Is it better to get your ear pierced with a needle or a gun?

  • Thread starter zomgwtf
  • Start date
In summary, the person is considering getting their ears pierced again, but they're considering getting them done by a different method this time. They heard that the gun-piercing method is not as good as the needle-piercing method, and they might be more prone to infection.
  • #1
Well, I've been wanting to get my ear pierced for sometime now. I had it pierced when i was younger but it got ripped out playing football :cry:. When I get it done before it was done by a piercing gun and I just had to keep it clean and not irritate it... they pierced it with a stud.

Now that I'm thinking about getting it done again I've been looking it up where I should go and a lot of people say not to get it done by a piercing gun... the thing is though that it's a lot more expensive to get it done by a piercing needle, and it doesn't look to me to be ALL that much more different.

Any experience with you guys?

Oh and if it makes any difference I am a male :-p
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  • #2
Be a man and do it yourself with a needle you find behind some dumpsters.

It doesn't matter. It's a such a brainless 5 second job. Stop thinking and just do it :)
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
Be a man and do it yourself with a needle you find behind some dumpsters.

It doesn't matter. It's a such a brainless 5 second job. Stop thinking and just do it :)

My daughter had her ears done with a gun at a mall shop and it was fine. When she had her belly button pierced, we went to a specialty piercing shop that had really stringent policies on cleanliness and were very experienced. Although the people looked scary, they were very careful.

If you are afraid you might have special needs due to a ripped piercing, a doctor should be able to do it. My family doctor pierced my ears.
  • #4
I have no idea what a "piercing needle" is, unless you mean do-it-yourself at home. To which I say, bad idea.

I had mine done in a mall with a piercing gun. It's over in a flash, no big deal, and they have to maintain clean, hygienic conditions in order to have insurance, and they can't operate without insurance. So. They do a good job and the most pain of it is sting from the alcohol. It's not expensive either. More expensive than do-it-yourself, mind, but it can't be any more than $20, is it?

Anyway, I'd recommend that as the way to go. And if anything does go wrong, you've got recourse.
  • #5
Our 3 girls had theirs done this past week - only 2 are happy.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
Be a man and do it yourself with a needle you find behind some dumpsters.

It doesn't matter. It's a such a brainless 5 second job. Stop thinking and just do it :)

Do they do your nails at the same time you are getting your ears pierced? I suppose they talk about the latest gossip too!

The word "man" "pierce" and "ear" do not belong in the same sentence unless it is in the sentence "i pierced a mans brain with a spike through the ear"
  • #7
GeorginaS said:
I have no idea what a "piercing needle" is, unless you mean do-it-yourself at home. To which I say, bad idea.

Specialty piercing shops usually use a regular needle instead of a gun. The piercer I saw used a clamp, very much like a small set of tongs with a hole in it, to take hold of the fleshy bit of your choice and the put the needle through. The only real advantage I could imagine here is that you might get more exacting placement of the piercing in the event that you intend to get multiple in and around the same location.

So, zomgwtf, if you intend to get multiple piercings, low gauge jewelry, or stretchers then go to a piercing shop. Otherwise I see no reason why the gun won't work just as well.
  • #8
MotoH said:
The word "man" "pierce" and "ear" do not belong in the same sentence unless it is in the sentence "i pierced a mans brain with a spike through the ear"

I just like plain ears whether man/woman.
  • #9
I'm not afraid of actually getting my ears pierced, and I was thinking about doing it myself Greg I was actually going to get my buddy to do it tonight but we were in a pool hall so the opportunity to do it never came up.

What I've been hearing though is about how the piercing gun people don't have really any training and the piercings are crooked. As well you are more prone to infection becaues the gun works by forcing the stud through your ear where as the needle is hollow and cuts through your skin. I am just wondering what would be the better method, I'm just going to go with the piercing gun though as everyones suggesting, I don't see why I should go to a tattoo shop and fork over $50 to put a hole in my ear when Claires does it for free basically (you have to buy some 20$ kit).
  • #10
MotoH said:
The word "man" "pierce" and "ear" do not belong in the same sentence unless it is in the sentence "i pierced a mans brain with a spike through the ear"

Lol well, I think they look pretty good on guys (no homo), hopefully I can pull it off but if not it's not exactly hard to take it out.
  • #11
zomgwtf said:
I'm not afraid of actually getting my ears pierced, and I was thinking about doing it myself Greg I was actually going to get my buddy to do it tonight but we were in a pool hall so the opportunity to do it never came up.

I was joking, go to the mall and get it done in 5min :)
  • #12
Greg Bernhardt said:
I was joking, go to the mall and get it done in 5min :)

Shouldn't you be partying with the rest of the staff??!?
  • #13
zomgwtf said:
Shouldn't you be partying with the rest of the staff??!?

He is far too worried about your ear piercing dilemma to be partying! As was I, which is why I am at home right now.
  • #14
MotoH said:
He is far too worried about your ear piercing dilemma to be partying! As was I, which is why I am at home right now.

Hahahaha well thank goodness it's been resolved. I must admit, while at the pool hall tonight I wasn't myself, this piercing emergency has my mind in other places. We can all go back to our regular lives now though. Until tomorrow when I actually get it done.
  • #15
zomgwtf said:
Shouldn't you be partying with the rest of the staff??!?

Just finished dinner with the gorgeous MIH, changing into party gear! :!)
  • #16
Greg Bernhardt said:
Just finished dinner with the gorgeous MIH, changing into party gear!

I must say I'm quite jealous :!)
  • #17
Greg Bernhardt said:
Be a man and do it yourself with a needle you find behind some dumpsters.

It doesn't matter. It's a such a brainless 5 second job. Stop thinking and just do it :)

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  • #18
Whenever I give bad advice, I think of it as thinning out the gene simmons pool.
  • #19
zomgwtf said:
the needle is hollow and cuts through your skin.

Needle is hollow, but it doesn't matter. Nothing is left inside, after all this is not a different needle than the one used for shots. They just go through skin and don't get clogged.
  • #20
Because the needle is hollow the edges are razor sharp meaning it cuts through your tissue instead of forcing it's self through. That's how the argument goes anyway.
  • #21
TheStatutoryApe said:
Specialty piercing shops usually use a regular needle instead of a gun. The piercer I saw used a clamp, very much like a small set of tongs with a hole in it, to take hold of the fleshy bit of your choice and the put the needle through. The only real advantage I could imagine here is that you might get more exacting placement of the piercing in the event that you intend to get multiple in and around the same location.

Hrm. Spiffy then. I've learned something new. Although I'm not certain I buy the logic for the greater expense for plain old ear piercing. The guns can place the piercing on an exact spot because a) they mark the spot and b) most women pre the advent of all of this high-tech, super I-don't-know-what piercing stuff, got their ears pierced at the mall by someone using a gun and the majority of us don't have poorly or unevenly placed holes in our ears. Just saying. I even have two in my left lobe, both created with a piercing gun and there's no issue about placement in close proximity.

I'm not arguing with you, SA, because I know you were simply giving me information. I'm trying to puzzle it through, because there are a lot of niche industries that tell you you need "professionals" to do stuff for you -- at greater cost -- when it's point-blank not true. For all of the various other body piercing placements, yes, I'd go to specialty spot.
  • #22
GeorginaS said:
. For all of the various other body piercing placements, yes, I'd go to specialty spot.

These were my thoughts exactly. I'm going to the mall today to get it done though, hopefully all goes well :-p
  • #23
GeorginaS said:
Hrm. Spiffy then. I've learned something new. Although I'm not certain I buy the logic for the greater expense for plain old ear piercing. The guns can place the piercing on an exact spot because a) they mark the spot and b) most women pre the advent of all of this high-tech, super I-don't-know-what piercing stuff, got their ears pierced at the mall by someone using a gun and the majority of us don't have poorly or unevenly placed holes in our ears. Just saying. I even have two in my left lobe, both created with a piercing gun and there's no issue about placement in close proximity.

I'm not arguing with you, SA, because I know you were simply giving me information. I'm trying to puzzle it through, because there are a lot of niche industries that tell you you need "professionals" to do stuff for you -- at greater cost -- when it's point-blank not true. For all of the various other body piercing placements, yes, I'd go to specialty spot.
No problem. I was only guessing at the advantage. I've never been pierced myself and only listened to those 'professionals' who are interested in acquiring your business. I assume as well that the arguments for better safety and such are at the least exaggerated. If you are right and you can probably get just as precise of piercing with guns then the only other tidbit I have heard that may make a difference is that you are limited in options for the gauge of the jewelry with gun piercing. I believe that the specialty shops have limitations as well but still offer more options on the size of the piercing you can get.
  • #24
Options for size. You mean, say, you want to achieve something like this?


They actually slice the skin away from your ear to create holes like that. The site I found this photo on showed pictures of the surgical-like goings on you need to make that happen. If I were so inclined to do something as, um, extreme as all that, I don't know that I'd let someone in a tattoo shop perform the cutting and stitching on me. It looks like something that really needs a doctor involved.

No, what I'm talking about is straightforward, tiny hole in your earlobe so you can put a regular-sized earring in. That's all I know anything about.
  • #25
I bet he gets beat up a lot.
  • #26
I wonder how much all of that cost him. And I wonder if he realizes that he's likely going to be 75 years old one day, and I don't think any of that is going to improve with age.
  • #27
GeorginaS said:

His nose looks like a**.
  • #28
So I went to the claires at Square One (a pretty big mall). Asked if they could pierce my ear they said sure no problem. I picked out my earring and stuff and she asked for ID. I was like woah... how old do you have to be for this? She was like 16, I just looked at her as though she was stupid cause I am far from 16 and do not look young at all, if anything I look older. Anyways I show her my health card, which in Ontario is a picture ID and is much, much more secure than even a license and harder to forge. She says they don't accept it... so I asked if they would accept my birth certificate. She says no, only picture ID. So I went on with my list of IDs, credit card, social insurance, school ID, bank cards etc. etc..

She said nope only drivers license, passport, or citizenship card. I replied, so you are telling me that I can use my health card to go to a government run LCBO and buy alchol get drunk, go to a club get more drunk, and end the night off at a strip club but I can't get my ear pierced at a claires? She just looked at me so I said ok true and left.

I think the ID requirment is stupid I mean like for real your piercing your ear... why the hell should it be necessary to have such stringent ID regulations? You should just be able to prove who you are and how old you are... even a school ID can do this. I don't drive and haven't gone to get my drivers license yet, never traveled out of the country so never got a passport, and I was born in Canada so I get a birthcertificate not a citizenship card...

Anyways I ended up going to Walmart and I bought some white gold earrings and I'm just going to do it myself. I'll let you guys know how that goes.
  • #29
zomgwtf said:
So I went to the claires at Square One (a pretty big mall). Asked if they could pierce my ear they said sure no problem. I picked out my earring and stuff and she asked for ID. I was like woah... how old do you have to be for this? She was like 16, I just looked at her as though she was stupid cause I am far from 16 and do not look young at all, if anything I look older. Anyways I show her my health card, which in Ontario is a picture ID and is much, much more secure than even a license and harder to forge. She says they don't accept it... so I asked if they would accept my birth certificate. She says no, only picture ID. So I went on with my list of IDs, credit card, social insurance, school ID, bank cards etc. etc..

She said nope only drivers license, passport, or citizenship card. I replied, so you are telling me that I can use my health card to go to a government run LCBO and buy alchol get drunk, go to a club get more drunk, and end the night off at a strip club but I can't get my ear pierced at a claires? She just looked at me so I said ok true and left.

I think the ID requirment is stupid I mean like for real your piercing your ear... why the hell should it be necessary to have such stringent ID regulations? You should just be able to prove who you are and how old you are... even a school ID can do this. I don't drive and haven't gone to get my drivers license yet, never traveled out of the country so never got a passport, and I was born in Canada so I get a birthcertificate not a citizenship card...

Anyways I ended up going to Walmart and I bought some white gold earrings and I'm just going to do it myself. I'll let you guys know how that goes.
NOOOOO! Do not do it yourself.

You don't have a driver's license?
  • #30
MotoH said:
I bet he gets beat up a lot.

I was thinking he probably gets caught on things - birds could be a problem too.
  • #31
Evo said:
NOOOOO! Do not do it yourself.

You don't have a driver's license?

Well I asked my aunt if she could do it for me but she said she would just take me tomorrow. And I don't have my drivers license, I never really felt the need to go and get one. I live in a pretty big Canadian city and can get anywhere I need to go or want to go quickly by public transit.
  • #32
zomgwtf said:
I live in a pretty big Canadian city
Pah. It is a burb and always will be.

zomgwtf said:
and can get anywhere I need to go or want to go quickly by public transit.
And it is a burb without proper public transport. Which is why the strip mall wastelands it calls roads are clogged with cars.

And don't even get me started on its [strike]Auschwitz[/strike]" . You guys will never live that down.

Can you tell I don't like it?

:devil: :devil: :devil:
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  • #33
DaveC426913 said:
And it is a burb without proper public transport. Which is why the strip mall wastelands it calls roads are clogged with cars.

And don't even get me started on its [strike]Auschwitz[/strike]" . You guys will never live that down.

Can you tell I don't like it?

:devil: :devil: :devil:

Hmm your from Etobicoke right?? Hahaha everyone around Mississauga hates the city... just jealous :smile:. I do agree though that city hall is ugly. Our transit system is a lot better than the neighbouring city public transit. Try going to oakville, they've fixed it up recently but it was just horrible before. The TTC is good but I find it soooo confusing.
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  • #34
This seems far more complicated than it needs to be. Will your aunt just vouch for you then? Because minors can get their ears pierced at someplace like Claire's as long as a growed-up signs for them.
  • #35
WhoWee said:
I was thinking he probably gets caught on things - birds could be a problem too.


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