How to convert velocity potential from polar form to Cartesian coordinate form

  • #1

Homework Statement

Alright, here's the question, A stream function for a plane, irrotational, polar-coordinate flow is ψ=9r^2sin^θ. Find out the velocity potential in Cartesian Co-ordinate!

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, I can easily find out the velocity potential in Polar co-ordinates but then how do I convert it to Cartesian Co-ordinates?
Physics news on
  • #2
There are standard formulas for doing that, in most 2nd-year engineering course textbooks.
  • #3
Well I did try searching for it in Fox&Mcdonald(the book that I follow), I didn't find it there, maybe I have overlooked it but anyways could you please give me a link or type the formulas here.

Thank You.
  • #5
would you mind answer this... find the polar form of 1/4i and also 1/z? please give the answer..