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Homework Statement
A particle of mass, m1, is constrained to move in a circle with radius a at z=0 and another particle of mass, m2, moves in a circle of radius b at z=c. For this we wish to write up the Lagrangian introucing the constraints by lagrange multipliers and solve the following equations of motion.
Homework Equations
Equations of constraint.
[tex]z1=0\ \ x1^2+y1^2=a^2[/tex]
[tex]z2=c \ \ x2^2+y2^2=b^2[/tex]
The Attempt at a Solution
I am working on the Lagrangian given by
From this we get the equations of motion:
[tex]m_2\ddot{z_2}=k\left(z_2-z_1\right)-\lambda_2 [\tex]
Anyone know how to solve these equations of motion