Find the middle terms of this binomial expansion

  • #1
Homework Statement
Find the middle terms of ##\left( 4 - x^3 \right)^7##
Relevant Equations
Binomial expansion
I know how to expand it. My question is: the expansion has 8 terms so what would be the middle term? Will the answer be "the expansion has no middle term"?

Or maybe seeing the phrase of the question (middle terms), there will be two answers (the 4th and 5th term)?

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  • #2
I assume the problem suggests all the expansion terms except obvious ##4^7## and ##-x^{21}##.
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Likes songoku
  • #3
Thank you very much anuttarasammyak
  • #4
songoku said:
Homework Statement:: Find the middle terms of ##\left( 4 - x^3 \right)^7##
Relevant Equations:: Binomial expansion

I know how to expand it. My question is: the expansion has 8 terms so what would be the middle term? Will the answer be "the expansion has no middle term"?

Or maybe seeing the phrase of the question (middle terms), there will be two answers (the 4th and 5th term)?

I suspect the intent of the questioner is to ask for the 4th and 5th terms as you suggested. However, the wording is not all that clear so @anuttarasammyak may indeed be correct.
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Likes songoku
  • #5
Thank you very much SammyS