Finally, discuss some physical limitations that might

  • Thread starter Jamin2112
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In summary: No, R cannot be 0 in reality. Besides, the problem specifies a resistor.No, R cannot be 0 in reality. Besides, the problem specifies a resistor.
  • #1
"Finally, discuss some physical limitations that might ..."

Homework Statement

Part (d) of problem 1 here:

Homework Equations

I have (I(t) I'(t))T = cos(t/√(LC))k1 + sin(t/√(LC))k2, some k1, k2 ε ℂ2 for my solution and so I know that decreasing the value of LC increases the ticking frequency of this clock.

The Attempt at a Solution

But I'm at a loss for what to put for this "discuss some physical limitations" thing. Thoughts?
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  • #2

For one thing - do you think this clock will run forever? Even if so, does the current level stay constant or does it get harder to detect over time? Do the values of R, C and L change in any way over time?
  • #3

rude man said:
For one thing - do you think this clock will run forever?

Theoretically, yes.

Even if so, does the current level stay constant or does it get harder to detect over time?

Well, it oscillates, since current is V = RI, R is constant, I is oscillating.

Do the values of R, C and L change in any way over time?

I don't really know since I'm not an electrical engineer
  • #4

I do not see any dependence of the solution on R. How come?
  • #5

voko said:
I do not see any dependence of the solution on R. How come?

If we want it to tick with a constant frequency, then we want the node to be a center, so we want R=0. Right? We want I(t)=0 periodically.
  • #6

Jamin2112 said:
Theoretically, yes.

Well, it oscillates, since current is V = RI, R is constant, I is oscillating.

I don't really know since I'm not an electrical engineer

Does it seem reasonale to assume that whatever circuit you use to detect the zero crossings of the current has a limitation as to how low the current can be before it can't tell the difference between that low level and zero?

And BTW you can't have R = 0 in real life. Besides, the problem specifies a resistor.

And FYI R, C and L do change over time & environment. That's why crystal oscillators are used in your PC!
  • #7

Jamin2112 said:
If we want it to tick with a constant frequency, then we want the node to be a center, so we want R=0. Right? We want I(t)=0 periodically.

Do you think it is physically possible to have R = 0? The circuit is called LRC for a reason.
  • #8

voko said:
Do you think it is physically possible to have R = 0? The circuit is called LRC for a reason.

Isn't my intuition right, though, that we want the vector field of (I I')T to be something circling the origin forever?
  • #9

Is that possible with R > 0?

FAQ: Finally, discuss some physical limitations that might

What are some common physical limitations that scientists must consider?

Some common physical limitations that scientists must consider include the limitations of technology and equipment, human capabilities and limitations, budget constraints, and the physical properties of the materials being studied.

How do physical limitations impact scientific research?

Physical limitations can impact scientific research in several ways. They can restrict the type and scope of experiments that can be conducted, limit the accuracy and precision of measurements, and affect the generalizability of results.

Can physical limitations be overcome?

In some cases, physical limitations can be overcome through advancements in technology and techniques. For example, new materials or instruments may be developed to overcome limitations in equipment. However, some limitations may be inherent and cannot be fully overcome.

How can scientists work around physical limitations?

Scientists can work around physical limitations by being creative and innovative in their research approach. This may involve using alternative methods or techniques, collaborating with other scientists or institutions, or designing experiments that take into account the limitations.

Why is it important for scientists to consider physical limitations?

Considering physical limitations is crucial for maintaining the integrity and validity of scientific research. By acknowledging and accounting for these limitations, scientists can ensure that their results are reliable and can be replicated by others, ultimately advancing our understanding of the world around us.
