Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering

In summary, the two reactions being compared are e^- + e^+ -> \gamma^\ast -> e^- + e^+ and e^- + e^+ -> Z^\ast -> \nu + \bar{\nu} and e^- + e^+ -> W^\ast -> \nu_e + \bar{\nu}_e. While these processes have similar Feynman diagrams, they differ in the exchanged particles and the total cross sections. The latter process also has a low-energy matrix element that is not well described in literature. To compare the two reactions, one approach is to replace certain constants with their equivalent values for the W-boson, which results in a branching ratio that shows the suppression of the decay into a
  • #1
Science Advisor

does anybody know how to compare (at tree level) the two reactions

[tex]e^- + e^+ \to \gamma^\ast \to e^- + e^+[/tex]


[tex]e^- + e^+ \to Z^\ast \to \nu + \bar{\nu} \;\;\; \text{and} \;\;\; e^- + e^+ \to W^\ast \to \nu_e + \bar{\nu}_e[/tex]

The first process is the so-called Bhabha scattering whereas the second one is the neutrino-antineutrino pair creation from virtual W- and Z exchange.

In order to compare similar processes one should restrict to electron neutrinos in the final state of the Z boson; then both processes are rather similar in terms of their Feynman diagrams; the only difference is that in Bhabha scattering the exchanged particle (in both s- and t-channel) is a photon whereas in the second process the s-channel contribution comes from the Z, the t-channel contribution from the W, respectively.

My problems are the following:
1) the total cross section for Bhabha scattering diverges due to the long range Coulomb force; it has the well-known forward singularity

[tex]\frac{d\sigma_{e^-e^+ \to e^-e^+}}{d\Omega} \sim \frac{1}{\sin^4 \frac{\theta}{2}}[/tex]

so one can't compare cross-sections directly

2) for the latter process I can't find any low-energy matrix element; in the literature only the high-energy regime is described.

Does anybody know
- how to compare the matrix elements, cross sections or the branching ratio for the two processes?
- whether there is a different possibility to compare photon- and W-/Z-boson-exchange at low energies?
- whether there are experimental results down to the MeV range?
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Physics news on
  • #2
Do you want a ballpark answer or does it have to be right?

To ballpark it replace every 1/q2 with a 1/Mw2 and every alpha with an alpha_w.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
Do you want a ballpark answer or does it have to be right?
The latter one :-)

Vanadium 50 said:
To ballpark it replace every 1/q2 with a 1/Mw2 and every alpha with an alpha_w.
I agree; far away from MZ and MW this is the 4-fermion interaction.
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  • #4
I checked arxiv for positronium decays (because for low energy this is the relevant system). One ref. is
Decays of Positronium
Andrzej Czarnecki, Savely G. Karshenboim
(Submitted on 19 Nov 1999)
Abstract: We briefly review the theoretical and experimental results concerning decays of positronium. Possible solutions of the "orthopositronium lifetime puzzle" are discussed. Positronium annihilation into neutrinos is examined and disagreement is found with previously published results.

The reference system is the para-positronium with dominant decay channel

[tex](e^-+e^-)_{S=0} \to 2\gamma[/tex]

and neutrino-antineutrino pair creation

[tex](e^-+e^-)_{S=0} \to \nu_e + \bar{\nu}_e[/tex]

The decay widths are

[tex]\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to 2\gamma} = \frac{\alpha^5m_e}{2}[/tex]


[tex]\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to \nu_e\bar{\nu}_e} = \frac{G_F^2\alpha^3m_e^5}{24\pi^2}(1+4\sin^2\theta_W)^2[/tex]

Replacing the Fermi constant [tex]G_F[/tex] via the W-boson mass [tex]M_W[/tex], Weinberg angle [tex]\sin^2\theta_W \simeq 0.23[/tex] and [tex]\alpha[/tex] one finds the branchung ratio

[tex]\frac{\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to \nu_e\bar{\nu}_e}}{\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to 2\gamma}} = \frac{f_W}{24}\left(\frac{m_e}{M_W}\right)^4[/tex]


[tex]f_W = \frac{(1+4\sin^2\theta_W)^2}{\sin^4\theta_W}[/tex]

The result

[tex]\frac{\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to \nu_e\bar{\nu}_e}}{\Gamma_{e^-e^- \to 2\gamma}} = 6.2 \cdot 10^{-18}[/tex]

shows the suppression of the decay into a neutrino-antineutrino pair due to the W-boson mass.

My calculation differs by one order of magnitude which may be due to a missed numerical constant.
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FAQ: Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering

What is neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering?

Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering is a process in which two neutrinos are created when an electron and positron collide and annihilate each other. This phenomenon is possible because of the conservation of energy and momentum.

How is neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering different from other types of pair creation?

Neutrino pair creation is different from other types of pair creation, such as electron-positron or proton-antiproton pair creation, because it involves particles with no charge and very little mass. This makes the process more difficult to detect and study.

What is the significance of neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering?

Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering is significant because it provides evidence for the existence of neutrinos, which were initially thought to be massless. This discovery has led to a better understanding of the standard model of particle physics and has opened up new avenues for research in the field.

How is neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering observed in experiments?

Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering is observed in experiments by detecting the particles produced in the collision, such as the two neutrinos, and measuring their energy and momentum. This can be done using specialized detectors like particle accelerators or neutrino detectors.

What are the potential applications of neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering?

Neutrino pair creation in electron positron scattering has potential applications in fields such as astrophysics and cosmology. It can also help scientists better understand the behavior of neutrinos and their role in the universe, leading to advancements in technology and energy production.

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