- #1
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Homework Statement
Let A:={x∈ℝ2 : 1<x2+y2<2}. Is A open, closed or neither? Prove.
Homework Equations
triangle inequality d(x,y)≤d(x,z)+d(z,y)
The Attempt at a Solution
First I draw a picture with Wolfram Alpha. My intuition is that the set is open.
Let (a,b)∈A arbitrarily and r=min{√(a2+b2)-1, √2 -√(a2+b2)} (by geometry). It is clear that then Br(a,b)⊂A but it needs to be formally proven. Let z∈Br(a,b) and now I need to show that ||x-z||=d(x,z)<r.
d(x,z)≤...I am suck here.
And the next thing would be to prove the set is not closed. Its complement Ac={x∈ℝ2 : x2+y2≤1}∪{x∈ℝ2 : x2+y2≥√2} is clearly closed, though.
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