Is the U.S. Truly a Global Peacemaker?

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  • Thread starter gravedigger
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In summary, there is a lot of debate and questioning surrounding the role of the United States as a global peace maker. However, with recent news of prisoners being murdered in Afghanistan and the control of elections in Iraq, some are skeptical of the fairness and unbiasedness of the formed government. There is also discussion about how much influence the U.S. president has on terrorism and whether it is fair to condemn the entire country for his actions. Additionally, there is much criticism of the U.S.'s foreign policies and actions, including overthrowing foreign governments, military invasions, and interference in democratic elections.
  • #36
Dayle Record said:
No. Lately the US government has become the chump, of the entity with the biggest lump. In fact, we have been in this mode for some time. I want this to end, and for America to start being America, again. We allow the dark economic agendas of big players to tarnish our reputation worldwide, endanger our peace, and bankrupt our way of life. The choir is singing so loudly, no one can seem to hear anything else.

When did it used to be the "good guy"? The way I've always thought of it is that it entered this phase as soon as it got out of isolationism.
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  • #37
Gokul43201 said:
Wait. When you say "the rest of you", you only mean those that don't agree with you, right ?
No, I meant the people who posted facts. There is a big, big difference between a fact and rhetoric. Facts are names, dates, specific actions, etc. Rhetoric is inflammatory language (with or without basis in fact).

edit: though, to be fair, the post did contain some content that looked like it should have been factual - it just wasn't.
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  • #38

so many views one of those calling the u.s to be bigger brothers i had came across a phrase which said that "u should b ashamed "i guess the legitimate people who should be ashamed is the MOCKERY OF PEACE symbol that is the "UNITED NATIONS "i pity those workin with the thoroughly selfish organization of the u.s which tries to shield it's activities through da U.N. military access to many illfated nations whose visas are provided to the U.S. military .it should be destroyed at the earliest of time possible so the no other iraq can be created i beg people of america to get on there feet and to overthrow the tyrannical prez who pays no heed to the mockery we are not away from 3rdww.i wonder if i could possibly make a difference but this kinda thing, seating my butt in front of the p.c. and talking to deaf ears makes my job "sensless" i wish i could do more to my country i feel great that iam not a citizen of a country in which people of same nationality are being killed by there elected "president"through stimulated terrorist attacks ,can some one with all the sense deny the existenz of PNAC ,i guess only if i managed to put fuel to ones thought about the "reality"of the u.s peace process i consider my job done .i may be banned for this !
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  • #39
I havn't even read your post and I think you should be banned for using such ridiculous language.
  • #40
Smurf said:
I havn't even read your post and I think you should be banned for using such ridiculous language.
It's a shame. A post that desires to make a difference on a site peopled by extremely intelligent people should not repeatedly use the expression "dat" in place of the word "that" for anything other than comedy. N dat's a fact.
  • #41
I tried reading it but its impossible to make sense out of it without extreme effort. You can't retain information that way.
  • #42

to begin with iam sorry for not writing in a legible hand which deprived "the intelligent" people from the information which i was trying to deliver. The point which i was trying to make was that if only people with all there sense working would deny the fact that there was an existence of an organization namely the PNAC which stimulated attacks over the state and the buck was passed over to the terrorist organizations,it's not that america or any other country is not facing the wrath of terrorism but without apt evidence kicking the hell out of a nation which already was helped with much trouble of it own was NOT expected from the great nation. Secondly,the result of which was the children and other non army personnelhad to pick up the guns to "answer the call of duty".The other point which was rendering me sleepless was the fact the american "peace" loving army should have left the states which it has "occupied" once "peace" was restored and could have ordered other nations perhaps may be of the same religion which iraq and afghanistan belong, to conduct the other required activities in this way it could have been the "toast" of the world but i guess the intentions were different
  • #43
Alll this is done by US and no one questions it. Must be lucky its the superpower
  • #44
is the US really a peace maker ?

No, the US is a peace imposer ... :smile: :smile: :smile:


why am i the only one laughing now ?
  • #45
Back when the first hints of US torture came out, the Canadian who was sent to Turkey to be tortured, and long before the Abu Ghrieb scandal, a blogger called Chun the Unavoidable opined that "We are the lowest of the low'. Everything that has happened since confirms his opinion. The fact that the onlie begetter of the legal opinion that the US president isn't bound by the Geneva Convention and is entitled to order torture if he wishs, is about to be confirmed as the Attorney General, is just more of the same.

I didn't do enough to defeat the evil, I repeat evil, Bush regime in the election, so I bear some guilt for this disgrace.
  • #46
:bugeye: selfAdjoint you voted for Bush? Wow...just when I thought I was not even good enough to fetch your slippers, maybe I am good enough to cook your dinner. :-p (Just a post to show I have survived The Number 42 :biggrin: ) I am going to "more-more" (turn in) now.
  • #47
selfAdjoint said:
The fact that the onlie begetter of the legal opinion that the US president isn't bound by the Geneva Convention and is entitled to order torture if he wishs, is about to be confirmed as the Attorney General, is just more of the same.
Could you expand on this, I haven't heard anything about that.
Polly said:
selfAdjoint you voted for Bush? Wow...
That post implied to me that maybe he voted for Nader.

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