Ipod Commericial with Steve Ballmer

  • Thread starter dduardo
  • Start date
In summary, The idea for the iPod commercial featuring Steve Ballmer was suggested by Steve Jobs and was meant to poke fun at Microsoft, a major competitor at the time. Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft, was chosen for his energetic personality and his appearance was pre-approved. The public reacted positively to the commercial, with many finding it humorous and clever. While it's hard to measure the exact impact on sales, the commercial helped generate buzz and solidify Apple's image as a cool and edgy brand.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
For all those unfamilar with Steve Ballmer, he is the CEO of Microsoft.

Check out the rad commercial Apple will be airing soon...

*Warning - Geekish Tendencies Required for this to be funny - Warning*

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That IS funny, and I am not even a geek
  • #3
Did you see this page though?


  • #4
If I hear DEVELOPERS one more time, I am going to scream! Arghh

FAQ: Ipod Commericial with Steve Ballmer

1. How did the idea for the iPod commercial with Steve Ballmer come about?

The idea for the commercial was actually suggested by Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple Inc. He thought it would be a fun and unique way to promote the iPod and poke fun at Microsoft, which was a major competitor at the time.

2. Who is Steve Ballmer and why was he chosen for the commercial?

Steve Ballmer was the CEO of Microsoft at the time and was known for his energetic and enthusiastic personality. He was chosen for the commercial because he was a well-known figure in the tech industry and his appearance would generate attention and interest in the commercial.

3. Was Steve Ballmer aware of the contents of the commercial beforehand?

Yes, Steve Ballmer was aware of the contents of the commercial and had given his permission for his appearance to be used. He even joked about it during a conference, saying "I've been in a commercial, and I'm really excited about it."

4. What was the public's reaction to the iPod commercial with Steve Ballmer?

The reaction was mostly positive, with many people finding the commercial to be humorous and entertaining. Some people even praised Apple for their clever marketing strategy and thought it was a bold move to feature a competitor in their commercial.

5. Did the iPod commercial with Steve Ballmer have any impact on sales?

It's difficult to determine the exact impact on sales, but the commercial definitely generated a lot of buzz and attention for the iPod. It also helped to solidify Apple's image as a cool and edgy brand, which may have contributed to its success in the market.
