Lie groups left invariant vector fields

In summary, Dr. Frederic Schuller found the left invariant vector fields of SL(2,C) and then translated them to the identity using certain chart which covers the identity. The details are all in that video, but he can't find a single parameterization such that there exists some slots in the matrix (e.g. SO(3)) such that the parameters lying in each slot are independent of each other, so he uses the push-forward of left invariant vector field to find the lie algebra of SO(3) at the identity.
  • #1
Mikeey aleex
hello every one .
can someone please find the left invariant vector fields or the generator of SO(2) using Dr. Frederic P. Schuller method ( push-forward,composition of maps and other stuff)
Dr Frederic found the left invariant vector fields of SL(2,C) and then translated them to the identity using certain chart which covers the identity .
the lecture .
Physics news on
  • #2
The details are all in that video , the problem is that i can't find a single parameterization such that there exists some slots in the matrix ( e.g. SO(3) ) such that the parameters lying in each slot are independent of each other , the euler angles parameterization of SO(3) gives rise that each slot has a parameter as a function or has more the one parameter ( there is no independency between parameters in that matrix so i can't find a single coordinate chart in R^3 that covers the identity so i would do my calculations at the identity ), that why i can't use the dr. Frederic P. Schuller's method of finding the lie algebra of SO(3) at the identity using the push-foward of left invariant vector field
  • #3
Mikeey aleex said:
The details are all in that video , the problem is that i can't find a single parameterization such that there exists some slots in the matrix ( e.g. SO(3) ) such that the parameters lying in each slot are independent of each other , the euler angles parameterization of SO(3) gives rise that each slot has a parameter as a function or has more the one parameter ( there is no independency between parameters in that matrix so i can't find a single coordinate chart in R^3 that covers the identity so i would do my calculations at the identity ), that why i can't use the dr. Frederic P. Schuller's method of finding the lie algebra of SO(3) at the identity using the push-foward of left invariant vector field
In your first post you mentioned SO(2), now you switch to SO(3), a very different case, and you want to use an example from SL(2,C) that is complex and not even compact so even harder to compare to the previous cases, could you decide which group you want to work with?
In the meantime from the information in your last post I can tell you that the Lie algebra of SO(2) is ℝ, while that of SO(3) is so(3), not ##ℝ^3##, SO(3) is not simply connected, so there you have a first problem for finding the parametrization you want in ##ℝ^3##. You can find more details about what seems to be your concern here.
  • #4
my friend Rocky Marciano , I'm working on this method for SO(2) , SU(2) ,SO(3) AND SO(3,1) . i found all the lie algebras of each manifold by approximation method , states that there exists a small parameter (e)[(infinitesimal change)] in R^1 close to the Identity of the gruop (e.g. ) G Such that an element of G close to the identity is defined as g = I(identity of the group ) + eH
such that H represents the tangent vector space of G at the identity (i.e. lie algebra of G) , ( using (e.g. euler angles for SO(3) ) ) we can differentiate the parameterized element of the group (SO(3)) [ with is closed to the identity ( infinitesimal change ) ] with respect to the parameter (e) then evaluating at (0) so we can find H ( Lie algebra of SO(3) )

FAQ: Lie groups left invariant vector fields

What are Lie groups and left invariant vector fields?

Lie groups are mathematical structures that combine the properties of a group and a smooth manifold. They are used to study symmetry and transformation properties in various fields of science and mathematics. Left invariant vector fields are vector fields that are preserved under the group action of a Lie group, meaning they remain unchanged when the group transforms.

How are Lie groups and left invariant vector fields related?

Lie groups and left invariant vector fields are closely related because left invariant vector fields are a fundamental tool for studying the structure and properties of Lie groups. They allow for the creation of a coordinate system that remains constant under the group's transformations, making it easier to analyze the group's structure.

What are some real-life applications of Lie groups and left invariant vector fields?

Lie groups and left invariant vector fields have many applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used to study symmetries in physical systems, develop algorithms for computer graphics and robotics, and analyze the dynamics of complex systems.

What is the importance of studying left invariant vector fields?

Studying left invariant vector fields is crucial for understanding the structure and properties of Lie groups. It allows for a deeper understanding of symmetry and transformation properties, which are essential in many areas of science and mathematics. Left invariant vector fields also have numerous practical applications, making them a valuable tool for researchers and scientists.

Are there any challenges associated with studying Lie groups and left invariant vector fields?

Yes, there are some challenges associated with studying Lie groups and left invariant vector fields. One of the main challenges is the complexity of the underlying mathematics, which can be difficult for non-mathematicians to understand. Another challenge is the computational complexity of working with these structures, as they often involve high-dimensional spaces and complex calculations.

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