Is time a necessary property of physics?

In summary, time is a fundamental aspect of human experience and plays a crucial role in physics. It is perceived differently in different ways, such as chronological, cosmological, and physiological. Relativity depends on time being another dimension of physics, but there may be a missing conceptual framework to fully understand its nature. Time is also a crucial factor in the measurement and understanding of velocity and the natural unfolding of nature.
  • #1
I ask this becuase I see time as the free flow of cause and effect within our own consciouness. And a descriptor for the process of change in the world around us.

What if all events suddenly ceased to happen - the universe completely static. Does time still flow for the physicist?

Suspending cause and effect is impossible i think (unless you reach zero energy levels which I think are impossible anyway) so this thought experiment may have zero validity.
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  • #2

Scientific investigation, in the end, is based on human experience, and trying to explain it in a consistent and useful way. Time is part of that, so time, or at least the illusion of time, should be part of physics.

Even if nothing changed, I think time would still exist. The analogy is that of the third dimension. If everything existed on a flat plane, would there still be such a thing as depth? Yes, but that depth would be superfluous.
  • #3

steersman said:
I ask this becuase I see time as the free flow of cause and effect within our own consciouness. And a descriptor for the process of change in the world around us.

What if all events suddenly ceased to happen - the universe completely static. Does time still flow for the physicist?

Time might be a history of spatial movements of our consciousness in our material dimensional world.

If you smash your alarm clock hard enough, it will not flow.
  • #4
If everything existed on a flat plane, would there still be such a thing as depth? Yes, but that depth would be superfluous.

Yes but the difference is I can percieve the third dimension. I can't percieve time. All I see is a linking of causal events.

If you smash your alarm clock hard enough, it will not flow.

The alarm clock is actually a good example of the illusion of a measurement of time. The causal events occurring in the alarm clock are very consistent,(the vibrations of quartz or whatever) but that is all they are, consistent.

What I really want to know is does relativity depend on time being another dimension of physics?
  • #5
perception of time

steersman said:
Yes but the difference is I can percieve the third dimension. I can't percieve time. All I see is a linking of causal events.

The alarm clock is actually a good example of the illusion of a measurement of time. The causal events occurring in the alarm clock are very consistent,(the vibrations of quartz or whatever) but that is all they are, consistent.

What I really want to know is does relativity depend on time being another dimension of physics?

Time is perceived by our memory the same as all the other three dimensions. It could be measured in three ways chronological, cosmological, physiological.
The causual events can be linked by observation.

Old Newtonian classical physics relates time to an absolute and homogenous time.

Relativity relates it to not being absolute and homogenous and the necessity of clocks and measuring sticks at each point of observation.

While these two deal with the macros and time is measured in two different ways, quantum mechanics deals with the micro, in quite a different way, in which there is no time.

I think something is missing, a conceptual framework, to unify the mental, physical, classical and quantal aspects of nature.

In answer to your question, does relativity depend on time being another dimension of physics? Yes i believe it is a intregal part of it. But is it accurate description of what time and reality is? I think it can be shown that velocities slower than the speed of light, time appears as a natural unfolding of nature.
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FAQ: Is time a necessary property of physics?

1. Is time a fundamental property of the universe?

This is a highly debated question in the scientific community. Some scientists argue that time is a fundamental property of the universe, while others propose that time is an emergent property that arises from other fundamental properties.

2. Can time be manipulated or controlled?

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that time can be manipulated or controlled. Our understanding of time is limited to how it functions in the natural world and cannot be altered or changed.

3. Does time exist independently of human perception?

This is a complex question that is still being explored by scientists. Some theories propose that time is a human construct and does not exist independently, while others suggest that time exists objectively in the universe regardless of human perception.

4. How does time relate to the concept of space-time?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time and space are intertwined and cannot be separated. This means that time is a necessary property of physics as it is a crucial component of the fabric of space-time.

5. Is time constant?

The concept of time being constant or not is a matter of perspective. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time is relative and can be experienced differently depending on one's frame of reference. However, in most practical scenarios, time is considered constant for everyday observations and calculations.

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