Lithium-Sulfur Batteries? Maybe

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary, a group of chemical engineers at Drexel University have developed a new technology for lithium-sulfur batteries that solves the stability issue and offers significant performance advantages. By depositing sulfur on carbon nanofibers, they were able to create a stable form of sulfur called monoclinic gamma sulfur that does not react with carbonate electrolytes. This allows for a battery that is chemically stable over time and has three times the capacity of conventional lithium-ion batteries, with over 4,000 recharges. While this technology is still in the research phase and potential problems have not been identified, it shows great promise for revolutionizing the use of sulfur in lithium-based batteries.
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Lithium-Sulfur Batteries - Earthwise with Randy Simon

Sulfur has been a desirable alternative for use in lithium-based batteries for quite a while because it is an abundant element and can be extracted in ways that are safe and environmentally friendly. However, previous attempts to create lithium batteries that combine sulfur cathodes and the standard carbonate electrolytes used in lithium-ion batteries have not been successful because of irreversible chemical reactions between intermediate sulfur products and the electrolytes.

A group of chemical engineers at Drexel University has now found a way to introduce sulfur into lithium-ion batteries that solves the stability problem and also has major performance advantages. The new batteries have three times the capacity of conventional lithium-ion batteries, and last more than 4,000 recharges, which is also a substantial improvement.

The new battery technology involves creating a stable form of sulfur called monoclinic gamma sulfur by depositing the sulfur on carbon nanofibers. Previously, this sulfur phase was only observed at high temperatures and was only stable for 20 or 30 minutes. This chemical phase of sulfur does not react with carbonate electrolytes and therefore produces a battery that is chemically stable over time.

Breakthrough in Cathode Chemistry Clears Path for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries’ Commercial Viability

Stabilization of gamma sulfur at room temperature to enable the use of carbonate electrolyte in Li-S batteries

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3 times the capacity and more than 4,000 recharges almost sounds as an ideal solution. So will this become a revolution or is there some problem not mentioned yet?
  • #3
HansH said:
3 times the capacity and more than 4,000 recharges almost sounds as an ideal solution. So will this become a revolution or is there some problem not mentioned yet?
It is only a research project so far. Not yet developed into a product, so potential problems are not yet known.

1. What is a lithium-sulfur battery?

A lithium-sulfur battery is a type of rechargeable battery that uses a lithium metal anode and a sulfur-based cathode to store and release energy. It is considered a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries due to its higher energy density and lower cost.

2. How do lithium-sulfur batteries work?

In a lithium-sulfur battery, lithium ions from the anode move through an electrolyte solution to the cathode during charging, storing energy. When the battery is discharged, the lithium ions move back to the anode, releasing energy. The sulfur in the cathode acts as a reactant, allowing for multiple cycles of charging and discharging.

3. What are the advantages of lithium-sulfur batteries?

Lithium-sulfur batteries have a higher energy density compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, meaning they can store more energy in the same size and weight. They also have a lower cost due to the abundance of sulfur and the lack of expensive materials such as cobalt. Additionally, they have a longer lifespan and are more environmentally friendly.

4. What are the limitations of lithium-sulfur batteries?

Lithium-sulfur batteries have some limitations, such as a lower energy efficiency and a shorter lifespan compared to lithium-ion batteries. They also have issues with stability, as the sulfur in the cathode can react with the electrolyte and cause degradation over time. However, researchers are working to overcome these limitations through advancements in materials and technology.

5. Are lithium-sulfur batteries currently available for consumer use?

While lithium-sulfur batteries have been extensively researched and tested in labs, they are not yet widely available for consumer use. However, some companies are beginning to commercialize this technology and it is expected to become more prevalent in the future as advancements are made and costs decrease.

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