How come when you reverse a diode the current/voltage? is zero?

  • #1
Hi I have been looking through my book, and even online for the answer because I don't understand why this happens, but I can't find the proper answer anywhere...can someone help me? Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #3
ok you will never need to know why its is the case until you do it as a job or do it at uni you do whoever have to recognise the graph odd but true.(Uk only)
  • #4
Haha thanks but my teacher wants us to find out...and I read something like what wikipedia says but that is not the answer I'm suppose to have I already asked him :S.
  • #5
if you are in the Uk get a copy of the sylabus and wave it in his face saying you don't need to know it sorry its my only anser.
  • #6
Haha, no I'm not actually. I think he wants us to explain it in ENGLISH though, you know simply, because we haven't learned anything about P-N stuff yet...