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If ##V## is timelike Killing with Frobenius condition ##V_{[\alpha} \nabla_{\mu} V_{\nu]} = 0## then you can derive the equation:$$\nabla_{\mu} (|V|^2 V_{\nu}) - \nabla_{\nu} (|V|^2 V_{\mu}) = 0$$which has the solution$$V_{\alpha} = \partial_{\alpha} \phi \quad \mathrm{where} \quad \phi = x^0 + f(x^i)$$The final part of the proof is to show that you can use this function to transform the coordinates ##\bar{x} = \bar{x}(x)## such that ##\bar{g}_{0i} = 0## and ##\partial_0 \bar{g}_{\mu \nu} = 0##. I don't see it?