How Does Noether's Theorem Extend Beyond Conservation in Hamiltonian Systems?

In summary, the conversation discusses the Noether theorem in the context of a Hamiltonian statement. It states that a system with a Hamiltonian function and a one-parametric group of symmetry can be reduced to a system with fewer degrees of freedom. The consequence of this symmetry group is rarely mentioned in physics textbooks, but it is treated in most modern mechanics textbooks. The conversation also touches on the historical development of applying group theory to differential equations.
  • #1
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In Hamiltonian statement the Noether theorem is read as follows. Consider a system with the Hamiltonian function $$H=H(z),\quad z=(p,x),\quad p=(p_1,\ldots,p_m),\quad x=(x^1,\ldots,x^m)$$ and the phase space ##M,\quad z\in M.## Assume that this system has a one parametric group of symmetry ##z\mapsto g^s(z)##. This group is generated by a Hamiltonian ##F=F(z):##
$$\frac{d g^s(z)}{ds}=v_F( g^s(z)),\quad g^0(z)=z,$$
here ##v_F## stands for a Hamiltonian vector field that corresponds to the Hamiltonian function ##F(z)##.

By definition, "group of symmetry" means $$H(g^s(z))=H(z),\quad \forall s.\qquad (1).$$
Then Noether says: ##F## is a first integral for the system with the Hamiltonian ##H##. To prove this trivial observation one just should differentiate (1) in s and put s=0.

My question is little bit philosophical. The point is that the assertion of Noether's theorem is the least of what we can actually extract from the symmetry group given. Indeed,
assume that for some point ##z_0## one has ##dF(z_0)\ne 0## . Then in a neighborhood of this point there are local canonical coordinates ##P,X## such that in these new coordinates the function ##F## has the form ##F=X^1.##
This fact is proved in [Olver, P. J. (1986), Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 107, Springer] but there is a much simpler proof by means of the generating functions.
The coordinates ##(P,X)## can be constructed explicitly provided the group ##g^s## is given .Then by the Noether theorem in the coordinates ##(P,X)## we get
$$\{F,H\}=0=\frac{\partial H}{\partial P_1}.$$
So that the function ##H## does not depend on ##P_1## and the coordinate ##X^1=const## is a first integral. We obtain a Hamiltonian system with ##m-1## degrees of freedom ##H=H(P_2,\ldots,P_m,const,X^2,\ldots,X^m)##. Observe that the first integral by itself does not give possibility to reduce the system explicitly to one with ##m-1## degrees of freedom.

So my question is why do physics textbooks never mention this consequence from the presence of symmetry group?
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  • #2
wrobel said:
So my question is why do physics textbooks never mention this consequence from the presence of symmetry group?
I like it; however, I'm a mere aficionado ##-## perhaps there is a tendency to compartmentalize at play ##-## while Noether's two symmetry theorems are important in Physics, extending from them further into Group Theory, as you seem to have done here, may by some be regarded as meandering afield into what belongs more in a textbook on Abstract Algebra, than in a Physics textbook.
  • #3
But it's treated in most modern mechanics textbooks, because Noether's theorem is among the most important single achievements on the fundamentals of physics of the 20th century.

The idea to find enough "1st integrals" to make all variables cyclic is of course much older and leads to the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation. The idea is to look for a generating function ##F(q,P,t)## (the version with "old generalized coordinates" and "new generalized momenta") which makes all ##P## conserved, i.e., all ##Q## cyclic. This leads to the demand
$$H'=H+\partial_t F \stackrel{!}{=}0,$$
i.e., to the partial differential equation
$$H(q,\partial_q F,t)+\partial_t F=0.$$
The ##P=\text{const}## occur as integration constants and then ##Q=\partial_P F=\text{const}## too.
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  • #4
wrobel said:
So my question is why do physics textbooks never mention this consequence from the presence of symmetry group?
I don’t think it is true that it is never mentioned. However, it is certainly not used much. I think that is simply because such symmetries are hard to see unless they are specifically pointed out to you.
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
But it's treated in most modern mechanics textbooks,
I have never seen a book that contains such a remark. Arnold writes few informal words just without any details about reduction of a Hamiltonian system with the help of a symmetry group.

vanhees71 said:
The idea to find enough "1st integrals" to make all variables cyclic is of course much older and leads to the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation.
it would be interesting to look at a historical treatment devoted to the origins of application of group theory to differential equations. I am an ignorant guy and know only two names: Sophus Lie and Emmy Noether.
  • #6
I must admit that I'm also not very knowledgeable about the history of this most important development. I don't know, what you mean by that you've never seen the Noether theorem treated in physics textbooks. Most introductory modern textbook have this. There's some lack in treating the elegant method of the Hamilton-Jacoby partial differential equation in the more modern books, while it was very frequently found in older textbooks.
  • #7
vanhees71 said:
by that you've never seen the Noether theorem treated in physics textbooks.
I did not say that. I have never seen this:
wrobel said:
assume that for some point one has . Then in a neighborhood of this point there are local canonical coordinates such that in these new coordinates the function has the form
This fact is proved in [Olver, P. J. (1986), Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 107, Springer] but there is a much simpler proof by means of the generating functions.
The coordinates can be constructed explicitly provided the group is given .Then by the Noether theorem in the coordinates we get

So that the function does not depend on and the coordinate is a first integral. We obtain a Hamiltonian system with degrees of freedom . Observe that the first integral by itself does not give possibility to reduce the system explicitly to one with degrees of freedom.
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  • #8
vanhees71 said:
There's some lack in treating the elegant method of the Hamilton-Jacoby partial differential equation in th
we tell this in lectures it is a part of the classical mechanics course in our dept :)
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FAQ: How Does Noether's Theorem Extend Beyond Conservation in Hamiltonian Systems?

What is the Noether theorem?

The Noether theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that states that for every continuous symmetry in a physical system, there exists a corresponding conserved quantity. This means that if a physical system remains unchanged under certain transformations, such as translations or rotations, then there is a corresponding quantity, such as energy or momentum, that remains constant.

Who was Emmy Noether?

Emmy Noether was a German mathematician who made significant contributions to the fields of abstract algebra and theoretical physics. She is best known for her work on the Noether theorem, which she developed while working with Albert Einstein and other prominent physicists.

How does the Noether theorem relate to conservation laws?

The Noether theorem states that for every symmetry in a physical system, there is a corresponding conserved quantity. This means that the conservation laws we observe in nature, such as the conservation of energy or momentum, are a direct result of the underlying symmetries of the system.

Can the Noether theorem be applied to all physical systems?

Yes, the Noether theorem is a general principle that applies to all physical systems. It has been successfully applied to a wide range of systems, from classical mechanics to quantum field theory.

What are some real-world applications of the Noether theorem?

The Noether theorem has many practical applications in physics and engineering. For example, it is used in the development of new theories and models in physics, as well as in the design of efficient and stable systems in engineering. It has also been used to explain and predict the behavior of physical systems, such as the motion of celestial bodies in space.
