How does ITER plan to produce its plasma current?

In summary, the ITER tokamak uses a variety of methods to heat the plasma, including ohmic heating, neutral beam injection, and high-frequency waves. These methods work together to bring the plasma to a temperature suitable for fusion reactions. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve a "burning plasma" where the energy from the fusion reaction is enough to maintain the plasma's temperature, reducing or eliminating the need for external heating methods. The tokamak generates current through induction, similar to a transformer, and may also use the bootstrap method. However, there are periods when the induced current is zero, which may affect the plasma's confinement.
  • #1
I've been looking on the internet and can't find the answer to this question. I'd like to know if it is generating current purely via the traditional inductive method, or if they plan to use any non-inductive method. I suspect the former but I need to know for certain.

And could anyone confirm that JET doesn't use any non-inductive methods?

Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
According to the ITER website:
Within the tokamak, the changing magnetic fields that are used to control the plasma produce a heating effect. The magnetic fields create a high-intensity electrical current through induction, and as this current travels through the plasma, electrons and ions become energized and collide.

And from there the other heating methods are introduced. What other ways of generating a current in a plasm are there?
  • #3
Besides Ohmically (by virtue of resistance to induced current) heating the plasma, magentic compression may be used. Beyond that are neutral beam injection, which also can be use to fuel the reactor, and microwave heating (in which the microwaves are coupled to the plasma by matching a characteristic frequency, e.g. electron cyclotron radiation heating).

Ohmic heating, neutral beam injection and high-frequency waves will work together in the ITER tokamak to bring the plasma to a temperature where fusion can occur. Ultimately, researchers hope to achieve a "burning plasma" - one in which the energy of the Helium nuclei produced by the fusion reaction is enough to maintain the temperature of the plasma. The external heating methods can then be strongly reduced or switched off altogether. A burning plasma in which at least 50 percent of the energy to drive the fusion reaction is generated internally is an essential step to reaching the goal of fusion power generation.

Perhaps of interest:
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  • #4
I didn't realize the other heating methods generated a current, but now that I think about it they are forcing charged particles along as well.
  • #5
I was thinking more in terms of heating.

The current is generated inductively, based on the principles used in a transformer. The current heats the plasma and generates a confining azimuthal magnetic field.
  • #6
Thanks very much for the replies guys. The other current method I was thinking of was the 'bootstrap' method. I had only seen talk of it being discovered, but further research implies that they will be experimenting with it in ITER.

Another question which is more fundamental: a Tokamak generates current via induction like in a transformer, right? As the current through a primary coil increases, stops, decreases through zero and maxes out the other way, we get an induced current generated in the plasma. But at some point during that process the induced current is zero. As the current is required to produce a confinement field, what happens? Is confinement lost between every pulse?

FAQ: How does ITER plan to produce its plasma current?

1. How does ITER plan to produce its plasma current?

ITER plans to produce its plasma current through a process known as magnetic confinement fusion, which involves using magnetic fields to contain and heat the plasma to extremely high temperatures. This causes the atoms to collide and fuse, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

2. What type of magnets will be used to produce the plasma current?

ITER will use superconducting magnets made of niobium-titanium to produce the plasma current. These magnets are able to generate extremely strong magnetic fields, up to 11.8 Tesla, which are necessary to contain the hot plasma.

3. How will the plasma be heated to the required temperatures?

The plasma will be heated using a combination of ohmic heating, which involves passing an electric current through the plasma, and neutral beam injection, which involves injecting high-energy neutral particles into the plasma.

4. What is the role of the tokamak in producing the plasma current?

The tokamak is the main component of ITER and will be responsible for containing and shaping the plasma. It consists of a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) chamber surrounded by powerful magnets, which create the magnetic fields necessary for plasma confinement.

5. How much plasma current is ITER planning to produce?

ITER is aiming to produce 15 million amps of plasma current, which is 10 times higher than any previous fusion experiment. This will be enough to sustain a self-heating plasma, paving the way for the development of a commercial fusion power plant.

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