Do Polls Really Serve Any Purpose?

  • Thread starter pattylou
  • Start date
In summary, polls can be a lot of fun, but they can also be inaccurate due to the quirky nature of PF members. The poll starters should anticipate this and make sure to include a variety of options.

PF polls are....

  • PF polls are GREAT!!! :) :) I've NEVER seen one I didn't like!!

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • PF polls are sometimes useful ... and I usually feel good about my answer

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • PF polls are a mixed bag and I usually feel like, in hindsight, I picked the wrong answer

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • PF polls are usually crap. People should learn to write.

    Votes: 12 46.2%

  • Total voters
  • #1
My opinion about polls...

What do you think about these? are they a complete waste of time?

Add comments as you see fit.
Physics news on
  • #2
hey look, 100% say PF polls are crap.
  • #3
The admins can't see our vote results... right?
  • #4
PF polls never have enough choices. PF poll starters should anticipate the quirkiness of PF members. :biggrin:
  • #5
Evo said:
PF polls never have enough choices. PF poll starters should anticipate the quirkiness of PF members. :biggrin:
Exactly dear Evo. PF poll starters are simply too daft for PF poll answerers. :rolleyes:
  • #6
Oh, geez, I can't decide again! I love PF polls, they're lots of fun, but they're also usually crap. It's more fun giving the poll starter a hard time about not including every possible option. :biggrin:
  • #7
I was going to choose the 3rd choice, but the poll creator made such terrible choices that I had to go with the 4th.

To clarify. Why did you add a second part to each option?

"I've NEVER seen one I didn't like!"
"and I usually feel good about my answer"
"and I usually feel like, in hindsight, I picked the wrong answer"
"People should learn to write."

Many people may think that Pf polls are great, but now have to say that they have never seen one that they did not like.

Then the third one, why do I have to think that I chose the wrong answer if PF polls are a mixed bag? Are there correct answers to polls like these?

And for the last one, yes people should learn to write.
Last edited:
  • #8
Sounds like another vote for the missing poll option "there are never enough options". :biggrin:
  • #9
mattmns said:
I was going to choose the 3rd choice, but the poll creator made such terrible choices that I had to go with the 4th.

To clarify. Why did you add a second part to each option?

"I've NEVER seen one I didn't like!"
"and I usually feel good about my answer"
"and I usually feel like, in hindsight, I picked the wrong answer"
"People should learn to write."

Many people may think that Pf polls are great, but now have to say that they have never seen one that they did not like.

Then the third one, why do I have to think that I chose the wrong answer if PF polls are a mixed bag? Are there correct answers to polls like these?

And for the last one, yes people should learn to write.
I rest my (evo's) case. :smile:
  • #10
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #11
I've never seen a good poll
  • #12
Maybe an other option should be added automatically to polls. And an undecided option. And indifferent. And all of the above. And possibly some more...
  • #13
honestrosewater said:
Maybe an other option should be added automatically to polls. And an undecided option. And indifferent. And all of the above. And possibly some more...
:cry: :rolleyes: :smile: :zzz:
  • #14
Smurf said:
:cry: :rolleyes: :smile: :zzz:
Yes, those are good options too. And don't forget none of the above (), I'm too shy to voice my opinion (:shy:), and I'm too sexy for this poll (:cool:).
  • #15
I am too sexy for this poll... damn, i never realized before.
  • #17
Math Is Hard said:
My opinion of polls is that they are not to be trusted. Notice that 31.48% of the people who answered this poll said they don't answer polls: :biggrin:
Inconceivable! They must be punished. But how? Flogging, whirligig, Christina Aguilera? Hmmm... I think we should take a poll. :approve:
  • #18
Evo said:
PF polls never have enough choices. PF poll starters should anticipate the quirkiness of PF members. :biggrin:

Any GD poll should include:

1) Off topic options
2) insults to Smurf
3) At least one sheep joke that alludes to Wolram or Moonbear

Any poll should also include the following options with no explanation:

1) The Sisterhoods
2) Because Evo hurt herself again
3) Yomamma [never say more]
4) I'm afraid to answer because Chroot is around
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
Any GD poll should include:

1) Off topic options
2) insults to Smurf
3) At least one sheep joke that alludes to Wolram or Moonbear

Any poll should also include the following options with no explanation:

1) The Sisterhoods
2) Because Evo hurt herself again
3) Yomamma [never say more]
4) I'm afraid to answer because Chroot is around
:smile: :smile:
  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
2) insults to Smurf
Why does everybody hate me? :rolleyes:
  • #21
Smurf said:
Why does everybody hate me? :rolleyes:

Indifference is more akin to hate.

We torture the ones we love. :biggrin:
  • #22
Ivan Seeking said:
Any GD poll should include:

1) Off topic options
2) insults to Smurf
3) At least one sheep joke that alludes to Wolram or Moonbear

Any poll should also include the following options with no explanation:

1) The Sisterhoods
2) Because Evo hurt herself again
3) Yomamma [never say more]
4) I'm afraid to answer because Chroot is around
:smile: I think I'll edit those into the future polls.
  • #23
Smurf said:
Why does everybody hate me? :rolleyes:
  • #24
Smurf said:
Why does everybody hate me? :rolleyes:

I like you remind me of a cat I used to have. He was fun to play with once in a while but he always went around clawing up the that's pretty much like you except your much shorter and blue...and I expect you hate cat's...well I would too if I were only a few inches tall
  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
We torture the ones we love. :biggrin:
Hmmm interesting...
Evo said:
Oh.. uh... :rolleyes: uh oh.
  • #26
Townsend said:
I like you remind me of a cat I used to have. He was fun to play with once in a while but he always went around clawing up the that's pretty much like you except your much shorter and blue...and I expect you hate cat's...well I would too if I were only a few inches tall
pffft :rolleyes: you're just sucking up because you know you're wrong in the anarchy thread. :-p

bte, you havn't responded to by democracy yet. I can barely remember what's on it now.
  • #27
Smurf said:
pffft :rolleyes: you're just sucking up because you know you're wrong in the anarchy thread. :-p

bte, you havn't responded to by democracy yet. I can barely remember what's on it now.

I don't suck up to anyone for any reason...

FAQ: Do Polls Really Serve Any Purpose?

1. What is the purpose of conducting polls?

The purpose of conducting polls is to gather and analyze data on public opinions and attitudes towards a specific topic or issue. This information can then be used to inform decision making and guide policies.

2. How accurate are polls?

The accuracy of polls depends on various factors such as sample size, methodology, and the wording of questions. Generally, larger and more diverse samples with well-designed questions tend to yield more accurate results.

3. Do polls influence public opinion?

Polls can have some influence on public opinion, but they are not the sole factor. Other factors such as media coverage, personal experiences, and political campaigns also play a role in shaping public opinion.

4. Are online polls reliable?

Online polls can be reliable if they are conducted using proper sampling and methodology. However, they may not accurately represent the entire population and can be easily manipulated, so they should be interpreted with caution.

5. How can polls be used in scientific research?

Polls can be used in scientific research to gather data and insights on various social, political, and cultural phenomena. They can help researchers understand public attitudes, behaviors, and trends, and can also be used to test hypotheses and validate theories.

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