- #1
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Homework Statement
A solid disk (mass = 5 kg, R=0.9 m) is rolling across a table with a translational speed of 8 m/s.
What is the total KE of the disk?
Homework Equations
K = the sum of (1/2 x mass initial x velocity initial^2)
(in my textbook, there are other derivations of this formula using the variable angular velocity instead of velocity, but they yield the same answer)
The Attempt at a Solution
KE = 1/2 x 5 kg x 8^2 = 1/2 x 5 kg x 64 = 160 (this was incorrect)
I also plugged in 80 just for the heck of it, and this was incorrect as well.
In the previous question, I was asked to find rotational KE, and I made the mistake of forgetting the coefficient (1/2) in calculating the moment of inertia. However, this KE formula does not include the moment of inertia, so this does not seem to be a problem here.
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