Fusion and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation?

In summary: The technology to create pure fusion bombs already exists, although the resulting device wouldn't result in any real advantages over conventional explosives.
  • #1
Delta Force
Some experts claim that the technology to create pure fusion bombs already exists, although the resulting device wouldn't result in any real advantages over conventional explosives (source).

Deuterium and tritium are also considered the most likely fuels for a fusion reactor. The deuterium would likely be extracted from heavy water (interestingly, heavy water reactors are also well suited for producing tritium and plutonium), which isn't really that rare or exotic a material, certainly not when compared to highly enriched uranium or plutonium, and it would likely be less expensive and more readily available if used as a fusion fuel.

If fusion power were developed could improved knowledge of the fusion reaction process and the ready availability of deuterium lead to a situation of increased nuclear weapons proliferation?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Generally called Hydrogen bombs and they have already been proven and do exist. The largest made and tested H-Bomb was by the Russians at 50 Megatons.
  • #3
CalcNerd said:
Generally called Hydrogen bombs and they have already been proven and do exist. The largest made and tested H-Bomb was by the Russians at 50 Megatons.
No, he's referring to a fusion bomb that does not use a fission explosion as a trigger. See the Wikipedia article he links to as his source.
Delta Force said:
Some experts claim that the technology to create pure fusion bombs already exists, although the resulting device wouldn't result in any real advantages over conventional explosives (source).
Yeah, it takes so much conventional explosive to ignite a small fusion target that there is not much point in making the explosive that way. A fuel-air explosive is much a much more practical way to make bigger explosions...
Delta Force said:
If fusion power were developed could improved knowledge of the fusion reaction process and the ready availability of deuterium lead to a situation of increased nuclear weapons proliferation?
It wouldn't seem so. Advances in ICF will still be confined to pretty small fusion targets (with giant lasers required), and magnetic confinement wouldn't seem to offer anything that could be weaponized, IMO.
  • #4
If fusion reactors based on DD reactions are developed, that will likely "lead to a situation of increased nuclear weapons proliferation", but not because of new techniques to generate fusion. The neutrons from the DD reactions can be absorbed in U238 to produce Pu239, and the tritium from the DD reactions can be removed for use in nuclear weapons.
  • #5
Delta Force said:
Some experts claim that the technology to create pure fusion bombs already exists, although the resulting device wouldn't result in any real advantages over conventional explosives (source).
Not a scientifically reliable source.

Deuterium and tritium are also considered the most likely fuels for a fusion reactor. The deuterium would likely be extracted from heavy water (interestingly, heavy water reactors are also well suited for producing tritium and plutonium), which isn't really that rare or exotic a material, certainly not when compared to highly enriched uranium or plutonium, and it would likely be less expensive and more readily available if used as a fusion fuel.
d+t is the easiest reaction to obtain, since it has higher cross-section at the lowest temperatures. d+d would be more preferable, as would aneutronic reactions such as d+3He or p+11B.

One of the problems with mixed-gas systems is that there are side reactions, and when Z increases, the energy losses from various radiation mechanisms increases.

If fusion power were developed could improved knowledge of the fusion reaction process and the ready availability of deuterium lead to a situation of increased nuclear weapons proliferation?
We know a lot about fusion reactions. The challenge is in the engineering, which usually requires large EM-mechanical systems to confine and heat the plasma. Fortunately, that does not lend itself to weapons.

In short, the answer to the question is, No!
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Likes berkeman

FAQ: Fusion and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation?

What is fusion and how does it work?

Fusion is the process of combining two or more atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy, which is the same process that powers the sun. In order for fusion to occur, the nuclei must have enough energy to overcome the repulsive forces between them. This is achieved through extreme temperatures and pressures, which can be created in a controlled environment like a fusion reactor.

How is fusion different from fission?

Fusion and fission are both nuclear reactions that involve the release of energy from the nucleus of an atom. However, fusion involves combining two or more light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, while fission involves splitting a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei. Fusion releases much more energy than fission and produces less radioactive waste, making it a potential source of clean energy.

What is the connection between fusion and nuclear weapons proliferation?

Fusion reactions can also be used to create nuclear weapons. In a process known as thermonuclear fusion, a fission reaction is used to create the extreme temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur. This can result in a much more powerful explosion than a fission bomb alone. Countries with advanced fusion technology also have the capability to develop nuclear weapons, which is a concern for nuclear weapons proliferation.

How does nuclear weapons proliferation pose a threat to global security?

Nuclear weapons proliferation occurs when more countries have access to and possess nuclear weapons. This can create a sense of instability and tension between countries, as well as increase the likelihood of nuclear accidents or intentional use of these weapons. The possession of nuclear weapons also gives countries a certain level of power and influence in the global community, which can be used for political gain or aggression.

What measures are being taken to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation?

International efforts, such as the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), have been put in place to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. This treaty aims to promote disarmament and the peaceful use of nuclear technology while preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Additionally, countries with advanced nuclear technology often have safeguards and regulations in place to prevent the misuse or transfer of this technology to other countries or groups.

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