Non-physical beings: Do they exists?

  • Thread starter physicskid
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In summary, humans have five senses that we use to observe the world, which we consider to be the physical world. This has led us to arrogantly declare that non-physical beings do not exist. However, this is similar to an earthworm declaring that light does not exist because it is blind. Our senses allow us to perceive the world, but having more or less senses does not make the world more or less real. There are beings and principles that exist outside of our five senses, such as gravity, God, spirits, nothingness, and infinity. Other organisms may have senses that allow them to observe these non-physical beings, and there is a possibility for humans to develop a "sense converter" to observe them as well.
  • #1
We all know that we humans have five senses only. We uses our five senses to observe the world and we call that the physical world and declare arrogantly that non-physical beings don't exist at all. That's similar to a earthworm that's blind to declare that light do not exist.
Our senses are present to let us observe the world. If we have less sense(s), we would observe a less real world. But if we have more senses we would observe a more real world. But even if we do not have the sense(s) to observe something that we call it 'non-physical', we can observe it indirectly through it interaction with 'physical beings'. These 'non-physical beings' are beings that can't be observe by our five senses.
For example: gravity, God, spirits, nothingness and infinty.
Lastly, even though the physical world that we observe is not the complete real world, it is still part of the picture of the real world.
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  • #2
ok, how can we observe something that doesn't fit into our senses? How can an earthworm "feel" the light? guess we'll have to answer that in order to know that non-physical beeings exist or not...

These 'non-physical beings' are beings that can't be observe by our five senses. For example: gravity, God, spirits, nothingness and infinty.

I think we can feel gravity (or acceleration) with the vestibular system in out inner ear.
  • #3
The earthworm can feel the heat from the photons from the sun and it still try to explain why is hot from what it observe from its sense(s)(sorry, i don't know what senses does the worm have), just like we humans. We try to explain magic, presence of spirits and supernatural with science, which only explains 'the physical world' that we observe.
  • #4
There's also a possibility that other organisms may have the sense(s) that's able observe non-physical beings. e.g: plants, monkey...
  • #5
There's also a possibility that other organisms may have the sense(s) that's able observe non-physical beings
so we'll need a sense converter :smile:

but what kind of senses do you think we'll need to observe those beings?
have you read "The City and the Stars" - Arthur Clarke? there's an interesting concept of non-physical being...
  • #6
Somebody on Earth may be a mutant and have extra senses but i don't think anyone would believe what he observe. Our senses are only used to prove the existence of the world. The purpose of this post was to tell everyone that what we see now is not the complete picture of reality and science is unable to explain everything, it's confined to the physical world.
  • #7
But I think it would be very hard to prove anything outside of the senses, and hence science.

Which brings me to another vague point... If our concept of existence is based on things we know the physical reality of - eg. an invisible chair still exists because I can touch it, and it has a physical effect on other physical items, then can we by rights say that something complete non-physical "exists"?

And to bring QM into this... Is something that is unobserved and non-interacting really real in the way an electron is? In terms of QM, it merely occupies a probability waveform, and hence does not have a definite existence. We never know if it is there or not.
  • #8
To each and every sense we have, there are extremes on each end of the scale of perception for those senses that we cannot experience. There are plants and animals that are able to percieve different segments of these scales than we are. Yes, plants, too. There have been studies conducted in which plants produce a chemical response to the mere presence of a person that has endangered it in the past. Having a structure in no way comparable to the animal nerve structure, this shows that it is possible to obtain perceptions of our environment through faculties we as humans do not possess.(I say humans and not "animals" because like I said, animals can see things we cannot) And hence, if something has the power to perceive something that we cannot, it then goes to say that our sense are limited, and there certainly exists principles among us that we cannot observe.
  • #9
Originally posted by physicskid
We all know that we humans have five senses only. We uses our five senses to observe the world and we call that the physical world and declare arrogantly that non-physical beings don't exist at all.

"Science" would not say that such things definitely do not exist. Science would say that there's no evidence yet to support the existence of such things (not ruling out the possibility).

That's similar to a earthworm that's blind to declare that light do not exist.

Humans can't sense EM fields (like sharks), but we know they exist. We can't see beyond a tiny portion of the EM spectrum (so called visible light), but we can detect other wavelengths (xray, infrared, etc.) In short, direct detection by our 5 senses is not the only way to discover things about the universe.

Our senses are present to let us observe the world. If we have less sense(s), we would observe a less real world.

No, we would just be aware of less. The world would remain as real to us as ever. But I suspect you are thinking of a "greater reality". Perhaps as Plato described?
  • #10
And hence, if something has the power to perceive something that we cannot, it then goes to say that our sense are limited, and there certainly exists principles among us that we cannot observe.
But the fact that we know it exists shows that we can still observe it, if only by proxy. We still have a very physical measurement, and one covered well by science.

But I think it would be very hard to prove anything outside of the senses, and hence science.
In case this point gets confused, what I mean is that that which cannot be observed in indeterminate and probably irrelevant, and that the field which cannot be open to physical observation by science or otherwise are similarly closed to all other human methods. So if at any point science does not know an absolute everything, it can know anything that we as humans can conceive of.
  • #11
We know the existence of this universe because of our senses, but what we observe may not be what it really is in reality.
And to bring QM into this... Is something that is unobserved and non-interacting really real in the way an electron is? In terms of QM, it merely occupies a probability waveform, and hence does not have a definite existence. We never know if it is there or not.
An electron is detected using devices that detect it as a particle state which is not true. Its true form is a wave. These devices converts the it into a different state that our sense is able to detect, which the same propeties except the state. Similiar to a highly intelligent blind worm uses light detecting devices that detects it as a heat wave.

Our sense may convert the true state of something into another state. So appearance of the physical world depends on how we perceive it.
  • #12
We can sometimes deduce something exists by the interference it causes with the things we can observe and measure. Like planets around a distant star that are not directly observable but can be deduced by the gravitational effect they have on the observable sun they orbit.

It might be possible to deduce some type of non-physical being exists if they cause some type of interference with our observable universe. Like a ghost moving a chair, we see the chair move but nothing appears to be moving it, ergo we have deduced the possibility that a ghostly being exists.

I assume by non-physical being you mean something akin to a human, a sentient life form.

And while you say we arrogantly declare they do not exist, I say you arrogantly declare they are non-physical when you have no clue as to what their nature is, ie: God, spirits, etc. There are people that claim to see these things, so how can you be bold enough to say they are non-physical? :wink:
  • #13
The matter that make up dark matter can be these 'non-physical beings', that's why we could'nt detect it.

Reply to q-nought: Since i had already said that they exist, they are not non-physical.
  • #14
Originally posted by physicskid
We all know that we humans have five senses only. We uses our five senses to observe the world and we call that the physical world and declare arrogantly that non-physical beings don't exist at all. That's similar to a earthworm that's blind to declare that light do not exist.
Our senses are present to let us observe the world. If we have less sense(s), we would observe a less real world. But if we have more senses we would observe a more real world. But even if we do not have the sense(s) to observe something that we call it 'non-physical', we can observe it indirectly through it interaction with 'physical beings'. These 'non-physical beings' are beings that can't be observe by our five senses.
For example: gravity, God, spirits, nothingness and infinty.
Lastly, even though the physical world that we observe is not the complete real world, it is still part of the picture of the real world.

First off - of course non-physical beings don't exist. To exist something MUST be physical - so your question is answered regardles of it's meaning. Nothing non-physical exists.

Beyond that you're wrong about earthworms. earthworms can absolutely detect light.

To propose that spirits and God etc... exist is absurd.
  • #15
Originally posted by physicskid
The matter that make up dark matter can be these 'non-physical beings', that's why we could'nt detect it.

Reply to q-nought: Since i had already said that they exist, they are not non-physical.

With a name like "physicskid" you really are not familiar with anti-matter.

Anti-matter is absolutely physical. You have made a terrible error.
  • #16
Originally posted by physicskid
The matter that make up dark matter can be these 'non-physical beings', that's why we could'nt detect it.

Reply to q-nought: Since i had already said that they exist, they are not non-physical.
Erm.. no. Matter is one of the world's physical entities, along with energy. Dark matter has the key characteristic of matter - mass. It is perfectly detectable by the way it has gravitational effects on the universe - just as we detect thing by touch by monitoring their electromagnetic effects on our hand.
  • #17
physicskid said:
The matter that make up dark matter can be these 'non-physical beings', that's why we could'nt detect it.

Originally posted by Izzle
With a name like "physicskid" you really are not familiar with anti-matter.

Anti-matter is absolutely physical. You have made a terrible error.

Coud there be a mix-up between you guys?
  • #18
Originally posted by FZ+
Erm.. no. Matter is one of the world's physical entities, along with energy. Dark matter has the key characteristic of matter - mass. It is perfectly detectable by the way it has gravitational effects on the universe - just as we detect thing by touch by monitoring their electromagnetic effects on our hand.

Did you notice that i delibrately placed a pair of ' ' on the word non-physical-beings??

FAQ: Non-physical beings: Do they exists?

1. Do non-physical beings really exist?

The existence of non-physical beings is a highly debated topic and there is no definitive answer. Some people believe in their existence based on personal experiences or religious beliefs, while others dismiss them as purely fictional.

2. What are non-physical beings?

Non-physical beings are entities that are believed to exist outside the physical world. They are often described as spiritual or supernatural beings that do not have a physical body.

3. How do non-physical beings interact with the physical world?

There are various theories on how non-physical beings may interact with the physical world. Some believe that they can communicate through mediums or possess individuals, while others suggest that their influence is more subtle and can be perceived through intuition or synchronicity.

4. Can non-physical beings be harmful?

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of non-physical beings, so it is impossible to determine if they can be harmful. However, many cultures and religions have stories of malevolent spirits or demons, so it is a common belief that they can potentially cause harm.

5. Is there any scientific proof of non-physical beings?

At this time, there is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of non-physical beings. The concept of non-physical beings falls under the realm of metaphysics, which is not a scientifically testable field. However, some researchers continue to explore the possibility of their existence through parapsychology and other alternative fields of study.

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