Error bars, Chi square distribution

In summary, the speaker is asking for guidance on how to determine the error bars for their best estimates while doing a fit using Chi-square distribution. They mention finding the best estimate by minimizing Chi square and reference a book for information on estimating uncertainties.
  • #1
Hi, I'm doing a fit using Chi-square distribution. I have a data set and their errors, I found the best estimate minimizing Chi square, as usual, and I like to found the error bars of my best estimates but I don't know how to do that. Which is the standard form to do it?
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  • #2
dabo said:
Hi, I'm doing a fit using Chi-square distribution. I have a data set and their errors, I found the best estimate minimizing Chi square, as usual, and I like to found the error bars of my best estimates but I don't know how to do that. Which is the standard form to do it?

It depends upon what functional form you are fitting. Look in Bevington: "Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences" for a description of estimating uncertainties on best-fit parameters. Lines are straightforward, and you can find equations by googling.

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