Please help me refine a dissertation topic in mathematical logic

In summary, the conversation discusses the individual's interest in writing a dissertation in the field of logic for a philosophy degree. They express their familiarity with various concepts such as First Order Logic, Set Theory, Cantor's Diagonal Argument, and Probability Theory, but also mention their uncertainty in choosing a specific topic. The conversation then delves into a potential topic of comparing probability and fuzzy logic, but the individual expresses hesitation due to the lack of coherence in defining fuzzy logic. The conversation ends with a mention of their viewpoint being aligned with Carnap's paper on Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology.
  • #1
I'm looking to write a dissertation in the field of logic (for a philosophy degree).

I'm deeply interested in logic, but whenever I consider the material beyond my courses it becomes pretty daunting. I'm reasonably familiar with:

*First Order Logic
*Set Theory and ZFC
*Cantor's Diagonal Argument
*Church/Turing Thesis
*Godel / Tarski / Lob limitative results (I find some of this pretty tricky!)
*Probability Theory
*Utility Theory (Von Neumann / Morgenstern etc.)
*Formal Semantics

I would really like to talk about infinity / the continuum / aleph-null; but beyond waxing lyrical about how cool they are, I'm not exactly sure what I'd say.

I don't know whether I'll end up choosing something too hard. Hopefully this isn't too vague a question. Please spare me the 'do what you feel' and 'you should know for yourself' answers.
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  • #2
So, I'm really unclear what exactly you want and how much mathematics you know. I think discussing any of this in a meaningful way would be highly improbable without a reasonable level of mathematical maturity. I also don't know what exactly you wish to do. Do you want to just give a overview on the topic, add new insights or argue for or against something?

Either way, a good place to start with any research is to look at journals that related to your interest. Perhaps the journal of mathematical logic may help or the journal of Symbolic logic.
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  • #3
Don't worry about my maths, my maths is solid.

I'm a 3rd year undergrad logic student, about to go into 4th year. I don't really feel capable of adding new insights, but I don't think any of my peers are in much of a position to do this either.

Arguing for/against would be nice but first I need a topic.

Thanks for your journal recommendations I'm going to chek them out.
  • #4
At what level have you studied probability theory? - from the measure theoretic point of view?
  • #5
Stephen Tashi said:
At what level have you studied probability theory? - from the measure theoretic point of view?

Yes I know what a normalized measure is. I have studied probability from the axioms upwards. Including the philosophical concerns of Baysianism vs. Frequentism.
  • #6
wigglywoogly said:
Yes I know what a normalized measure is. I have studied probability from the axioms upwards. Including the philosophical concerns of Baysianism vs. Frequentism.

An idea I have is to discuss/compare probability and fuzzy logic. Are they compatible? Are they unrelated? What is needed to make them compatible? How easy is translating from one to the other? What would probability's ideal logic look like?

Researching this could be quite interesting.

Actually, I think this won't work because "fuzzy logic" needs to be well defined but there doesn't seem to be much coherence to what I read now about it. One author says this, another says that, to try to bring it together is going to be too much of a task, I think. Here is a quote from the wikipedia page:

Many statisticians are persuaded by the work of Bruno de Finetti that only one kind of mathematical uncertainty is needed and thus fuzzy logic is unnecessary. On the other hand, Bart Kosko argues that probability is a subtheory of fuzzy logic, as probability only handles one kind of uncertainty. He also claims to have proven a derivation of Bayes' theorem from the concept of fuzzy subsethood. Lotfi A. Zadeh argues that fuzzy logic is different in character from probability, and is not a replacement for it. He fuzzified probability to fuzzy probability and also generalized it to what is called possibility theory.

But I was hoping that probability is just probability, there really shouldn't be so many variants. Oh well.
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  • #7
verty said:
An idea I have is to discuss/compare probability and fuzzy logic. Are they compatible? Are they unrelated? What is needed to make them compatible? How easy is translating from one to the other? What would probability's ideal logic look like?

Researching this could be quite interesting.

Actually, I think this won't work because "fuzzy logic" needs to be well defined but there doesn't seem to be much coherence to what I read now about it. One author says this, another says that, to try to bring it together is going to be too much of a task, I think. Here is a quote from the wikipedia page:

But I was hoping that probability is just probability, there really shouldn't be so many variants. Oh well.

Interesting. I did ask one of my logic teachers about this very thing a while back but he seemed to suggest it would be a bit of a dead end.

Comparing 'probability' and 'fuzzy logic' may be a bit of an ill-posed question, in any case.

fuzzy logic is a system of logic, whereas probability is a branch of mathematics that sits on top of whichever system of logic we have used to build arithmatic (Q, Peano, whatever).
  • #8
wigglywoogly said:
Comparing 'probability' and 'fuzzy logic' may be a bit of an ill-posed question, in any case.

fuzzy logic is a system of logic, whereas probability is a branch of mathematics that sits on top of whichever system of logic we have used to build arithmatic (Q, Peano, whatever).

My viewpoint on this is pretty much in line with Carnap's paper: Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology. Let's leave it at that.

FAQ: Please help me refine a dissertation topic in mathematical logic

What is mathematical logic?

Mathematical logic is a branch of mathematics that deals with the formal methods of reasoning and decision making. It involves the study of different mathematical structures and their logical relationships, as well as the development and use of formal systems to express and analyze mathematical concepts and arguments.

How can I refine a dissertation topic in mathematical logic?

There are several ways to refine a dissertation topic in mathematical logic. One approach is to identify a specific problem or area of interest within the field and conduct thorough research to narrow down the topic. Another approach is to consult with a supervisor or mentor who can provide guidance and suggest potential research directions.

What are some common research areas in mathematical logic?

Some common research areas in mathematical logic include model theory, set theory, proof theory, and computability theory. Other topics of interest may include logic and philosophy, logic and computer science, or logic and linguistics.

How can I ensure my dissertation topic is original and significant?

To ensure that your dissertation topic in mathematical logic is original and significant, it is important to conduct a thorough literature review to identify any existing research on the topic. You can also discuss your ideas with colleagues and experts in the field to get feedback and suggestions for improvement. Additionally, it is important to clearly define the significance and potential impact of your research in your dissertation proposal.

Are there any resources or tools that can help me with refining my dissertation topic in mathematical logic?

Yes, there are several resources and tools that can assist you with refining your dissertation topic in mathematical logic. Some helpful resources include academic journals, conferences, and online databases such as the arXiv. Additionally, there are various software tools and programs that can aid in data analysis, proof construction, and other aspects of mathematical research.

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