ITER Test Blanket Modules: Design & Purpose

In summary, the ITER fusion reactor will use test blanket modules designed by both China and the United States to surround the reactor and provide shielding to the vessel and superconducting magnets from the heat and neutron fluxes of the fusion reaction. These blanket modules consist of 440 individual segments, each with a detachable first wall and a semi-permanent blanket shield. The main objectives of the blanket are to protect the magnets and structure from high energy neutrons and to recover the energy released in the fusion reaction. The first plasma is predicted to occur in 2013.
  • #1
fys iks!
Not sure if applicable here but I was doing some reading on ITER the fusion reactor. I have read about "Test Blanket Modules" being designed by both China and the United States. I understand that these blanket modules will be used to surround the reactor however I was wondering if these test blanket will surround the full reaction or just special sections. For example are these test blanket modules going to completely surround the plasma or are they just special modules for breeding purposes and other modules will surround the bulk of the plasma.

I couldn't find any info on this any help is much appreciated thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
fys iks! said:
Not sure if applicable here but I was doing some reading on ITER the fusion reactor. I have read about "Test Blanket Modules" being designed by both China and the United States. I understand that these blanket modules will be used to surround the reactor however I was wondering if these test blanket will surround the full reaction or just special sections. For example are these test blanket modules going to completely surround the plasma or are they just special modules for breeding purposes and other modules will surround the bulk of the plasma.

I couldn't find any info on this any help is much appreciated thanks.

The blanket covers the interior surfaces of the vacuum vessel, providing shielding to the vessel and the superconducting magnets from the heat and neutron fluxes of the fusion reaction. The neutrons are slowed down in the blanket where their kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy and collected by the coolants. In a fusion power plant, this energy will be used for electrical power production.

For purposes of maintenance on the interior of the vacuum vessel, the blanket wall is modular. It consists of 440 individual segments, each measuring 1x1.5 metres and weighing up to 4.6 tons. Each segment has a detachable first wall which directly faces the plasma and removes the plasma heat load, and a semi-permanent blanket shield dedicated to the neutron shielding.
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Looking back 10 years - US Participation in the ITER Test Blanket Module Program (2003)

ITER First Plasma was predicted in 2013.

The objectives of the blanket would be to protect the magnetics and structure from high energy (14.1 MeV) neutrons and to recover as much of the 14.1 MeV (~80 % of the kinetic energy released in dt-fusion) as possible.
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FAQ: ITER Test Blanket Modules: Design & Purpose

What is the ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM)?

The ITER Test Blanket Module is a component of the ITER project, which aims to build the world's largest experimental fusion reactor. The TBM is designed to test and validate different blanket designs for future fusion reactors.

What is the purpose of the ITER TBM?

The main purpose of the ITER TBM is to demonstrate the feasibility and performance of different blanket designs for future fusion reactors. It also allows for the testing of new materials and technologies in a fusion environment.

How is the ITER TBM designed?

The ITER TBM is designed as a replaceable component that will be installed in the ITER machine during its operation. It consists of a breeder module, which will produce tritium fuel, and a multiplier module, which will slow down and absorb neutrons.

What are the challenges in designing the ITER TBM?

One of the main challenges in designing the ITER TBM is the extreme environment it will be exposed to, including high temperatures, radiation, and electromagnetic forces. The TBM must also be designed to withstand the intense fusion reactions and produce reliable data for future reactor designs.

What are the expected outcomes of the ITER TBM?

The ITER TBM is expected to provide valuable data and insights on the performance of different blanket designs, materials, and technologies in a fusion environment. This data will be used to optimize and improve future fusion reactors, bringing us closer to the goal of sustainable and clean energy production.
