Normalized Eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator

In summary, the conversation was about finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian Operator, as well as showing that the normalized quantum states are given by certain equations. There was some confusion about the eigenvectors and how to find them, but it was eventually resolved.
  • #1
Hi all

Homework Statement

Given is a Hermitian Operator H
[tex]H= \begin{pmatrix}
a & b \\
b & -a

where as [tex] a=rcos \phi , b=rsin \phi[/tex]

I shall find the Eigen values as well as the Eigenvectors. Furthermore I shall show that the normalized quantum states are:

[tex] \mid + \rangle =\begin{pmatrix}
\frac{cos \phi}{2} \\
\frac{sin \phi}{2}


[tex] \mid - \rangle =\begin{pmatrix}
\frac{-sin \phi}{2} \\
\frac{cos \phi}{2}

I know that: [tex] \frac {tan \phi}{2} = \frac {1-cos \phi}{sin \phi}[/tex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated the Eigen values vie the determinant (=0) (let's call them lambda). I think I did that right and the solutions are:
[tex] \lambda_1=r ,\lambda_2=-r[/tex]

Furthermore I calculated two Eigenvectors. I have something like an inner product

from H times a vector, so I just swapped the two entries and put a minus in front of one. My two Eigenvectors are:

[tex] \vec v_1 =\begin{pmatrix}
-rsin \phi \\
rcos \phi - r

\vec v_2 =\begin{pmatrix}
-rsin \phi \\
rcos \phi + r

I calculated the norm which is
[tex] ||v_1||^2 = 2r^2(1-cos \phi)[/tex]

But now I'm stuck. I don't get the solution I should get. Did I do something wrong?

Thanks for your help.
Physics news on
  • #2
Lindsayyyy said:
I know that: [tex] \frac {tan \phi}{2} = \frac {1-cos \phi}{sin \phi}[/tex]
Don't know if it helps any, but that should read [tex]tan \frac {\phi}{2} = \frac {1-cos \phi}{sin \phi}[/tex]
  • #3
Something looks wrong with your eigenvectors. Try working on them again / show your work.
  • #4
I'm in a hurry. Thanks for your help guys. I'll post tomorrow how I calculated my eigenvectors.


Thanks for that info, it wasn't clear on the sheet where that /2 belongs to. The vectors + and - which are given are also wrong then, it should be sin(phi/2) etc I guess then.
  • #5
Lindsayyyy said:
I'm in a hurry. Thanks for your help guys. I'll post tomorrow how I calculated my eigenvectors.


Thanks for that info, it wasn't clear on the sheet where that /2 belongs to. The vectors + and - which are given are also wrong then, it should be sin(phi/2) etc I guess then.
Yup...the original eigenvectors you were supposed to prove seemed kind of dubious as they arent normalised.
  • #6
Well, my attempt was totally wrong. But I'm stuck now.

I try to find the Eigenvector for the Eigenvalue r

I have:

[tex] \begin{pmatrix}
rcos \phi & rsin \phi \\
rsin \phi & -rcos \phi
\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}
x \\
0 \\

When I try to solve this I come to:

[tex] xrcos \phi -xr +yrsin \phi = 0 \\
xrsin \phi -yrcos \phi -yr= 0[/tex]

Furthermore I come to:

[tex] x= y \frac{sin \phi}{1-cos\phi}[/tex]

aswell as
[tex] y= x\frac{sin \phi}{cos\phi +1}[/tex]

My problem is the following: I don't know what my x and y are and I can't solve it properly. I'm stuck. Did I do it right thus far? And what to do next?

Thanks for your help
  • #7
Lindsayyyy said:
Furthermore I come to:
[tex] x= y \frac{sin \phi}{1-cos\phi}[/tex]
Well that's it! In general, there is no unique eigenvector - if |+> is an eigenvector of the matrix, then clearly any multiple of |+> too is a possible eigenvector.

So, our generalised eigenvector (for eigenvalue r) is
\left(\begin{matrix} \frac{sin \phi}{1-cos\phi} \\ 1 \end{matrix}\right)
\equiv \left(\begin{matrix} sin \phi \\ 1-cos\phi \end{matrix}\right)
\equiv \left(\begin{matrix} 2 sin \frac{\phi}{2} cos \frac{\phi}{2} \\ 2 sin^{2}\frac{\phi}{2} \end{matrix}\right)
\equiv \left(\begin{matrix} cos \frac{\phi}{2} \\ sin \frac{\phi}{2} \end{matrix}\right)
where we recognise that the final eigenvector is normalised.
(you could of course simply normalise the first eigenvector and arrive at the same result)
  • #8
So you just chose your y as one because you say any multiplied vector to the eigenvector is one eigenvector aswell?

Thanks for the help everyone.

The task was to show that the normalized eigenvectors are the given ones. I did it just with the equation

H*ev=lambda*ev (ev=eigenvector)

but I wanted to know the other way around, because this looks more elegant to me^^.
  • #9
Yup, it doesn't matter which multiple of the eigenvector I choose to use. After normalising, I will still end up with the same normalised eigenvector.
  • #10
Ok, I think I understand it a bit better now. Thanks for your help again

FAQ: Normalized Eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator

What is the significance of normalized eigenvectors in a Hermitian operator?

Eigenvectors are important in understanding the behavior of a Hermitian operator because they represent the directions in which the operator acts purely as a scaling factor. Normalized eigenvectors, in particular, have a unit length and therefore simplify calculations and allow for easier interpretation of results.

How are eigenvectors and eigenvalues related in a Hermitian operator?

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues are intimately linked in a Hermitian operator. For each eigenvalue, there exists a corresponding eigenvector that is unique up to a scalar multiple. The eigenvalues represent the scaling factors, while the eigenvectors represent the directions in which the operator acts as a scaling factor.

What is the physical interpretation of normalized eigenvectors in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the squared magnitude of the wave function of a system is interpreted as the probability of finding the system in a particular state. Since normalized eigenvectors have a unit length, they represent the most probable states for a system to be in. Additionally, the squared magnitude of the projection of a normalized eigenvector onto a state vector represents the probability amplitude of measuring that state.

How do you find the normalized eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator?

To find the normalized eigenvectors of a Hermitian operator, one must first find the eigenvalues using the characteristic equation. Then, for each eigenvalue, solve the corresponding eigenvector equation to find the eigenvector. Finally, normalize the eigenvector by dividing it by its magnitude.

Can a Hermitian operator have non-normalized eigenvectors?

Yes, a Hermitian operator can have non-normalized eigenvectors. However, normalizing the eigenvectors is a common practice as it simplifies calculations and allows for a more intuitive interpretation of results in many cases.
