If someone offered you a million

  • Thread starter sid_galt
  • Start date
In summary: Interesting to think about.In summary, if someone offered you a million dollars to leave your country for some other country and never come back, would you accept the offer?
  • #1
If someone offered you a million dollars to leave your country for some other country and never come back, would you accept the offer?
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  • #2
Depends on what country it is I am going to. Probably yes.
  • #3
If it was a third world country I would never go.
  • #4
If some one offered me a million quid to leave the uk for ever for the us then yes, tother wise a big no.
Doh, i forgot the huge lady, police person, at chicargo, nope i am staying put, at least until she retires.
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  • #5
Canada, absolutely (but must be $US).
  • #6
Same here, depends what country.
  • #7
Not forever, no. Despite its many faults, I love this place. For a long-term move, however, I probably wouldn't mind spending a few years in one of the Scandanavian countries. Likely Norweedland, as long as I can remember to never bend over if Arildno is around. :eek:
  • #8
A million isn't as much as it used to be, so no, and it doesn't matter what country.
  • #9
for a couple million i definitely would. cept it'd be a bit hard to be a millionaire and never visit the US, but I'm sure it could be managed. was this supposed to be a question about national pride or something?
  • #10
I can tell you, all the places I've been, the US is my favorite, I will always call it home. :biggrin: No body look down at that or I'll drop a nuke on YOU! :smile:
  • #11
But you don't even live in the united states, you live in....guam...
  • #12
Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States, and I only moved here for a two year stay, to see how it was out here.
  • #13
Hence it is not really a part of the united states, right?
  • #14
Its half part of the US?
  • #15
Hehehe, you guys are just a tourist stop. Major economic export, good times. :biggrin:
  • #16
If I was offered a million to go to the US I'd decline for sure.

But even if it was a country that I'd really want to go to I'd probably still decline because you'd be leaving behind family and friends. While they would still visit you and that, it wouldn't really be the same. I'd just prefer to not have any restrictions on where I can visit as well.
  • #17
big man, have you ever been to the US? It's a nice place.
  • #18
cyrusabdollahi said:
Hehehe, you guys are just a tourist stop. Major economic export, good times. :biggrin:

They get all the benefits of being a state without paying the taxes. Or at least that's how my Grandfather who lives on Saipan explained it, but he was talking about Saipan, not Guam.
  • #19
Yeah, pretty much. Its to keep the inhabitants happy while we use their island as a military base. Except Guam doesn't get to vote in Congress.
  • #20
moose said:
big man, have you ever been to the US? It's a nice place.

No I haven't actually. I wasn't saying that it wouldn't be a nice holiday destination...I just couldn't ever see myself wanting to live there permanently.
  • #21
Mk said:
Yeah, pretty much. Its to keep the inhabitants happy while we use their island as a military base. Except Guam doesn't get to vote in Congress.

Funny thing is, Saipan technically still has a treaty with China such that in a war between the US and China, China apparently has the right to use the island as a base or some such. Or at least, this is what I was told by one of the islanders there.

FAQ: If someone offered you a million

1. Can I keep the million dollars if I accept the offer?

Yes, if someone offers you a million dollars, you can keep it if you accept the offer. However, there may be conditions or terms attached to the offer, so make sure to read and understand them before accepting.

2. Is it legal for someone to offer me a million dollars?

In most cases, it is legal for someone to offer you a million dollars. However, there may be certain situations where the offer could be considered illegal, such as if it involves illegal activities or is a fraudulent scam. It's important to be cautious and do your research before accepting any offer.

3. What are the tax implications of accepting a million dollar offer?

The tax implications of accepting a million dollar offer will depend on the specific circumstances and laws of your country or state. In general, accepting a large sum of money may result in a higher tax bracket and you may be required to pay taxes on the amount received. It's best to consult a financial advisor or tax professional for personalized advice.

4. What are the potential risks of accepting a million dollar offer?

There are always potential risks associated with accepting a large sum of money, such as the possibility of losing the money due to investments or scams, or facing legal complications. It's important to thoroughly research the offer and consider all potential risks before making a decision.

5. How can I protect myself if someone offers me a million dollars?

To protect yourself when someone offers you a million dollars, it's important to carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of the offer. You may also want to consult a lawyer or financial advisor for advice and to ensure the offer is legitimate. It's also important to be cautious and not share personal or sensitive information with the person making the offer.
