans really are a Blank Slate, when they are born, and society molds them into what they will be. (Basically I'm asking you to defend Nurture over Nature.)
  • #73
Humans really are a Blank Slate, when they are born, and society molds them into what they will be. (Basically I'm asking you to defend Nurture over Nature.)

If you have ever looked at newborn babies you can see that they all behave in the same limited way; all they know how to do is suck. Psychologists have shown that the baby's brain is adding neurons during the first months of life. And since that process is going on while the baby is externally affected by parenting, household environment, etc., it is NURTURE that forms the toddler's brain. Scientist who hold the despised nature over NURTURE fantasy only claim to have found differences in two year old toddlers and loudly proclaim that that proves genetic slavery! But sovereign NURTURE has been forming thost kids' brains for two whole years!

Next up. The 9-11 attacks and Kennedy's assasination are the works of the same secret conspiricy.
  • #74
Originally posted by selfAdjoint

Next up. The 9-11 attacks and Kennedy's assasination are the works of the same secret conspiricy. [/B]

If you consider over active testosterone succretion and a tad bit of daftness to be a "secret conspiracy", then that explains your premise for you.

Next up:

The universe is melted butter that is in the process of congealing on a very big giant's plate.

"Lies don't change the truth".
Ohmi Gawdi
  • #75
The universe is melted butter that is in the process of congealing on a very big giant's plate.
This of course would explain everything. The Big Bang was preceded by several hours of heavy drinking and marijuana smoking. After copulation came the late-night munchies. Everything is alive; size can be infinitely large and infinitely small. We are such tiny little things compared to the giant that what we see as stars are reflections of discotheque lights in the butter. As the giant feeds his appetite our universe will be destroyed before it completely congeals, but not to worry because after a few hours it will travel through the bowels and pass out on the ‘other side’ and the circle of life will continue…

Defend; 17-inch long curling fingers are even more useful than they are beautiful.

You might want to check out the world record holder first, haha;
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  • #76
this can easily be used for climbing and better food gatheing alogn with an excalent attacking skill i see no reason why natural selection wouldent' choose these fingures. Think about a world where your really mad eveyrone on the streen knows when your giant finger casts a shadow as you flip that basta the bird. You could prably walk on them as well and scatching is easly perfromed

Ok now the hardest one of all. ussing the search option look for my name read soem of my crap and try to find one competent thing i siad or try to find a good reason i should not be kicked from every forum site on the internet
  • #77
Originally posted by The Grimmus
this can easily be used for climbing and better food gatheing alogn with an excalent attacking skill i see no reason why natural selection wouldent' choose these fingures. Think about a world where your really mad eveyrone on the streen knows when your giant finger casts a shadow as you flip that basta the bird. You could prably walk on them as well and scatching is easly perfromed

Ok now the hardest one of all. ussing the search option look for my name read soem of my crap and try to find one competent thing i siad or try to find a good reason i should not be kicked from every forum site on the internet

Well, you almost ended the thread because of this seemingly impossible request :wink:. However, I've found a gem of true wisdom, that cannot be ignored, posted by The Grimmus (in response to, "what do you do if you can only see behind you?"):

grow my hair like a reverse mullet wear my shirt backwoards and start messing with people ... as for sitting...i gusse i couldent get around sitting backwards. Or i could just wear optical lenses that transmit from 2 camreas wher my eyes should noramly be.

I'll be back with the next point to defend tomorrow, I have to go now.
  • #78
Originally posted by Mentat
Well, you almost ended the thread because of this seemingly impossible request :wink:.
ha haha ha awwww

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