3 students + 1 drive thru + £30 = 3 megabuckets + indegestion for a week.

  • Thread starter cmdr_sponge
  • Start date
In summary, a group of students attempted the KFC mega bucket challenge, which involved eating 10 pieces of overcooked chicken, 4 fries, and a 1.5 litre bottle of Pepsi. One student completed the challenge in 9 hours, proving his manliness. Others suggested different manly challenges, such as drinking 4 gallons of water in 4 minutes and holding it in for 40 seconds, or eating 32 hard shell tacos in one sitting. Some expressed their dislike for the challenge and KFC in general.
  • #1
KFC maths for begginners

3 students + 1 drive thru + £30 = 3 megabuckets + indegestion for a week.

a megabucket is (was) 10 pieces of KFC's worst overcooked grease balls, 4 regular fries (extra salt, not by request) and a 1.5 litre bottle of pepsi.

9 hours it took me but i proved to myself and the unbelievers it could be done. more than that i proved i was a man.

just wondered if any else knew of anyone that has done it quicker, seeing as there are probably plenty of students around.

suggestions for other manly challanges? prefferably ones that don't involve chicken
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  • #2
personally, i find that challange disgusting and a disgrace to men everywhere, but i do have one of my own. it's called the 4:4:40. all you have to do is drink four gallons (or was it quarts?) of water in four minutes and then keep it in, without vomiting, for fourty seconds. i tried it once. very difficult. but possible! (i wouldn't recommend it if you have a problem with vomiting, because after the fourty seconds are up everybody vomits!)
  • #3
i didn't know they had KFCs in England! (you are from england, right?)
  • #4
Don't underestimate the the mega bucket challenge! if you don't think its manly enough then i suggest that you try it for yourself.
  • #5
Originally posted by maximus
personally, i find that challange disgusting and a disgrace to men everywhere, but i do have one of my own. it's called the 4:4:40. all you have to do is drink four gallons (or was it quarts?) of water in four minutes and then keep it in, without vomiting, for fourty seconds. i tried it once. very difficult. but possible! (i wouldn't recommend it if you have a problem with vomiting, because after the fourty seconds are up everybody vomits!)

****. I didn't even finish a gallon of milk in the given hour before I hurled. Guess it didn't help that is was 2%. Let's put it this way; I'm a little let naive when it comes to the digestibility of milk now.
  • #6
well for christ's sake, don't drink milk. eww... drink water like i said. damn, a gallon of milk probably doesn't sit well, does it?
  • #7
Originally posted by maximus
well for christ's sake, don't drink milk. eww... drink water like i said. damn, a gallon of milk probably doesn't sit well, does it?

No, no it didn't. It felt much better after it decided to take the front door. And well it was a stupid bet I took and I didn't pace myself as well as I could have. Not that I would do it again...
  • #8
This KFC Challenge makes you a man how...[zz)] [zz)] [zz)]
  • #9
i hate KFC (and i am in Jordan, and we have KFC here).
You go there expecting to eat something tasty for a reasonable price, you end up being hungry, without any money in your pocket, and you head to the nearest toilet to puke (spelling ?).
  • #10
This KFC Challenge makes you a man how...

Just do it and you will find out! The manly part comes in the form of forcing yourself to eat that one more piece of chicken even though after about 6 pieces you absolutely hate chicken and the very site of the bucket makes you want to puke, so pieces 7-8-9 are the worst pieces to eat because you don't want to eat anymore, piece 10 is alrite because you know its the last piece and after that the pain will slowly fade away.

Trust us on this, try to beat cmdr_sponge's time of nine hours and then say that it isn't a manly challenge.
  • #11
U sure as hell don't feel like a woman after 10 greasy snot piles 4 bags of salt mush, and 1.5litres of sugar water
  • #12
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
suggestions for other manly challanges?

Taco Bell (TM) challenge: (32 regular hard shell tacos) + (>= 1 sauce pack per taco) + (no drink) = a true hatred for Taco Bell (TM)

In one sitting, I once ate 10 Taco Bell (TM) regular hard shell tacos. That doesn't sound like many, but after the first five, the rest taste like sh:t.

  • #13
Do we have a Taco Bell in the UK?

FAQ: 3 students + 1 drive thru + £30 = 3 megabuckets + indegestion for a week.

What does this equation mean?

This equation is a hypothetical scenario that involves three students going to a drive thru and spending £30 to purchase three megabuckets of food. The result of this is that the students will likely experience indigestion for a week due to the amount of food consumed.

How did you come up with this equation?

This equation is not based on any scientific research or experiment. It is simply a creative and humorous way to illustrate the potential consequences of overindulging in fast food.

Is this equation accurate?

No, this equation is not meant to be taken as a literal representation of scientific facts. It is simply a fun and exaggerated scenario to illustrate the consequences of unhealthy eating habits.

What is the purpose of this equation?

The purpose of this equation is to highlight the importance of maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. It also serves as a reminder to make mindful choices when it comes to food consumption.

Can this equation be applied to real life situations?

While this equation is not based on any scientific evidence, it can be a relatable and humorous way to discuss the potential negative effects of overindulging in fast food. It can also serve as a cautionary tale to make healthier food choices in everyday life.

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