Energy conservation in Lagrangian Mechanics

In summary, the two lagrangians are equivalent because they lead to the same equations of motions, starting from the Hamilton's principle of stationary action: the variation of S', that is of the integral of L' dt between t1 and t2 it's equal to the variation of S minus the variation of ##( \Omega(q_2,t_2) - \Omega(q_1,t_1) )## where q1 = q(t1) and q2 = q(t2), but the last variation is zero, since the q are fixed at the limits of integration, by definition of that variation.
  • #1
In Lagrangian mechanics the energy E is given as :

[tex] E = \frac{dL}{d\dot{q}}\dot{q} - L[/tex]

Now in the cases where L have explicit time dependence, E will not be conserved.

The notes I am referring to provide these two examples to distinguish between the cases where E is energy and it is not:

1. Consider a particle of mass m sitting on a frictionless rod lying in x-y plane pointing in x direction. Now the rod starts to move towards -y direction with an acceleration a.
[tex]\dot{y} = -at[/tex]
and [tex]y = -at^2/2[/tex]

so, [tex] L = 1/2m(\dot{x}^2 + a^2t^2) - mg(-at^2/2) ...(1)[/tex]

The Lagrangian has time dependence, so E is not energy and it is not conserved.

2. Now, consider a particle undergoing projectile motion.

hence, [tex] L = 1/2m(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2) - mgy ...(2)[/tex]

here there is no explicit time dependence, so E will be energy and it will be conserved.

My question is, aren't the two cases similar. I can always replace a in case 1 with g and my equation (2) will then become equation (1). What is the difference here that I am missing?

Also, in the cases where E is not energy, does it still mean that the energy of the system is conserved?
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  • #2
I don't think you can say a=g in your first example, since the acceleration of the rod is not specified. The rod lies in the xy-plane (like on a table), and has a force acting upon it making it slide, and this force causing it to accelerate is not specified. So therefore your Lagrangian in example 1 has explicit time dependence.

Also, I would be careful giving your first variable the name E. This is in reality the expression for the Hamiltonian of your system. The Hamiltonian is your total energy if your Lagrangian is on the form L = T - V (kinetic - potential energy), and all your constraints are time independent.
If you Lagrangian is time independent, your Hamiltonian is always a constant of motion, but it does not always mean this constant is the total energy of your system.
  • #3
The difference is that in the first case you have an open system, because you force the rod to be accelerated, and you don't include the dynamics of this acceleration in your Lagrangian but describe it as an external motion. Now your Lagrangian is explicitly time dependent, and the time dependence is not through a term of the form
$$L=L'(q,\dot{q})+\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \Omega(q,t),$$
because in the latter case, the Lagrangian ##L## is equivalent to the Lagrangian ##L'##, which is not time dependent.

In the 2nd case all dynamics are described by the Lagrangian, and it is not explicitly time dependent.
  • #4
So the external force is doing some work on the article which is stored as potential, which is not accounted in the Lagrangian?

vanhees71 said:
Now your Lagrangian is explicitly time dependent, and the time dependence is not through a term of the form
$$L=L'(q,\dot{q})+\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \Omega(q,t),$$
because in the latter case, the Lagrangian ##L## is equivalent to the Lagrangian ##L'##, which is not time dependent.

And can you explain me this part. The equation is bit puzzling.
  • #5
If your time dependence is only through such a term, which is a total time derivative of a function that depends only on ##q## and explicitly on time, the system is equivalently described by the Lagrangian ##L'## which is not explicitly time dependent. Then you can define a conserved quantity
$$H'=p \cdot \dot{q}-L', \quad p=\frac{\partial L'}{\partial \dot{q}}.$$
  • #7
CassiopeiaA said:
vanhees71 said:
Now your Lagrangian is explicitly time dependent, and the time dependence is not through a term of the form
$$L=L'(q,\dot{q})+\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} t} \Omega(q,t),$$
because in the latter case, the Lagrangian ##L## is equivalent to the Lagrangian ##L'##, which is not time dependent.

In the 2nd case all dynamics are described by the Lagrangian, and it is not explicitly time dependent.
And can you explain me this part. The equation is bit puzzling.
The two lagrangians are equivalent because they lead to the same equations of motions, starting from the Hamilton's principle of stationary action: the variation of S', that is of the integral of L' dt between t1 and t2 it's equal to the variation of S minus the variation of ##( \Omega(q_2,t_2) - \Omega(q_1,t_1) )## where q1 = q(t1) and q2 = q(t2), but the last variation is zero, since the q are fixed at the limits of integration, by definition of that variation:

##\delta S' = \delta\int _{\mathbf{t_1}}^{\mathbf{t_2}} L' dt = \delta\int _{\mathbf{t_1}}^{\mathbf{t_2}} L dt - \delta (\Omega(q_2,t_2) - \Omega(q_1,t_1) ) = \delta\int _{\mathbf{t_1}}^{\mathbf{t_2}} L dt = \delta S##.

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FAQ: Energy conservation in Lagrangian Mechanics

What is energy conservation in Lagrangian Mechanics?

Energy conservation in Lagrangian Mechanics refers to the principle that the total energy of a system remains constant over time, regardless of any changes in the system's position or velocity. This is based on the idea that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In Lagrangian Mechanics, energy conservation is derived from the Lagrangian function, which takes into account the kinetic and potential energies of a system.

Why is energy conservation important in Lagrangian Mechanics?

Energy conservation is important in Lagrangian Mechanics because it allows us to accurately predict the behavior of a system over time. It provides a fundamental principle that governs the motion of a system and can be used to analyze complex systems, such as particles interacting with each other or with external forces. Furthermore, energy conservation allows us to determine the equilibrium states of a system and understand the stability of these states.

How is energy conserved in Lagrangian Mechanics?

Energy is conserved in Lagrangian Mechanics due to the conservation of the Lagrangian function, which is defined as the difference between the kinetic and potential energies of a system. This function remains constant over time, meaning that the total energy of a system is also constant. This conservation is a direct result of the Lagrange's equations of motion, which describe the dynamics of a system based on its Lagrangian function.

Can energy be lost in Lagrangian Mechanics?

No, energy cannot be lost in Lagrangian Mechanics. As mentioned earlier, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. In Lagrangian Mechanics, the total energy of a system remains constant, meaning that no energy is lost. However, energy can be transferred between different forms, such as from kinetic energy to potential energy or vice versa.

How is energy conservation related to the principle of least action?

The principle of least action states that the path taken by a system between two points in time is the one that minimizes the action, which is defined as the integral of the Lagrangian function over time. Energy conservation is closely related to this principle because the Lagrangian function itself is a measure of the system's energy. Therefore, the path that minimizes the action also minimizes the system's energy, leading to energy conservation in Lagrangian Mechanics.

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