Fresnel's Equations/ Normal Incidence/ R and T coefficients.

In summary, the conversation discusses using Fresnel's equations at normal incidence to find the ratio of the refractive indexes of two materials. The ratios of Er/Ei and Et/Ei are the same regardless of the direction of the electromagnetic wave. Both media are non-magnetic and non-conducting dielectrics, so the ratios can be simplified. One media has a relative permittivity of 16, and the question asks for the refractive index of the other media. Non-conducting means no sustained electric current, but the medium may still be polarized, resulting in a different permittivity than vacuum permittivity. Non-magnetic means taking the permeability equal to that of free space. The conversation
  • #1
The question asks to use Fresnel's equations at normal incidence to find the ratio of the refractive indexes of the two materials. We are told equal energy is transmitted and reflected and that both media are non-magnetic and non-conducting dielectrics.

So I know that the ratio of Er/Ei and Et/Ei are the same for this case, regardless of whether the electromagnetic wave is parallel or perpendicular to the planar interface .

In this case, we are also told both media are non-magnetic. So the ratios of Er/Ei and Et/Ei simplify further as ui=ut=u0

(where Ei is the incident electric field , Er reflected, ui the permeability of the media with the incident beam etc.)

Now I am then asked if one of the media has a relative permittivity of 16 ,what is the refractive index of the other media?

This is probably a stupid question, but if non-magnetic means to take the permeability to be the permeability of free space, then doesn't non-conducting mean to take the permittivity to be the permittivy of free space?

And n = ([itex]\epsilon_{r}[/itex][itex]\mu_{r}[/itex])[itex]^{\frac{1}{2}}[/itex]. So they would both be equal and equal 1 which is obviously wrong.

( I am able to follow the working to get the correct expression for the ratio of the refractive indexes, I'm just missing some key concepts clearly...)

Many thanks for any assistance !
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  • #2
Nonconducting means no sustained electric current can be established. The medium may still be polarized which gives it a permittivity different than vacuum permittivity.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply. Am i correct in thinking that non-magnetic means to take the permeability to be the permeability of free space ?
  • #4
You can take the permeability equal to that of free space.

Note, that the Fresnel coefficients relate the amplitudes, both of transmitted and reflected waves to that of the incident wave, but the transmitted energy is not equal to the square of the transmission coefficient.

  • #5
Deriving Clebsch Gordan Coefficents.

sorry, i don't think you can delete your posts
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FAQ: Fresnel's Equations/ Normal Incidence/ R and T coefficients.

What are Fresnel's Equations?

Fresnel's Equations are mathematical expressions that describe how light is reflected and refracted when it passes through the interface between two different materials. They were developed by French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel in the early 19th century.

What is normal incidence?

Normal incidence refers to the angle at which a light ray strikes the interface between two materials. It is the angle at which the ray is perpendicular to the surface of the material.

What are R and T coefficients?

R and T coefficients, also known as the reflectance and transmittance coefficients, are values that represent the amount of light that is reflected and transmitted, respectively, at the interface between two materials. These coefficients are calculated using Fresnel's Equations.

How do R and T coefficients change with different materials?

R and T coefficients are dependent on the optical properties of the materials at the interface, such as their refractive indices and absorption coefficients. Therefore, they can vary greatly with different materials and can be used to study the behavior of light at different interfaces.

What is the practical application of Fresnel's Equations?

Fresnel's Equations have numerous practical applications, such as in the design of optical coatings, anti-reflective coatings, and polarizing filters. They are also used in the study of optics and in the development of optical devices such as lenses and mirrors.
