Fahrenheit 9/11 could be disqualified from Oscars

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In summary: Seems like he's doing everything he can to make sure his movie gets nominated.Moore is trying to do everything he can to make sure his movie gets nominated for an Oscar.
  • #1
Source: http://9news.com/acm_news.aspx?OSGN...MPLATEID=b010ff41-ac1f-02c5-0009-00c014346932

Apparently, Fidel Castro ordered that a bootleg copy of Michael Moore’s film ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ be shown on state television. This could disqualify the film from the 2005 Academy Awards because Oscar rules state that no competing film can be broadcast on Television or the Internet within nine months of its theatrical release. (Though I’m sure they’ll find a way to have it nominated simply because it was a bootlegged copy that was broadcast.)

Personally, I don’t think it deserves an Oscar, or the Palme D’Or for that matter, but then again I haven’t seen any of the other films that were competing.

Kind of ironic though that Moore wanted people to see this movie by any means, even if it meant downloading it illegally and now I’m sure he’s very displeased.
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  • #2
Moore probably doesn't care. The point of the film was to destroy Bush, not to win awards.
  • #3
In France, some journalist dare broadcasting such extreme documentary film like everyday. Moore does not deserve any reward.
  • #4
ShawnD said:
Moore probably doesn't care. The point of the film was to make him rich while saying that he is just the common man, not to win awards.

I fixed it for you.
  • #5
60% of the profits from Fahrenheit go to charity. I wonder what Mel did with his Passion money...give it to the Church, perhaps ?
  • #6
Good. I hope Moore doesn't win an oscar, he doesn't deserve one.

If Bush is voted back in, I hope Canada doesn't let him in our Country. He's caused enough trouble there.
  • #7

Just a bit of an update; Oscar officials are saying that if it does turn out that the copy that was broadcast was indeed pirated then the film won't be disqualified.

Also, there's some buzz (although it's still very early) that the movie might be nominated for best Picture... Sheesh!
  • #8
Gokul43201 said:
60% of the profits from Fahrenheit go to charity. I wonder what Mel did with his Passion money...give it to the Church, perhaps ?
Yes, however, that had nothing to do with Moore's generosity. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/07/02/financial0910EDT0040.DTL&type=printable
We can only speculate as to whether Gibson donated any of his Passion profits to charity. Most of his donations are private and not meant to solicit the public's adoration.
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  • #9
ShawnD said:
Moore probably doesn't care. The point of the film was to destroy Bush, not to win awards.
I'm not so sure - the one thing more important to Hollywood types than thinking they matter is patting each other on the back and re-assuring each other that they matter.
  • #10
Gotta love how Moore hides behind secretaries et. al. in his mansion to avoid talking to the guy making Michael Moore Hates America. Must be afraid he'll have his words manipulated and taken out of context! Damn hypocrite.
Before hailing Moore's film, please do some research on the criticisms of its inaccuracies and distortions/manipulations.

See also: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=14221

I am quite unhappy with the entire Bush administration and will not be voting for it in November, but I think this film is a load of skewed propagandaist crap.
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  • #11
fafalone said:
Gotta love how Moore hides behind secretaries et. al. in his mansion to avoid talking to the guy making Michael Moore Hates America. Must be afraid he'll have his words manipulated and taken out of context! Damn hypocrite.
Before hailing Moore's film, please do some research on the criticisms of its inaccuracies and distortions/manipulations.

See also: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=14221

I am quite unhappy with the entire Bush administration and will not be voting for it in November, but I think this film is a load of skewed propagandaist crap.

It doesn't matter how many facts you have. Those who hail Moore's films choose to ignore the facts. If they chose to realize the truth, they wouldn't be Michael Moore fans.

If Moore moves to Canada like he claims he will if Bush is elected, I damn well hope Quebec separates because I do not want to be holding the same citizenship as he is nor do I want to be apart of a Country where he is hailed.

Moore also, apparently has a problem with Stephen Harper, telling Canadians not to vote for him either.
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  • #12


Michael Moore is now disqualifying himself from the Oscars in the hopes that more people (undecided voters) will see his movie before the election. The DVD will be out in October and he's trying to get a nation TV broadcast of his movie.
Oscar rules state that documentaries that are broadcast on television or the internet within 9 months of theatrical release are ineligible for the Oscar. However, this does not apply to the other categories, as such, there's talk of submitting the movie for 'Best Picture'. :confused:
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  • #13
nah it won't get best picture.
  • #14
Of course it won't win Best Picture. It could, however, still be nominated for it.
  • #15
Right. Good Distinction.
  • #16
I say we should nominate the Swift Boat Veteran's ads for Academy Awards. :)
  • #17
They don't have a category for Fantasy, yet.
  • #18
I don't understand all the fuss about f911. For anyone following world events, all the facts in it were known (fe the Saudi connection) or could be anticipated (the senators' reactions). It certainly is not a great movie, not even as a political pamphlet. It has the merit that it shows a few facts to an audience that apparently was not informed, but it is superficial and does not go to the roots of the events.
  • #19
But it was funny !
  • #20
JohnDubYa said:
I say we should nominate the Swift Boat Veteran's ads for Academy Awards. :)

  • #21
I think Moore only cares how well the film does before the upcomming November election. Since the oscars will be afterwards, I think whether his film is nominated or not will probably not bother him.
  • #22

Like the libs have not been doing mean spirited for over a year. You jest.
Be nice ... mommy ... mommy tell then to not be mean. Ha Ha.
  • #23
Doesn't anyone recognize how nice, charming, and fair Michael Moore is?

FAQ: Fahrenheit 9/11 could be disqualified from Oscars

1. Why could "Fahrenheit 9/11" be disqualified from the Oscars?

There are a few reasons why "Fahrenheit 9/11" could potentially be disqualified from the Oscars. One reason is that the film was released on television before it was screened in theaters, which goes against Academy rules. Additionally, there were concerns about the film's distribution and financing, which could also disqualify it.

2. What are the Academy's rules for eligibility?

The Academy has strict rules for eligibility in the Best Documentary Feature category. These rules state that the film must have a theatrical release, cannot be broadcast on television prior to its theatrical release, and must have a minimum running time of 40 minutes. The film must also have a qualifying run in Los Angeles or New York for at least seven consecutive days, and must be publicly exhibited for paid admission to the general public.

3. Has a film ever been disqualified from the Oscars before?

Yes, there have been several films that have been disqualified from the Oscars for various reasons. In 2018, the documentary "Aquarela" was disqualified because it did not meet the required theatrical release criteria. In 2016, the film "The Birth of a Nation" was disqualified due to a rule that prohibits films from being released on any streaming platform before their theatrical release.

4. Can the Academy change its rules for eligibility?

Yes, the Academy can change its rules for eligibility at any time. In fact, the rules for eligibility have been revised multiple times in the past to adapt to changes in the industry. However, any changes made would not affect the eligibility of a film that has already been submitted for consideration.

5. How will the potential disqualification of "Fahrenheit 9/11" impact its chances at the Oscars?

If "Fahrenheit 9/11" is ultimately disqualified from the Oscars, it will no longer be eligible to receive nominations or awards in the Best Documentary Feature category. This could potentially impact its chances of winning, as it would no longer be able to compete against other eligible films. However, the film could still be considered for other categories, such as Best Original Screenplay or Best Picture, if it meets the eligibility requirements for those categories.
