Number of Workers Needed to Hold 2600kg Stone Block at Rest

  • Thread starter TyFelmingham
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Block Rest
In summary, there is a 2600kg stone block on a ramp inclined at 12 degrees to the horizontal. Each worker can exert a pulling force of at most 360 Newtons. For part a, it would take 70 workers to hold the stone block at rest. For part b, considering the magnitude of static friction and the friction acting upwards along the ramp, it would take 70 workers to hold the block at rest. The force would be the F calculated in part a minus 2560 N. It is advised to use sine instead of cosine for calculations.
  • #1
Suppose there is a 2600kg stone block on a ramp inclinded at 12 degrees to the horizontal.Assume that each worker can exert a pulling force of magnitude at most 360 Newtons.

a) Determine the number of workers it would take to hold the stone block at rest

b)Although lubrication can reduce friction, it cannot eliminate it. Assume that
the magnitude of the static friction exerted by the ramp on the stone block
is 2560 N. Taking into account the friction acting upwards along the ramp
(reducing the tendency of the block to slide down the ramp), how many men
are required to hold the block at rest?

Ok, so for a,

mg* cos 12
=24923 N

Divide it by the amount a worker can pull

= 70

Is that right?

For b, I am stuck...I have no idea where to start
Physics news on
  • #2
It should be a sinus there...Make the FBD again & pay attention to those triangles.

  • #3
For b), would the force just be the F calculated in question a minus 2560 N?

  • #4
Yes that's how you do part B.
I also agree with dex when he says to use sine instead of cosine.

FAQ: Number of Workers Needed to Hold 2600kg Stone Block at Rest

1. How many workers are needed to hold a 2600kg stone block at rest?

The number of workers needed to hold a 2600kg stone block at rest depends on various factors such as the weight distribution of the block, the strength of the workers, and the surface on which the block is being held. However, on average, it is estimated that at least 4-6 workers would be needed to safely hold a 2600kg stone block at rest.

2. What is the weight distribution of the 2600kg stone block?

The weight distribution of the 2600kg stone block refers to how the weight is distributed across the block. This can vary depending on the shape and size of the block. In general, the weight of the block is evenly distributed across its base, with more weight towards the bottom for stability.

3. How strong do the workers need to be to hold the 2600kg stone block?

The strength of the workers needed to hold a 2600kg stone block at rest depends on the weight distribution of the block and the surface on which it is being held. In general, the workers should be able to lift and hold at least half the weight of the block individually.

4. What surface is best for holding a 2600kg stone block at rest?

The best surface for holding a 2600kg stone block at rest is a flat and stable surface, such as a concrete floor. The surface should also be able to support the weight of the block and the workers holding it. If the surface is not stable or strong enough, additional workers or equipment may be needed.

5. Are there any safety precautions that need to be taken when holding a 2600kg stone block at rest?

Yes, there are several safety precautions that should be taken when holding a 2600kg stone block at rest. These include making sure the workers are properly trained and using the correct lifting techniques, wearing appropriate safety gear such as gloves and hard hats, and ensuring the surface is clear and free of any obstacles. It is also important to have a plan in place for emergencies, such as the block slipping or falling.
