Dyson's series and the time derivative

In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion surrounding how to evaluate the expression $$\partial_t \mathcal{T}\exp\left(-i S(t)\right)\quad \text{where}\quad S(t)\equiv\int_{t_0}^tdu \,H(u).$$ The speaker is having trouble understanding the relationship between time-derivative and time-ordering in the expression. They propose a lemma to help understand this relationship, but it may not be applicable to the current exercise. The conversation also discusses the formal definition of the time evolution operator and its relationship to the Dyson series.
  • #1
Markus Kahn
Homework Statement
First define $$U(t):=\mathcal{T} \exp\left(-i\int_{t_0}^t du\, H(u)\right),$$
where ##\mathcal{T}## is the time-ordering operator. Show that it satisfies the differential equation
$$i\partial_t U(t)= H(t)U(t)\quad U(t_0)=1.$$
Relevant Equations
Given above.
I'm having a hard time understanding how exactly to evaluate the expression}
$$\partial_t \mathcal{T}\exp\left(-i S(t)\right)\quad \text{where}\quad S(t)\equiv\int_{t_0}^tdu \,H(u) .$$
The confusing part for me is that if we can consider the following:
$$\partial_t \mathcal{T}\exp\left(-i S(t)\right) = \partial_t \mathcal{T}\left[ \sum_k \frac{(-i)^k}{k!}S^k(t)\right] =\partial_t \sum_k \frac{(-i)^k}{k!} \mathcal{T}\left[S^k(t)\right],$$
but since all the ##S(t)## are happening at the same time, the time ordering isn't doing anything, which seems quite wrong (in that case we wouldn't need it in the first place...). So where am I going wrong here?P.S. Since I had trouble understanding how exactly the time-ordering and the time-derivative influence each other I played around a bit and ended up proving the following:
Let ##A(t)## and ##B(u)## be two, non-commuting Operators, than we have
$$\partial_t \mathcal{T}(A(t)B(u)) = \mathcal{T}(\partial_t A(t) B(u)) + \delta(t-u)[A(t),B(u)].$$
Not sure if it is useful for the exercise at hand.
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  • #2
The definition you've given is missinterpreted. The exponential form of the time evolution operator is just formal, the definition is the Dyson series, where the product of interaction Hamiltonians is defined at different times, not at the same time. So the definition you started from is the final formal form of the Dyson's formula.
Expanding that you find:

$$\mathcal{T}\exp{\left(-i\int_{t_0}^t duH(u)\right)} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{(-i)^k}{k!}\int_{t_0}^t dt_1\dots dt_n \mathcal{T}\{H(t_1)\dots H(t_n)\}$$

So time ordering here is ordering the interaction Hamiltonians with their own times of interaction inside, integration variable can't be ##t## which you get in the final dependence when the integral is calculated, when you integrate something(definitely) the final function depends on the parameter/variable that's left, not on the integration variable.

Since you're going backwards from the formal exponent to the differential equation that is usually used as the beginning of the approach, it will be useful for you to show:
$$\int_{t_0}^t dt_1 \int_{t_0}^{t_1}dt_2 \dots \int_{t_0}^{t_{n-1}}dt_{n}H(t_1)\dots H(t_n)= \frac{1}{n!} \int_{t_0}^t dt_1dt_2\dots dt_n \mathcal{T}\{H(t_1)...H(t_n)\}$$

From that point, it should be straightforward to derive the differential equation you're looking for.
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Likes Abhishek11235

FAQ: Dyson's series and the time derivative

1. What is Dyson's series?

Dyson's series, also known as the Dyson expansion, is a mathematical tool used to approximate the solution to a differential equation. It is named after the physicist Freeman Dyson, who first described it in the 1940s.

2. How is Dyson's series used in physics?

Dyson's series is used in physics to solve problems that involve time-dependent phenomena, such as particle interactions and quantum mechanical systems. It allows for the calculation of an exact solution to a differential equation by breaking it down into a series of simpler equations.

3. What is the time derivative in Dyson's series?

The time derivative in Dyson's series refers to the rate of change of a function with respect to time. It is often denoted by the symbol ∇ and is a fundamental concept in calculus and physics.

4. Can Dyson's series be used for any type of differential equation?

No, Dyson's series is most commonly used for linear differential equations, which are equations that involve only first-order derivatives and can be written in a specific form. It is not applicable to all types of differential equations.

5. How accurate is Dyson's series approximation?

The accuracy of Dyson's series approximation depends on the number of terms included in the series. The more terms that are included, the closer the approximation will be to the exact solution. However, including too many terms can lead to computational errors, so the desired level of accuracy must be balanced with practical limitations.
