Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever?

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In summary, Streisand has canceled her subscription to the Los Angeles Times because the paper fired its liberal columnist, Robert Scheer. Scheer speculated that he was let go because the Times had tired of his politics. Who cares?
  • #1
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LOS ANGELES - Barbra Streisand has canceled her subscription to the Los Angeles Times over the firing of the paper's liberal columnist.

The newspaper dropped Robert Scheer and several other columnists last month; Scheer speculated he was let go because the Times had tired of his politics.

Who in the hell cares?

By the way, Scheer was one of the two or three most annoying partisan hacks the Times employed. Kudos to them for ridding themselves of him. Now if only they can fire their cartoonist, Michael Ramirez.
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  • #2
Hmm, that'd rank pretty high in my list.

I can't come up with anything off the top of my head, but I'd just say: read any "Entertainment" magazines. All the stories about who's dating who, who's pregnant, is a lot of wasted space, IMHO.

(Off-topic, but BTW: Shouldn't this be in Politics and WA? Just wondering)
  • #3
Was it that slow of a news day?

Good grief. Does anyone care about anything that Streisand does?

I'm sorry but the importance placed on the things that brain dead celebrities do is beyond belief.
  • #4
does she still get the Tribune?
  • #5
*falls over backwards*


I need to tell all my friends!
  • #6
It does kinda disgust me when, online, I see an article about some celebrity as having a higher priority than an article about an election, tragedy, etc. I often find it hard to believe that anyone cares so much about celebrities, but then I see someone actually buying a tabloid (I think that's the name) at a store...
  • #7
What's screwed up is she actually thinks she is so important that the world needs to know what she's done. She canceled her subscription and put out a news quote on it. Could you imagine being an editor and trying to decide which Babs item to run.

Copyboy: Sir! she's sent another one! This just came over the Streisand Hotline. She called into let us know she had wheat toast for breakfast. Oh my god, WHEAT!

Editor: Dammit! STOP THE PRESSES! We need a correction. the English Muffin lead is crap! Who the hell confirmed the Engilsh Muffin? Brolin? NO MORE BROLIN LEADS! I won't tell you all again!

Copyboy:wheat. I had wheat toast for breakfast too. wow. me and Babs...and wheat... toasted.

Editor: We're running with the wheat! START THE PRESSES!


  • #8
Well wait, did she announce this or did the newspaper tell people? I would find it a little less (yet still incredibly) stupid if a rival newspaper or the Times decided to make it an issue then if she went out and announced it to the world on her own behalf.
  • #9
I would bet my next paycheck she called a press conference
  • #10
Streisand, a well-known supporter of Democratic candidates and liberal causes, wrote that by firing Scheer the Times had reduced the diversity of voices on its opinion pages. A shortened version of her letter was printed in the Times Nov. 23. The full letter is posted on her Web site.

She wrote a letter to the Times telling them she had canceled her subscription, and also posted the letter on her website, which I'm not even about to look up.
  • #11
Reminds me of one of the former contestants in the apprrentice, who arranged a press conference because he bought a unit in the trump tower.
  • #12
reminds me of the thread smasherman started explaing his screen name, even though no one asked.
I shouldn't say that. I'm the worst out of everyone when it comes to telling things about myself even if no one wants to hear it. I'm doubley bad because I also demand comments or I get mad.
  • #13
tribdog said:
I shouldn't say that. I'm the worst out of everyone when it comes to telling things about myself even if no one wants to hear it. I'm doubley bad because I also demand comments or I get mad.

Hey, thanks for sharing that!
  • #14
you're learning
  • #15
Yeah I really don't give half a **** what Babs is reading over breakfast.

I have been wondering though if Batboy still does the sunday crossword from the LA Times or if he's switched to the NY Times puzzle.
hmmmm... I'll have to look up his blog.
  • #16
There have been less newsworthy newses. I.e., a convicted felon as a guest on CNN, to say that he had a negative opinion of the FBI director who brought him down. (G. Gordon Liddy, of course).
  • #17
Nay, I still think some has-been celebritiy canceling her newspaper is as low as you can go.
  • #18
striessand a has been?!?? NEVER! she's jewish! oh wait...
hey speaking of jews the two most popular pop christmas songs were written by jews.

FAQ: Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever?

1. What is the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever?"

The "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever" is a title given to an item or event that holds a significant personal value or sentimental meaning, but is not considered newsworthy or significant enough to be reported in the media.

2. How do you determine what qualifies as the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever?"

This is a subjective determination and varies from person to person. It could be anything from a childhood toy to a handwritten note from a loved one. It ultimately depends on the individual's personal connection to the item or event.

3. Why is the concept of the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever" important?

The concept highlights the idea that not everything needs to be newsworthy or widely recognized to hold value and significance in our lives. It encourages people to appreciate the small, meaningful things that bring joy and happiness.

4. Is there a specific criteria for something to be considered the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever?"

No, there is no set criteria. As mentioned before, it is a subjective determination based on personal significance. However, some common factors could include sentimental value, emotional attachment, or personal history.

5. Can the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever" change over time?

Yes, the "Greatest Non-Newsworthy Item Ever" can change over time. As we grow and experience new things, our perspectives and values may shift, causing something that was once important to us to hold less significance, and vice versa.
