Need help with the 4 fundamental forces of Nature

In summary, the magic system in the novel is based on the ability of a group of people to manipulate the four fundamental forces of physics. The protagonist is struggling to come up with believable ways that the heroes/villains could manipulate the weak and strong nuclear force. They can generate heat with the strong force and disassociate molecules with the weak force.
  • #1
Hey everyone,

I am currently in the middle of research for a science fiction /fantasy novel where the magic system is based on the ability of a group of people to manipulate the four fundamental forces of physics. Of these four, coming up with ways that individuals could manipulate gravity and electromagnetism is fairly easy as this has been done before with characters in comics and movies. I am struggling though with coming up with ways that the heroes/villains could manipulate the weak and strong nuclear force that is both plausible, somewhat scientifically sound (it is fiction after all) and creatively helpful (i.e they can't just be turning themselves into fission or fusion bombs). Essentially, I would like something that is scientifically sound and then I can extrapolate from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
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  • #2
'scientifically sound' is not an option.

Just have them manipulate it with mind power. That seems to be the usual thing in SF. Magneto comes to mind.
Whatever you come up with, I expect it'll be more plausible than cavorite.
  • #3
Scientifically sound is like you said, most likely not an option. What I am going for is plausible. For instance, both the weak and nuclear force can be used for transmutation, creating new elements through fusion and breaking them down again using fission. Granted the energy requirements would be huge, as well as the radiation unleashed but this is where the artist can take a little liberty. With the strong force, disassociation is also possible by basically eliminating the bonds between molecules etc. Also, I suppose since fusion is how the sun creates its energy , a fusion user could most likely generate a lot of heat, I guess. This is the kind of thing I am going for,, what is plausible with both of these forces if one had unlimited amounts of energy, (which is impossible) but you get my drift.

FAQ: Need help with the 4 fundamental forces of Nature

1. What are the 4 fundamental forces of Nature?

The 4 fundamental forces of Nature are gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. These forces govern the behavior and interactions of all particles in the universe.

2. How is gravity different from the other 3 fundamental forces?

Gravity is the weakest of the 4 fundamental forces, but it has the longest range. It is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass and plays a crucial role in the structure and movement of celestial bodies.

3. What is the role of electromagnetism in everyday life?

Electromagnetism is responsible for all electric and magnetic interactions. It allows for the flow of electricity, the creation of light and other electromagnetic waves, and the formation of chemical bonds. It is also responsible for many everyday technologies such as radios, computers, and cell phones.

4. How do the strong and weak nuclear forces work?

The strong nuclear force is responsible for holding together the nucleus of an atom, which contains protons and neutrons. It is the strongest force but has a very short range. The weak nuclear force is involved in radioactive decay and is responsible for the transformation of one particle into another.

5. Are the 4 fundamental forces of Nature ever-changing?

While the 4 fundamental forces are well-established, scientists are constantly studying and researching their behavior to gain a deeper understanding of their interactions. It is possible that new discoveries or theories may lead to changes in our understanding of these forces in the future.

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