First off Jesus and everyone eles who was crusafied where nailied

  • Thread starter The Grimmus
  • Start date
In summary, a child can create imaginary friends that can effect their mind, stigmata is caused by God working in mysterious ways, and some people believe in it because of the subconscious effects it has.

What causes stigmata

  • God

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mind over matter

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • stig...what

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • a little bit of this a little bit of that

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • #1
The Grimmus
Ok one question, ok a few. First off Jesus and everyone eles who was crusafied where nailied in by the rists and ankles becuase it woudl tear right through the hands. 2nd answer the
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  • #2
First, I believe they used the nails as was the tradition for such people, whereas the common brace was a rope, I even believe they used a rope and nails. Anyways, as the the poll, I chose Mind over matter because I don't believe there is a God, and even if there was, why would he take away from Jesus' crucifixion by inflicting the same pains on his followers? Stigmata is comparable to the ability of some, in certain states of mind, to alter their skin, even in a design [such as in The Exorcist].
  • #3
Er... do we actually have any scientific proof of stigmata actually taking place? Just to be sure...
  • #4
I picked,

#3. What thee heck is Stigmata?
  • #5
Originally posted by FZ+
Er... do we actually have any scientific proof of stigmata actually taking place? Just to be sure...

Very little, more or less claims of supernaturally inflicted wounds. I was just assuming it actually did happen. I think it's faked if there is proof, just entertaining the idea of stigmata:smile:
  • #6
oh ya, i tried to answer this one and the forums died on me. i say it has to do with god, but that applies to everything in my opinion. more directly it is a case of mind over matter, so that is what i voted for.
  • #7

Originally posted by amp
#3. What thee heck is Stigmata?
The wounds afflicted on Jesus Christ (holes in the wrists and feet, spear prick in the side, thorn crown marks on the head, and i think 2 more). Supposedly some extremely faithful people receive them spontaneously. Watch the movie. Its quite good.
  • #8
prety sure it is just one more, the spear to the side.
  • #9
Stigmata only involves the marks on Jesus' hands, feet, side, and brow (in any combination). Some stigmata is said to be visible, which the marks can be seen, and some people claim to have invisible stigmata, in which they bear no outward markings.

A good site on it is the Catholic Encyclopedia.
  • #10
I would suggest if you were interested in the real thing and I do mean real. Padre Pio.
  • #11
I would be very surprised to find that someone of a diffrent faith who didi not know of this phnemonom got stigmata, that would throw a wrench into the
  • #12

some kids have it, so how can t be mind over matter?
i have researched into stigmata and i can't find a resonable explanation for it.
there are many young kids who are innocent who gets it.
it can't be mind over matter.
maybe the gods did it.
  • #13

Originally posted by greeneagle3000
some kids have it, so how can t be mind over matter?
i have researched into stigmata and i can't find a resonable explanation for it.
there are many young kids who are innocent who gets it.
it can't be mind over matter.
maybe the gods did it.

ok first off a child can make imginary freinds their mind is just as powerful as a full adults so a child who belives so deeply can achive mindover matter, at least on them selves. and when you say innocent do you mean free of "sin"? Because preists get it, it isent suposed to be a punishment it is suposed to be "god working in mysterious ways."
  • #14
  • #15
either as Alex said, or something a little harder like pouring LSD in the town water supply or something.

Honestly, I'd love to see some proof on the subject. So far nothing has been offered but heresay and a link to the catholic church. Not evidence by any means.

And as much as I watch history and science channel, and surf all the science sites I'm sure there would have been something on there by now about stigmata.

Of course the hand injurys could be from embarrising friction burn so the victim (normally males right?) blames it on god.
  • #16

of course they could do this but can you?
i ask you, are you able to make blood pour out from your hands and selected areas?
i know that kids can have great imagination but why would they want to hurt themselves?
some of them are not even educated, some from diffrent countries, how and why would they do it?
  • #17
It's just hysterical effects. People believe this crap, so they subconsciously cause the body to react.
  • #18

Originally posted by greeneagle3000
of course they could do this but can you?
i ask you, are you able to make blood pour out from your hands and selected areas?
i know that kids can have great imagination but why would they want to hurt themselves?
some of them are not even educated, some from diffrent countries, how and why would they do it?

I know a guy (college buddy) who can increase his heart rate by simply closing his eyes and imagining some shameful situation (according to his words).

I can't - my imagination is not that strong.
  • #19
There have been a number of programs on Discovery and TLC lately about stigmata. I didn't know that children have it.
I was going to say that these people love and identify so strongly with Jesus that they, in empathy, want to share or take some of his suffering from him and that this manifests itself as stigmata and yes it is a form of what used to be called hysteria, the subconscious mind fulfilling their desire to do so. It is not God's punishment nor is it fake. They actually bleed from actual paonful wounds in the bodies including some from the spearwound in the ir side. It may be guilt and/or shame but I can't see how a young child could have that much guilt or shame so I think it's their love for Jesus that causes it.
  • #20
The power of the mind...
  • #21
Of brain actually. Because most hormones and many other key control chemicals are produced by brain.
  • #22

i didn't know that even poor children can do that.
  • #23

Originally posted by greeneagle3000
of course they could do this but can you?
i ask you, are you able to make blood pour out from your hands and selected areas?
i know that kids can have great imagination but why would they want to hurt themselves?
some of them are not even educated, some from diffrent countries, how and why would they do it?

yea, yea, no. Maybe you misunderstood me, i never siad that all people welcome stigmata and that all peopel wish to have it, and in uneducated countries belfies are higher because tah is all they know
  • #24
if they don't welcome it, then why in the world would their brain cause these injuries? i think it's silly to even blame this on the childs brain, the parents are most likely the cause of these injuries.

if there is anything supernatural going on, it's just that, supernatural. i mean seriously, is there any proof of a persons brain causing physical injuries to ones body?
  • #25

It has pictures.
Or Yahoo search padre pio you will receive a few hits.
  • #26
Originally posted by HazZy
if they don't welcome it, then why in the world would their brain cause these injuries? i think it's silly to even blame this on the childs brain, the parents are most likely the cause of these injuries.
Do you welcom nightmares? but they come
and yes the parents doing that would prablye be more likely

Originally posted by HazZy
if there is anything supernatural going on, it's just that, supernatural. i mean seriously, is there any proof of a persons brain causing physical injuries to ones body? [/B]

PLaceibios fool the mind into curing some aliments
  • #27
Question: has there ever been a reported case of stigmata inthe US or other industrialized nations (ie not a developing country)

I only ask because if it were to actually happen say in the US, then you would think a myriad of scientists, theologans, and other wackos would converge on the event like a 2nd Roswell. However all these sitings, much like other religious events, sseem to always occur in some small rural town in some third-world country where religion is very strong, and of course making it impossible to verify.

All a very convienent self-reinforcing story.
  • #28
actualy the only case that i have heard of (i am sure there is more ) in the us was an elderly women who i think was the leader or had soem part of a local church so that leads me to beilve mind over matter has soemthing to do with it

The eldery have more faith becuase they dident have as much acces to science

She was a minister or some chief postion in a church...come on people
  • #29
I find it interesting that an atheist has never reported the symptoms.
  • #30
It's just a Roman Catholic story. It isn't mentioned anywhere in the Bible. I can't remember exactly how it all started, but the important thing is, it wasn't true anyways.


FAQ: First off Jesus and everyone eles who was crusafied where nailied

What is the historical evidence for Jesus and others being crucified by being nailed?

There is significant historical evidence for crucifixion as a form of execution in ancient Rome, including writings from Roman authors such as Cicero and Seneca, as well as archaeological evidence such as the remains of a crucified man found in Jerusalem in the 1960s. Additionally, the New Testament accounts of Jesus' crucifixion are widely accepted as historical documents.

Were nails the only method of crucifixion used?

No, there were various methods of crucifixion used in ancient Rome, including tying the victim to a cross or using ropes to hang them from a crossbeam. However, the use of nails is the most commonly depicted and described method in historical and biblical accounts.

Why was crucifixion such a common form of execution in ancient Rome?

Crucifixion was used as a form of execution for criminals and enemies of the state in ancient Rome because it was a slow, painful, and humiliating death. It was also meant to serve as a deterrent to others who might commit similar crimes.

Were there any specific reasons for Jesus and others to be crucified?

In the case of Jesus, he was crucified by the Roman authorities for claiming to be the king of the Jews and for challenging their authority. Other individuals who were crucified were often political rebels or criminals who were seen as a threat to the Roman Empire.

Did everyone who was crucified die from their injuries?

No, not everyone who was crucified died from their injuries. Some individuals may have died from shock or asphyxiation, while others could have been taken down from the cross before death. However, the purpose of crucifixion was to inflict a slow and painful death, so the majority of victims likely perished on the cross.
