Natural thinking, common sense, and science?

In summary, according to the pbs program, the universe is billions of years old and scientists have known this for a long time. However, some people believe that this knowledge is common sense and that scientists are just wasting their time.
  • #1
I just watched some pbs program about the universe, and the conclusion was that existence is no accident, its the universe working for billions of years... seriously? you just wasted 1hr of my time to tell me something a little kid couldve told me in 10secs..?

Im no scientist... but i can take a quik look around and figure lotta stuff out... but these scientists take years, decades to come up with some simple answer that they couldve gotten by takin a quick look around and figuring it out from there... I always thought scientists were very smart peoples... like a higher class of human! but now that I am older they look no different than politician... teacher... priest... is like, no "common" sense at all!
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  • #2
I really don't know what you just said. The only reason you could have told me that the universe is billions of years old is because scientists already found that out and you heard about it somewhere. If you didn't already know, you'd have no idea how old it could be.
  • #3
Hexnergy said:
I just watched some pbs program about the universe, and the conclusion was that existence is no accident, its the universe working for billions of years... seriously? you just wasted 1hr of my time to tell me something a little kid couldve told me in 10secs..?

Im no scientist... but i can take a quik look around and figure lotta stuff out... but these scientists take years, decades to come up with some simple answer that they couldve gotten by takin a quick look around and figuring it out from there... I always thought scientists were very smart peoples... like a higher class of human! but now that I am older they look no different than politician... teacher... priest... is like, no "common" sense at all!

this is the same method by which people came to the following conclusions:

Hitler was right (I mean obviously, the bankers did it and we know all Jews are bankers!)
The Earth is flat (of course the whole tortoise thing is silly!)
The Earth is hollow and we're living on the inside of it. (personal favorite)
The Earth is the center of the universe (I mean, duhhh, there's universe forever in every direction, we MUST be at the center of it! All you have to do is look with your own eyes?)Just out of curiousity, what does your intuition tell you about the behavior of subatomic particles, Hexnergy?

Does increasing the pressure of a gas increase it's velocity? (hey! no Google!)
  • #4
Hexnergy said:
I just watched some pbs program about the universe, and the conclusion was that existence is no accident, its the universe working for billions of years... seriously? you just wasted 1hr of my time to tell me something a little kid couldve told me in 10secs..?

Im no scientist... but i can take a quik look around and figure lotta stuff out... but these scientists take years, decades to come up with some simple answer that they couldve gotten by takin a quick look around and figuring it out from there... I always thought scientists were very smart peoples... like a higher class of human! but now that I am older they look no different than politician... teacher... priest... is like, no "common" sense at all!
I've seen that show and you apparently didn't understand it.
  • #5
you are right! that's exactly my point... we know information about things because somebody started asking questions... and building a knowledge base, but its like today scientists are shocked to find out that the universe is this old... or there's a new planet... or this or that, i bet they going to be shocked once they find a planet with life... i mean cmon, there are planets with life out there... this planet is not special... no accident... but if you say something like this you get rediculed... but these are the same scientist that will tell you with smile on their face about the big bang... but ask them what happened before it, and they tell you its philosophy blah blah blah... wow, how about replacing big bang with creation and before big bang call it god and call yourself a priest, mr scientist? no difference really... is like the real scientist were the ancient ones makin real discoveries, observations...

even for religios people there are other stuff in their world like angels, demons, etc... i was watching a program about fracteals the other day and it occurred to me that everything that exists is a fracteal... atoms have a nucleus (sun), and electrons (planets) orbiting the nucleus... same thing with solar system orbiting center of galaxys, and probably galaxys orbiting something else... i mean, is common sense!
  • #6
Scientists aren't "shocked" to find out the age of the universe, or that there are planets to be discovered.

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FAQ: Natural thinking, common sense, and science?

1. What is natural thinking?

Natural thinking refers to the process of using our intuition, instincts, and common sense to make sense of the world around us. It is a way of thinking that comes naturally to us and is based on our personal experiences and observations.

2. What is common sense?

Common sense is the ability to make practical and logical decisions based on our understanding of the world. It involves using our natural thinking abilities to make reasonable and rational judgments in everyday situations.

3. How does science differ from natural thinking and common sense?

Science is a systematic and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world. It involves using the scientific method to test hypotheses, gather data, and draw conclusions. Unlike natural thinking and common sense, which can sometimes be biased or based on personal beliefs, science relies on empirical evidence and critical thinking to reach conclusions.

4. Can natural thinking and common sense be used in science?

Yes, natural thinking and common sense can be used in science, but they are not enough on their own. While they can help us generate ideas and hypotheses, the scientific method is necessary to test and validate these ideas. Without the use of scientific methods, natural thinking and common sense can lead to biased or inaccurate conclusions.

5. How can we improve our natural thinking and common sense?

We can improve our natural thinking and common sense by being open-minded, questioning our assumptions, and seeking out new information and perspectives. It is also important to practice critical thinking skills, such as evaluating evidence and considering alternative explanations, to make more informed and rational decisions.

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