- #1
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Homework Statement
Let a box of height h be filled with classical ideal gas molecules of mass m in a constant gravitational filed g. As will be shown later, the distribution molecular height z obeys:
f(z) = C exp (-mgz/KT)
Where C is the normalization constant
a) find the average height z, of molecules in the box
b) find the limiting value of z when h->0
c) find the limiting value of z when h->infinitiy
The Attempt at a Solution
I am a little confused as to where to begin, should i start with determining C?
I started with:
Area * Height * average_density = number of molecules
= Area * integral (z = 0, H [constant*exp(-mgz/(kT))] dz
= Area*constant*(kT/(mg))*integral(0,mgH)/(kT) [exp(-u)]du
= Area*constant*(kT/(mg))*(1-exp(-mgH/(kT))
number = N = Area*constant*(kT/(mg))*(1-e^(-mgH/(kT))
Constant = N*(mg/(kT))/(Area*(1-e^(-mgH/(kT))
Am i on the right track? thanks in advance