Discuss the World Cup 2010: England vs. USA

  • #421
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #422
Spain wins 1-0
  • #423
hurrra.. Spain, let's go to win the FINALS :)

amazingly, this is one of the few times that two football teams that never have won the World Cup will have a final match
  • #424
I'm sure it will be a beautiful game :cry:
  • #425
Results for July 6th & 7th :

Germany-Spain (0-1)

Using the scoring system described in zomg's post (#338) above:

Scoring Table
Member       July 6+7 Score       Cumulative Score
Monique           1+1                   36
D H               1+0                   35
Bob               1+0                   31
zomgwtf           1+0                   31
cristo            o+o                   28
Dadface           1+1                   25
Borg              1+0                   17

Please make sure scores are accurate.

Previous scores: [post]2788625[/post]

Predictions with post times in CDT. Per post #24, entries must have CDT date of day before game day or earlier.

zomgwtf, [post=2786434]Jul3-10[/post]
Uruguay - Netherlands (0-2)
Germany - Spain (2-1)

1+0 points

BobG, [post=2786690]Jul4-10[/post]
Uruguay - Netherlands (1-3)
Germany - Spain (2-0)

1+0 points

Monique, [post=2788515]Jul5-10[/post]
Uruguay - Netherlands (1 - 2)
Germany - Spain (1 - 2)

1+1 points

D H, [post=2788538]Jul5-10[/post]
Uruguay - Netherlands (0 - 1)
Germany - Spain (2 - 0)

1+0 points

Dadface, [post=2788618]Jul5-10[/post]

1+1 points

Borg, [post=2789175]Jul6-10[/post] (late, but what the heck, it was 9 hrs before game start)
Uruguay - Netherlands (1 - 2)
Germany - Spain (2 - 1)

1+0 points
Do try to be on time for the 3rd place and final game, Borg.
  • #426
D H said:
Borg, [post=2789175]Jul6-10[/post] (late, but what the heck, it was 9 hrs before game start)
Uruguay - Netherlands (1 - 2)
Germany - Spain (2 - 1)

1+0 points
Do try to be on time for the 3rd place and final game, Borg.

Thanks, DH! I don't think that you or Monique are in any danger from me. :smile:

Uruguay - Germany (3 - 1)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 2)

I might have to revise the Germany game if http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Octopus" says otherwise but, I will try to get the change in before the deadline. :wink:
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  • #427
Uruguay - Germany (0 - 3)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 0)
  • #428
Uruguay - Germany (1 - 0)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 2)
  • #429
Uruguay- Germany(1,3)
  • #430
Uruguay- Germany(1,2)
  • #431
Cyclovenom said:

To bad they didn't. They didn't "dance with who brung 'em". What brought Germany so far was playing the beautiful game. Brazil didn't play it. Uruguay did at times, but that hand ball completely soured by view of Uruguay. Argentina tried to play the beautiful game, but did so haphazardly and without organization. Prior the Germany-Spain, Germany was playing the beautiful game. They played an organized yet still free-flowing game. They were fun to watch. That last game was not the beautiful game. Germany instead played an old-style Germanic overly-methodical, overly-cautious, overly-brutish, and tediously boring game, and this time that style played right into Spain's hands.
  • #432
Go Spain! I am actually English but I am on holiday in spain right now, i was watching Spain vs Germany in a pub down the road with loads of excited Spanish people with those bloody Vuvuzela's when they won. Everyone just randomly jumped into the guy who lives next doors pool :-p
  • #433
Borg said:
Uruguay - Germany (3 - 1)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 2)

I might have to revise the Germany game if http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Octopus" says otherwise but, I will try to get the change in before the deadline. :wink:

Uh oh. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100709/ap_on_fe_st/eu_germany_octopus_oracle_world_cup" to win.

What the heck - new scores:

Uruguay - Germany (1 - 3)
Spain - Netherlands (2 - 1)
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  • #434
lol Borg.
  • #435
zomgwtf said:
lol Borg.
I didn't realize that I had picked Uruguay to win that match. I had meant to pick Germany so I'm really only changing one score. :wink:
  • #436
Almost late again!

Uruguay - Germany (1 - 2)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 0)
  • #437
Borg said:
Uh oh. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100709/ap_on_fe_st/eu_germany_octopus_oracle_world_cup" to win.

What the heck - new scores:

Uruguay - Germany (1 - 3)
Spain - Netherlands (2 - 1)

Germany 3 - Uruguay 2.
Thanks, Paul! :smile:
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  • #438
Two words: Ugly game.
  • #439
Two words: F*ck Paul.
  • #440
1st DH
2nd Monique
3rd Bob
4th zomwtf
5th cristo
6th Dadface
7th Borg
  • #441
Ole Ole Ole!, Viva España!
  • #442
That's it? No tears? No cheers? No applause for Paul?
  • #443
Yey! Vamos Alonso! :biggrin:
  • #444
Final results:

Uruguay - Germany (2-3)
Spain - Netherlands (1-0)

Using the scoring system described in zomg's post (#338) above:

Scoring Table
Member       July 10+11 Score     Cumulative Score
D H               1+2                   38
Monique           0+0                   36
Bob               1+2                   34
zomgwtf           1+1                   33
cristo            o+o                   28
Dadface           1+0                   26
Borg              1+1                   19

Please make sure scores are accurate.

Previous scores: [post]2791684[/post]

Predictions with post times in CDT. Per post #24, entries must have CDT date of day before game day or earlier. All posts were on-time.

BobG, [post]2791855[/post]
Uruguay - Germany (0 - 3)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 0)

1 + 2 points

Monique, [post]2791861[/post]
Uruguay - Germany (1 - 0)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 2)

0+0 points

Dadface, [post]2791867[/post]
Uruguay- Germany(1,3)

1+0 points

zomgwtf, [post]2791989[/post]
Uruguay- Germany(1,2)

1+1 points

Borg, [post]2793681[/post] (Paul update)
Uruguay - Germany (1 - 3)
Spain - Netherlands (2 - 1)

1+1 points

D H, [post]2794369[/post] Almost late again!
Uruguay - Germany (1 - 2)
Spain - Netherlands (1 - 0)

1+2 points
  • #445
Good stuff D H and good for Goku taking the initiative, I don't erally follow soccer much but this was interesting :-p.

++Damn you Bob for taking away my tied 3rd position!
  • #446
Well, maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get to watch the game :-p So what happened, did they make a goal in the last second or was it a penalty shoot out?

Oh wait, DH mentioned it was 1-0, so it must've been in the last few seconds? All I remember was the sterwardess came out and told the few dutchies that there were only 2 minutes playtime left and not long after that Spain was World Champion..
  • #447
Monique said:
Well, maybe it was a good thing that I didn't get to watch the game :-p So what happened, did they make a goal in the last second or was it a penalty shoot out?

They scored in, I think, the 28th minute of extra time. The second half and extra time were quite exciting. The first half was a bit ridiculous: Holland could easily have been down to 10 or even 9 men by half time! In all, I think Spain deserved to win.
  • #448
cristo said:
They scored in, I think, the 28th minute of extra time. The second half and extra time were quite exciting. The first half was a bit ridiculous: Holland could easily have been down to 10 or even 9 men by half time! In all, I think Spain deserved to win.

Netherlands played like they felt Spain was the better team.

I think Netherlands could have easily finished with 9 men. There was a point where the referee seemed afraid to give out any more cautions because so many players already had one. He started giving lectures instead of cards. On the other hand, the play cleaned up a little after Heitinga got his second, so maybe it would have just opened up the game sooner.

14 cards was more than double the previous record for a WC final game.
  • #449
The Netherlands never pressed or hurried Spain. Spain harried their players all the way, the same as they did to Germany. They always looked the more likely even though the Netherlands had a couple of good chances on the counter.
  • #450
OOO I just saw this topic! What a world cup. The US topped their first group since 1930! Two teams who have never won the world cup were in the final! Spain did deserve this world cup though. They depleted each team they played, be it Germany or Netherlands. They played incredible defense, and when they saw their opportunity they attacked.

It was an awesome world cup to watch. I am sorry I just noticed this topic! :P
  • #451
The games actually influenced the US this time. I don't recall this ever happening before. Geico has even sought to capitalize on this fact.

  • #452
That's a bold commercial. I imagine they get a lot of hate mail to the effect of "chess is not a sport!"