Linear Dependence/Independence and Wronskian

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the Wronskian to determine linear dependence or independence of a set of functions. While some example problems use "clearly by inspection" to determine this, the Wronskian is a guaranteed method as stated in the theorem provided in a reference website. The Wronskian is zero for all t in [a,b] if the functions are linearly dependent, and nonzero for some t_0 in [a,b] if they are linearly independent.
  • #1
So I know there are a few threads and many websites on this, but I am not finding what I am looking for.

To determine whether a set of functions are linearly dependent or independent I understand that the Wronskian can be used, but many example problems state that "clearly by inspection" some functions are dependent or independent.

This method of inspection is not always trivial for me, so is the Wronskian a guaranteed way to solve these problems?

For example if:

[itex]f = x,[/itex] [itex]g = x+2,[/itex] [itex]h = x+5[/itex]

The Wronskian generates a zero which shows dependence. Upon inspection I would think otherwise, but then again I am not a mathematician.
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  • #2
2h - 5g + 3f = 0. Therefore they are dependent.
As for whether the wronskian is a guaranteed method, I will refer to:

Which provides the theorem:
Let f and g be differentiable on [a,b] . If Wronskian W(f,g)(t_0 ) is nonzero for some t_0 in [a,b] then f and g are linearly independent on [a,b]. If f and g are linearly dependent then the Wronskian is zero for all t in [a,b] .
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  • #4
Thank you both, perhaps my example was too trivial, but nevertheless I greatly appreciate your responses.

FAQ: Linear Dependence/Independence and Wronskian

What is linear dependence/independence?

Linear dependence and independence are concepts in linear algebra that describe the relationship between vectors. A set of vectors is considered linearly dependent if one or more of the vectors can be expressed as a linear combination of the others. In contrast, a set of vectors is linearly independent if no vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the others.

How can I determine if a set of vectors is linearly dependent or independent?

To determine linear dependence or independence, you can use the Wronskian. This is a mathematical tool that involves calculating the determinant of a matrix composed of the vectors in question. If the determinant is equal to zero, the vectors are linearly dependent. If the determinant is non-zero, the vectors are linearly independent.

What is the significance of linear dependence/independence?

Linear dependence and independence are important concepts in linear algebra because they can help us understand the properties of a set of vectors. For example, linear independence is often used to prove the existence of a unique solution to a system of linear equations. In addition, linear dependence can indicate redundancy in a set of vectors, which can be useful in simplifying calculations.

Can a set of vectors be both linearly dependent and independent?

No, a set of vectors cannot be both linearly dependent and independent. These two concepts are mutually exclusive. A set of vectors can either be linearly dependent, meaning at least one vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the others, or linearly independent, meaning no vector can be expressed as a linear combination of the others.

How does the Wronskian relate to linear dependence/independence?

The Wronskian is a mathematical tool that is specifically used to determine linear dependence or independence. It involves calculating the determinant of a matrix composed of the vectors in question. If the determinant is equal to zero, the vectors are linearly dependent. If the determinant is non-zero, the vectors are linearly independent. Therefore, the Wronskian is essential in understanding and determining linear dependence or independence.
