- #1
- 28
- 7
- Homework Statement
- Consider the system ##\dot q = p## and ##\dot p = -q-\gamma p##.
a) Show that the system of equations CAN'T be expressed in a Hamiltonian form if (q,p) are considered canonical coordinates.
b) Is it possible to write the system in a Hamiltonian form? If so, do it; if not, prove it.
- Relevant Equations
- ##\dot q = p##
##\dot p = -q-\gamma p##
So this is my first homework ever of Hamiltonian dynamics and I am struggling with the understanding of the most basic concepts. My lecturer is following Saletan's and Deriglazov's and from what I have read and from my lectures, this is what I think I know. Please let me know if this is correct or not:
A system is called "Hamiltonian" if there exists a function ##H(q,p,t)## such that:
##\dot q = \frac {\partial H} {\partial p} ##
##\dot p = -\frac {\partial H} {\partial q} ##
Written in the symplectic form:
## \dot {X}^{\mu} = W^{\mu\nu} (x) \frac {\partial H} {\partial X^{\nu}} ##
And (this statement I am not sure if it is correct) it takes the following form when it is canonical (is this the matrix only for when we are using canonical coordinates?):
\dot {q_i} \\
\dot {p_i} \\
0_{nxn} & 1_{nxn} \\
-1_{nxn} & 0_{nxn} \\
\frac {\partial H} {\partial q_i} \\
\frac {\partial H} {\partial p_i} \\
So, for part "a" I think I need to prove somehow that the given set of equations does not meet the definitions of ##\dot {q}## and ##\dot {p}##, but I am not sure how to proceed as I am not given ##H##. Also, I don't know how to use the requirement that the set of coordinates is canonical.
Also, from what I understood from the lecture:
For a transformation ##(q,p) \rightarrow (Q_i,P_i)## to be canonical, it has to meet the requirement that: ##\{Q_i,P_j\}=\delta_{ij}## and ##\{Q_i,Q_j\}=\{P_i,P_j\}=0##.
Where ##\{.,.\}## are the Poisson brackets:
## \{ f(q_i,p_i), g(q_i,p_i) \} = \frac {\partial f} {\partial q_i} \frac {\partial g} {\partial p_i} - \frac {\partial f} {\partial p_i} \frac {\partial g} {\partial q_i} ##
Is this also a requirement for the set of coordinates to be canonical? Then, how can I use it in my conditions for the system to be Hamiltonian?
Thank you!
So this is my first homework ever of Hamiltonian dynamics and I am struggling with the understanding of the most basic concepts. My lecturer is following Saletan's and Deriglazov's and from what I have read and from my lectures, this is what I think I know. Please let me know if this is correct or not:
A system is called "Hamiltonian" if there exists a function ##H(q,p,t)## such that:
##\dot q = \frac {\partial H} {\partial p} ##
##\dot p = -\frac {\partial H} {\partial q} ##
Written in the symplectic form:
## \dot {X}^{\mu} = W^{\mu\nu} (x) \frac {\partial H} {\partial X^{\nu}} ##
And (this statement I am not sure if it is correct) it takes the following form when it is canonical (is this the matrix only for when we are using canonical coordinates?):
\dot {q_i} \\
\dot {p_i} \\
0_{nxn} & 1_{nxn} \\
-1_{nxn} & 0_{nxn} \\
\frac {\partial H} {\partial q_i} \\
\frac {\partial H} {\partial p_i} \\
So, for part "a" I think I need to prove somehow that the given set of equations does not meet the definitions of ##\dot {q}## and ##\dot {p}##, but I am not sure how to proceed as I am not given ##H##. Also, I don't know how to use the requirement that the set of coordinates is canonical.
Also, from what I understood from the lecture:
For a transformation ##(q,p) \rightarrow (Q_i,P_i)## to be canonical, it has to meet the requirement that: ##\{Q_i,P_j\}=\delta_{ij}## and ##\{Q_i,Q_j\}=\{P_i,P_j\}=0##.
Where ##\{.,.\}## are the Poisson brackets:
## \{ f(q_i,p_i), g(q_i,p_i) \} = \frac {\partial f} {\partial q_i} \frac {\partial g} {\partial p_i} - \frac {\partial f} {\partial p_i} \frac {\partial g} {\partial q_i} ##
Is this also a requirement for the set of coordinates to be canonical? Then, how can I use it in my conditions for the system to be Hamiltonian?
Thank you!