Group Homomorphism: Definition & Examples

  • Thread starter Sumanta
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In summary: Hi,I understand the fact that grp theory textbooks defined Hom(G, H) as (g + h) u forms a group homomorphism.I wanted to know if there is any notion of homomorphism as \Sigma_{I} g_{i} where each g_{i} is a homomorphism and I is an infinite index set.If so how is it defined.ThxJust as an example, there are objects called free abelian groups which are groups isomorphic to \bigoplus_{i \in I} \mathbb{Z} for some index set I.So I think it makes sense to talk about a homomorphism
  • #1

I understand the fact that grp theory textbooks defined Hom(G, H) as (g + h) u forms a group homomorphism. I wanted to know if there is any notion of homomorphism as [itex]\Sigma_{I} g_{i}[/itex] where each [itex]g_{i}[/itex] is a homomorphism and I is an infinite index set. If so how is it defined.

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  • #2
Just as an example, there are objects called free abelian groups which are groups isomorphic to [itex]\bigoplus_{i \in I} \mathbb{Z}[/itex] for some index set I.

So I think it makes sense to talk about a homomorphism [itex]g=\sum_I g_i[/itex] where [itex]g_i:G_i\to \mathbb{Z}[/itex] for some [itex]G_i[/itex] (or some groups can probably map to a "smaller" direct sum of Z). It should be a relatively straight-forward proof.

edit: I'm not sure if I answered the correct question. Are you asking if arbitrary sums of homomorphisms converge to a homomorphism? If I is finite, then yes, it is true. I wouldn't even know where to begin in the infinite case.
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  • #3
Sumanta said:

I understand the fact that grp theory textbooks defined Hom(G, H) as (g + h) u forms a group homomorphism.
I can't make grammatical sense out of that question. I think your are trying to say that the set of all homomorphism from G to H can be made a group by defining the operation g+ h by (g+ h)(u)= g(u)+ h(u) where the sum on the right is the group operation in H.

Certainly, given an operation, you can repeat that operation a finite number of times, but that is not the point here. The operation in any group is a "binary" operation that applies to two members of the group at a time.

I wanted to know if there is any notion of homomorphism as [itex]\Sigma_{I} g_{i}[/itex] where each [itex]g_{i}[/itex] is a homomorphism and I is an infinite index set. If so how is it defined.

  • #4

Actually I think daveyp225 understood my question.

Suppose u have a finite product of groups say [itex]\Pi G_{i}[/itex] where the index set is finite.
And needless to say there exists from each of these a homomorphism [itex]g_{i}[/itex] to H.

So now u could define g: [itex]\Pi G_{i}[/itex] to H as

[itex]\Sigma g_{i}(u_{i})[/itex].

Can this be extended so that the index set is infinite. ie is [itex]\Sigma g_{i}(u_{i})[/itex] a valid concept at all.

  • #5
Sumanta said:

Actually I think daveyp225 understood my question.

Suppose u have a finite product of groups say [itex]\Pi G_{i}[/itex] where the index set is finite.
And needless to say there exists from each of these a homomorphism [itex]g_{i}[/itex] to H.

So now u could define g: [itex]\Pi G_{i}[/itex] to H as

[itex]\Sigma g_{i}(u_{i})[/itex].

Can this be extended so that the index set is infinite. ie is [itex]\Sigma g_{i}(u_{i})[/itex] a valid concept at all.


Here's what I think. In special cases, yes. In general though, [itex]g_i(k) = h_i[/itex] is an element of of [itex]H[/itex], but you'd first have to know that [itex]\sum_i h_i[/itex] even makes sense to write down. Then you can try to talk about whether or not the sum makes sense for all of the domain. This shows that to work in general, your space needs to have (among other things) an idea of an "accumulation point" as in pointset topology. In addition, you'll need that convergence in Hom(G,H) makes sense.

Here's one example: Let [itex]G_i = (\mathbb{R},+), H=(\mathbb{R},+), I = \mathbb{N}[/itex].

Define [itex]g_i(x) = \frac{x}{2^i}[/itex]. Then each [itex]g_i[/itex] is a homomorphism from [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] to [itex]\mathbb{R}[/itex] and [itex]\sum_ig_i = id_{\mathbb{R}}[/itex]


Opps, I didn't account for non-constant sequences. As far as I can tell, if you should want [itex]\sum_i g_i(x_i)[/itex] you would need convergence of [itex]\sum_i g_i[/itex] to a continuous linear function and convergence of the sequence [itex]\{x_i\}[/itex]. As you can see this is stepping outside of just "group theory" very quickly. Perhaps there is some algebraic-only view on this, but someone with more expertise would have to chime in.
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FAQ: Group Homomorphism: Definition & Examples

What is a group homomorphism?

A group homomorphism is a function between two groups that preserves the group operation. In other words, it maps elements from one group to another in such a way that the operation performed on the elements in the first group is the same as the operation performed on their images in the second group.

What is the definition of a group homomorphism?

A group homomorphism is a function f: G → H, where G and H are groups, that satisfies the following condition: f(a * b) = f(a) * f(b) for all a, b in G. This means that the operation performed on two elements in G is equivalent to the operation performed on their images in H.

What are some examples of group homomorphisms?

One example of a group homomorphism is the function f: ℤ → ℤ*, where ℤ is the set of integers and ℤ* is the set of non-zero integers. This function maps each integer to its absolute value. Another example is the function f: ℝ → ℝ+, where ℝ is the set of real numbers and ℝ+ is the set of positive real numbers. This function maps each real number to its absolute value.

How is a group homomorphism different from an isomorphism?

An isomorphism is a special type of homomorphism that is bijective, meaning that it is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto). This means that an isomorphism not only preserves the group operation, but also preserves the group structure. In other words, an isomorphism is a one-to-one correspondence between two groups that preserves their operations and structures.

Why is group homomorphism important in mathematics?

Group homomorphisms play a crucial role in abstract algebra, as they allow us to study the properties of one group by looking at its homomorphic image in another group. They also help us to classify and compare different groups, and are essential in many areas of mathematics, including number theory, geometry, and topology. Furthermore, group homomorphisms have practical applications in computer science, physics, and other fields.
