Generalization of Lines, Planes (Finite Fields)

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of defining a line and a plane in a bare-bones Vector Space, without any additional features such as inner-products, over a finite field. It is suggested that a line can be defined as the set of all F-multiples of a fixed vector in V, and the notion of a plane can be generalized as the span of two linear independent vectors. This is possible in any vector space over any field, including finite fields.
  • #1
Hi, all:

Say we have a bare-bones Vector Space v, i.e., V has only the basic vector space

layout; no inner-products, etc., over a finite field .

I think then , we can still define a line in V as the set {fvo: vo in v, f in F}, i.e.,

as the set of all F-multiples of a fixed vector vo in V .

Is there a way of generalizing the notion of a plane to these vector spaces?

Thanks in Advance.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, of course. This is possible in any vector space over ANY field [tex]\mathbb{K}[/tex]. A plane (through the origin) is simply defined as the span of two linear independent vectors. This definition makes sense for any field [tex]\mathbb{K}[/tex], be it the rational, reals, complexes or finite fields...