Methods for computing partial-costs of product bundles?

In summary, the problem involves finding the average cost of each type of fruit in order to do comparison shopping at a grocery store. However, there are only two bundles available, making the system of equations underdetermined. While there are methods for solving this type of problem, they may not yield the most accurate solution. Also, the number of fruits must be a positive integer, adding another layer of complexity to the equations.
  • #1
This might go into stats, I'm not sure. But I'll throw it out there. You are at the grocery store and they have two product bundles:

Four bananas and three limes for $10.
Two grapefruits and five limes for $12.

You want to come up with a way to compute the average cost of a lime, the average cost of a grapefruit, and the average cost of a banana in order to do comparison shopping. Assume that you have no personal preference on what you eat, and only care about cost and value.

I've simplified a much bigger problem I'm facing at work with a dataset in the 1000's. I really don't have any idea where to start. Are there any known methods for doing this?
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  • #2
KingNothing said:
This might go into stats, I'm not sure. But I'll throw it out there. You are at the grocery store and they have two product bundles:

Four bananas and three limes for $10.
Two grapefruits and five limes for $12.

You want to come up with a way to compute the average cost of a lime, the average cost of a grapefruit, and the average cost of a banana in order to do comparison shopping. Assume that you have no personal preference on what you eat, and only care about cost and value.

I've simplified a much bigger problem I'm facing at work with a dataset in the 1000's. I really don't have any idea where to start. Are there any known methods for doing this?
In general, yes, but not for this problem, since you have only two equations with three variables. This system is underdetermined, so a unique solution does not exist.

Mathematically, your system of equations looks like this:
4B + 0G + 3L = 10
0B + 2G + 5L = 12

Graphically, this system represents two planes in 3D space. Since the planes are obviously (to me) not parallel, they have to intersect, and do so in a line. Every point on the line is a solution to the system of equations.

BTW, that's some pretty expensive fruit...
  • #3
Thanks for the help. I am afraid I don't completely follow, though I believe I do partially.

So for example, if the equations were:
2B + 1G + 3L = 10
4B + 2G + 6L = 20

These would be parallel planes, correct? And in this case, there would be infinitely many solutions?

If there were three bundles of fruit that were not multiples of each other, we would get an exact solution, correct? Here's the thing - I actually have many more bundles than I have types of fruit. So I want to find the best solution although it can't be exact.

The "perfect" result would be finding values for each fruit such that the bundle prices are predicted 100% accurately. However, I understand this is not a likely situation - what I'm really looking for is a way to find fruit values such that the inaccuracies in predicting bundle prices are minimized.

By the way, I don't mean "predicting" as in looking ahead in time and predicting events, I mean in the sense of using a per-fruit price to most accurately reconstruct the bundle prices as a linear combination of the fruit prices.
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  • #4
Thank you for reminding me that I'm actually expressing a system of equations. Let's start with a new example. Say the store is offering three bundles now:


If you solve this, you get B=2, G=3, L=1. Now let's say the store offers another bundle: 6B+0G+3L=11

This is very similar to bundle #1 - you get two more bananas, but for only $1 more. Logic would tell you this wouldn't throw the price of each fruit too far off, and this is my rationale for believing there may be some best-fit algorithm.

It seems what I am searching for is a regression that models a function F(x,y,z...) that has many independent variables.
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  • #5
It seems what I am looking for is actually just a linear regression with multiple independent variables. Case closed (for now).

By the way, HallsofIvy, I saw that ;).
  • #6
What, perhaps, is being overlooked is that the number of bananas, grapefruits, and limes must be a positive integer (I suppose it is possible to buy half a grapefruit, but I can't imagine a store including half a grapefruit in a bundle of fruit!). That is, we really have Diophantine equations.

The equations are 4B+ 3L= 10 and 2G+ 5L= 12. Notice that 4- 3= 1 so, multiplying by 10, 4(10)+ 3(-10)= 10. So one solution to the first equation is B= 10, L= -10. Of course, L must be positive but it is easy to see that B= 10- 3k, L= -10+ 4k is also a solution for any value of k (4(10- 3k)+ 3(-10+ 4k)= 40- 30- 12k+ 12k= 10).

Find a value of k so that both B and L are positive integers, then use 2G+ 5L= 12 to find G.
  • #7
KingNothing said:
Thanks for the help. I am afraid I don't completely follow, though I believe I do partially.

So for example, if the equations were:
2B + 1G + 3L = 10
4B + 2G + 6L = 20

These would be parallel planes, correct? And in this case, there would be infinitely many solutions?
Actually, these two equations are equivalent, so represent the same plane. Every solution of the first equation is also a solution of the second.
KingNothing said:
If there were three bundles of fruit that were not multiples of each other, we would get an exact solution, correct? Here's the thing - I actually have many more bundles than I have types of fruit. So I want to find the best solution although it can't be exact.
Since we're dealing with a concrete application, if you had three equations in three unknowns you would probably get a unique solution.

However, it's not enough for the equations to not be multiples of each other. For example, the following system has three equations in three unknowns, but doesn't have a unique solution. (We say unique to indicate that there is just one solution.)


No two equations are multiples of each other, but the third equation is the sum of the first two. Geometrically, we have three planes in space that all intersect in a common line.

KingNothing said:
The "perfect" result would be finding values for each fruit such that the bundle prices are predicted 100% accurately. However, I understand this is not a likely situation - what I'm really looking for is a way to find fruit values such that the inaccuracies in predicting bundle prices are minimized.
I'm pretty certain there's a way to solve systems with lots more equations than variables, using some sort of least squares regression, but it's been a long while since I studied this, so can't point you to anything specific.
KingNothing said:
By the way, I don't mean "predicting" as in looking ahead in time and predicting events, I mean in the sense of using a per-fruit price to most accurately reconstruct the bundle prices as a linear combination of the fruit prices.
  • #8
Mark44 said:
However, it's not enough for the equations to not be multiples of each other. For example, the following system has three equations in three unknowns, but doesn't have a unique solution. (We say unique to indicate that there is just one solution.)


No two equations are multiples of each other, but the third equation is the sum of the first two. Geometrically, we have three planes in space that all intersect in a common line.

Yes, I do remember from LA that no equation can be a linear combination of the others in order to get a unique solution. I believe what I am looking for is a linear regression.

HoI - Good to know! I had never heard of Diophantine equations before. In my situation I actually have about ~1000 equations with ~500 independent variables, which can actually take any positive value. I don't imagine I will run into any issues with having negative values, so I'm not really concerned about that part.

FAQ: Methods for computing partial-costs of product bundles?

What are the different methods for computing partial-costs of product bundles?

There are several methods for computing partial-costs of product bundles, including the direct method, the allocation method, the reciprocal method, the joint product method, and the incremental method. Each method uses a different approach to allocate costs to individual products within a bundle.

How does the direct method calculate partial-costs of product bundles?

The direct method allocates costs directly to each product within a bundle based on the actual resources used to produce each product. This method is often used when the products within a bundle have different cost drivers.

What is the allocation method for computing partial-costs of product bundles?

The allocation method allocates costs to each product within a bundle based on a predetermined cost driver, such as labor hours or machine usage. This method is commonly used when the products within a bundle have similar cost drivers.

How does the reciprocal method calculate partial-costs of product bundles?

The reciprocal method allocates costs between products within a bundle based on the interdependence of their production processes. This method takes into account the fact that some products may use resources from other products within the bundle, and vice versa.

What is the incremental method for computing partial-costs of product bundles?

The incremental method calculates the difference in costs between a bundle of products and the individual products within the bundle. This method is useful when determining the added cost of producing a bundle of products compared to producing each product separately.
