Ghost Hunters: Roto-Rooter's Extraordinary Side Job

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary, the conversation discusses various paranormal shows, specifically the Ghost Hunters on the Sci-fi Channel and Most Haunted on the Travel Channel. The participants share their opinions and experiences with these shows, discussing the credibility of the investigations and the evidence presented. They also mention the website of the Atlantic Paranormal Society and the upcoming episode where they will re-investigate a previous sighting of an apparition. The conversation ends with a discussion about cable TV issues.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Does anyone else watch the Ghost Hunters show on the Sci-fi Channel? Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night. I love this show. :approve:
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  • #2
Evo said:
Does anyone else watch the Ghost Hunters show on the Sci-fi Channel? Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night. I love this show. :approve:

I've been meaning to start a thread about that show. They have sure come up in the world with their new fleet of black SUVs.

What do you think? Is this on the level? A couple of shows seem to offer proof; that is, if we knew this to be legit.
  • #3
They seem to be real. Their website has been around since 2000.

I like their approach and attitude. They seem credible.

Now on the other extreme is that "Most Haunted" series on the Travel Channel. :rolleyes: A bunch of gullible, easily frightened people and one ridiculous "psychic" that is constantly being taken over by dead people and has a dead spirit that tells him things (none of which can ever be verified). :-p Have you seen that show? If not it's on Friday nights at 9pm est & Pac.
  • #4
Evo said:
Now on the other extreme is that "Most Haunted" series on the Travel Channel. :rolleyes: A bunch of gullible, easily frightened people and one ridiculous "psychic" that is constantly being taken over by dead people and has a dead spirit that tells him things (none of which can ever be verified). :-p Have you seen that show? If not it's on Friday nights at 9pm est & Pac.

Yep, that one caused my bs meter to peg within about two minutes. :biggrin:
  • #5
Most haunted:- everywhere they go seems to be haunted & they see something everywhere, even catch it on film, it seems amazing because most people, incluyding me that go to these places notice nothing. Are these people ghost magnets? I think not. Mind you my house was supposed to be haunted. It was excorsized before we moved in, by a priest my Father knows, although the church don't like to admit they do it. However, when these previous owners have come around to collect post, and we have invited them in, the look of terror in their faces is amazing. They honestly believe it was, and the church must have thought something to risk something so damaging to themselves. However we have noticed nothing in my 15 years in this house.
  • #6
Evo said:
Does anyone else watch the Ghost Hunters show on the Sci-fi Channel? Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night. I love this show. :approve:

They actually captured an actual ghost while in this haunted prison. They set up a camera on one part of a cell door and by accident when played back showed a white sillhoutte form walking towards it then backing away.
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  • #7
The_Professional said:
They actually captured an actual ghost while in this haunted prison. They set up a camera on one part of a cell door and by accident when played back showed a white sillhoutte form walking towards it then backing away.
Yeah, I saw that one, it was a bit eerie, and no explanation for what was on the video could be found. It just appeared, was walking and then disappeared, on a stationary unmanned camera. You could see through it. :bugeye:
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  • #8
I've not seen it, but I wouldn't completely rule out CGI.
  • #9
what's their website's address?
  • #10
matthyaouw said:
I've not seen it, but I wouldn't completely rule out CGI.
No, these people don't try to find "ghosts", mostly they investigate a supposedly haunted place and show the people that everything has a logical explanation. They would not "fix" something to try to make it look like it was a ghost.
  • #11
:redface: I love these shows :redface: Usually I watch them alone at night too. I prefer Most Haunted because of the "dramatics", but I do like Ghost Hunters too because they try to be as objective as possible.
  • #13
Evo said:
Does anyone else watch the Ghost Hunters show on the Sci-fi Channel? Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, ghost hunters by night. I love this show. :approve:

I watch this show every Wednesday; in fact, it is on today! Does anybody remember when they camera man suddenly got knocked off to the ground, perhaps by an entity?
  • #14
Evo said:
The_Professional said:
They actually captured an actual ghost while in this haunted prison. They set up a camera on one part of a cell door and by accident when played back showed a white sillhoutte form walking towards it then backing away.
Yeah, I saw that one, it was a bit eerie, and no explanation for what was on the video could be found. It just appeared, was walking and then disappeared, on a stationary unmanned camera. You could see through it. :bugeye:
Oooh, tonight they are returning to the prison to re-investigate that apparition. :approve:
  • #15
what channel is it on, i wonder if i could get it in Canada?

If these apparitions are real is there a way to describe them using physics or science? energy?
these kids of things remind me of arthur c clarkes space oydessys when dave bowman becomes the star child
  • #16
Do you get the Sci-Fi channel?

Speaking of SUCKY CABLE TV, mine isn't working AGAIN. I finally managed to get through to their repair number (it was busy for 30 minutes), now I am on hold waiting to speak to someone and it's telling me that hold time will be in excess of one hour. And they have the nerve to play commercials suggesting I also switch my home telephone and internet to them! ARE THEY NUTS??!? Sure, why not have ALL of my services go dead once a week. :mad: :devil:

edit: 10:33pm and the cable company finally picked up. I've been on hold almost three hours. They said, oh yeah, we've got a MAJOR computer glitch that we can't fix, it keeps shutting people's service off. I know, this is the second time in the past couple of weeks. :devil:
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  • #17
not sure i get a channel called "space" maybes its on that heh. We have this one show called creepy Canada about people that claim there houses or mainy retaurants are haunted. Some are really convincing especially when the whole staff has witnesses it. They say the air will suddenly get cold and when the confron the spirit the air will get warm again. They also claiim certain objects move and hearing there names call all the usual events that take palce in ghost storys
  • #18
I just saw this show (two episodes) last night. I couldn't help laugh and cry at the same time. I will say that I tried very hard to put on my non-critical thinking cap when we watched this show. I really did try. However, I had to give up. This has got to be the biggest load of crap on the airwaves (next to Oprah and Jerry Springer). I have no doubt that these guys never grew up past 13.

Granted, they have some nice equipment and shiny new SUV's that look like they got them from the Fab 5 on A&E, but that's it. Their methods are atrocious and they never came to a logical conclusion.

For example, one "investigation" involved a woman and her boyfriend's new home in CT. The guy supposedly got pushed down the stairs and his finger cut while he slept. After all of the "did you hear that?" and "did you feel that?" lines, they said they had nothing in terms of ghot-ie readings from their ghostometers, video or anything else. They did have a recording of a sound they said was a coughing. They then came to the conclusion that the house was DEFINITELY posessed. There were so many other holes in the stories that it was obviously the campfire ghost stories repackaged.

If I wasn't laughing so hard about the two Roto Rooter guys fixing a toilet and getting a call on the bat phone scenario they had going, I would have been pretty mad that I wasted my time. My wife thought it was hillarious though. She can't wait for the next show.
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  • #19
FredGarvin said:
I just saw this show (two episodes) last night.
Come on Fred, it's a fun show. I love it! Now Watch "Most Haunted" on The Travel Channel on Friday night. Just don't hurt me after you watch it. I'll bet you won't be able to sit through ten minutes of it. :-p
  • #20
The torch that got flicked off from that guy's hands was pretty creepy though.
  • #21
I agree with the Bat phone business - they get pretty corny. And the science ranges from bad to atrocious. But then they're plumbers, not scientist. Perhaps Fred should join TAPS and help straighten them out. :biggrin:

To me the only question is whether or not they fake any of it. If not then they have gotten a few amazing things on tape. But of course we have no way to know so I chalk it up to fun.
  • #22
I will admit, we did have quite a few good laughs watching the show. I really would like to think that the paranormal is not a bunch of hooey. I think though that this show is definitely not helping the paranormal cause. We're going to Tivo the next episode because the preview looked so scary and interesting (i.e. funny).
  • #23
Evo said:
Do you get the Sci-Fi channel?

Speaking of SUCKY CABLE TV, mine isn't working AGAIN. I finally managed to get through to their repair number (it was busy for 30 minutes), now I am on hold waiting to speak to someone and it's telling me that hold time will be in excess of one hour. And they have the nerve to play commercials suggesting I also switch my home telephone and internet to them! ARE THEY NUTS??!? Sure, why not have ALL of my services go dead once a week. :mad: :devil:

edit: 10:33pm and the cable company finally picked up. I've been on hold almost three hours. They said, oh yeah, we've got a MAJOR computer glitch that we can't fix, it keeps shutting people's service off. I know, this is the second time in the past couple of weeks. :devil:

i would be very upset! cable is my main form of entertainment being a new mom and all

getting ready to watch last nights episode, we rent a DVR so I don't have to miss it! :-p
  • #24
I would like to watch this show, too. I'll check it out on a t.v. nearest me! Dimensional Beings are ghosts? I'd like to hear your thoughts on that! Thanks, Leah
  • #25
I don't see any mention of dimensional beings. The thread is about a fun show with roto router plumbers.
  • #26
Thank you. I just wanted an outlet to discuss dimensional beings/entities and could not find a thread about it except this one "Ghost Hunters". Sorry for any confusion.
  • #27
Leah, feel free to start a thread about them.
  • #28
I caught the first ep of this show (Ghosthunters) yesterday here on cable TV in Singapore. I was going in with reasonably high expectations of scientific skepticism and methodology owing to the earlier posts in this thread.

I have to say I'm disappointed. It looked promising initially : the head of the team kept saying the "right" stuff like "We're going into disprove the existence of anything paranormal" and did his best to avoid using the buzzwords "spirits" or "entities" (they did slip up and use those eventually). But as the show wore on, it got progressively more ridiculous. The analysis of the EVP was completely ridiculous - the guy who taped the stuff was basically cueing the others to hear exactly what he thought he had heard. The only EVP recording that was halfway convincing was the "They don't want us" bit. The other two (the "Can I come in ?" and "Yessss...") were indistinct and took a lot of imagination to come out "right". I also found it rather curious that those three EVP messages were considered (by the team) to fully account for all the entities that the owner of the house believed existed.

At any rate, EVPs are easily debunked phenomena, most often the result of pareidolia applied to spurious noise. It has been established that higher end equipment often fails to pick up EVPs that are deceptively clear with lower end unsophisticated equipment.

The routine of the "demonologist" just killed me. :smile: I was waiting for him to begin the "The Power of Christ compels you" routine.

So that was it : A ragtag bunch of people, a little bit of pretence about a skeptical bent, a lot of hocus pocus about some spurious noise and a dog-and-pony exorcism show that could sorely have used some inimitable Linda Blair head-turning/green vomitus magickal schtick.

Did I mention I was disappointed ? :frown:
  • #29
Curious3141 said:
The routine of the "demonologist" just killed me. :smile: I was waiting for him to begin the "The Power of Christ compels you" routine.

So that was it : A ragtag bunch of people, a little bit of pretence about a skeptical bent, a lot of hocus pocus about some spurious noise and a dog-and-pony exorcism show that could sorely have used some inimitable Linda Blair head-turning/green vomitus magickal schtick.

Did I mention I was disappointed ? :frown:
Yeah, that episode disappointed me too, I had never seen this bogus "demonologist" before. Usually the show is just funny and they find reasonable explanations for things.
  • #30
I don't watch the show but I have seen some of it and it seems like they are finding supernatural stuff in every episode. Amazing since people have never been able to show concrete evidence and then this show finds it everywhere. Where have the ghosts been hiding up till now? Maybe they just didn't get a lucrative enough offer until the advertising chan... I mean sci-fi channel came along.
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  • #31
Actually, most cases end up with nothing. And the "concrete evidence" they find is from locations where claims are already made. I have watched the show almost since the beginning and I have seen maybe three shows where they get seemingly compelling evidence.
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  • #32
Ivan Seeking said:
Actually, most cases end up with nothing. And the "concrete evidence" they find is from locations where claims are already made. I have watched the show almost since the beginning and I have seen maybe three shows where they get seemingly compelling evidence.
Yeah, most shows they find no evidence of anything, like The Winchester Mansion, for instance and the Queen Mary.
  • #33
Evo said:
Yeah, most shows they find no evidence of anything, like The Winchester Mansion, for instance and the Queen Mary.

I knew that moving mattress was too good to be true.
  • #34
Yeah when I saw those covers being pulled, I knew something was up. Boy, they were mad. I think that girl that worked there did it.
  • #35
Evo said:
Yeah when I saw those covers being pulled, I knew something was up. Boy, they were mad. I think that girl that worked there did it.

Do you mean the girl who told Grant and Steve that the heating/water system isn't supposed to work but it does because of a ghost or something?

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